"Dowry." Ostrovsky A. A play about money, about love, about a troubled soul

Ostrovsky devoted his play “Dowry” to portraying provincial businessmen and nobles who had adapted to the European lifestyle. The drama shows the specific conditions that have developed historically - the product of businessmen of a new formation. Ogudalova Larisa Dmitrievna becomes the center of their interests, her fate does not bother them, they decide her “between things”. The social layer of the society in which the girl lived did not interest her in terms of practicality; her only interest was in love.

Ostrovsky's dowager
Ostrovsky reflects the complex dialectics of life. "Bride" (analysis of the work) indicates the dramatic personality in a cruel society. The triumph of "idols" with a wolf grip amazes with its vulgarity without a drop of shyness.

The main line of the work is the struggle of several men for one girl, and they need her only as a trophy.

Ostrovsky's “Dowry” begins with a game dialogue between Ivan and Gavrila, which gives the reader a clear idea of ​​not only one city, but also the post-reform period of the country as a whole.

Next come the dealers Knurov and Vozhevatov, from the conversation of which it turns out that Larisa was going to marry Karandyshev, a worthless person. The reason for this decision of the girl was the unbearable constant presence in the house of crowds of grooms whom her prudent mother constantly invites.

Ostrovsky dowry analysis
But nobody is attracted to a dowager. Ostrovsky tells the reader about Knurov’s desire to see Larisa as his containment. Following the writer introduces us to the brilliant young gentleman Paratov, who took care of Larisa for about two months, and then disappeared. The girl in love with him is raging and decided to accept the proposal for marriage from the first person she met. It turned out to be a beggar, smug, but painfully loving himself, Karandyshev, whom Larisa is ashamed of.

Ostrovsky is trying to arouse the reader's sense of anxiety with these initial events. “Dowry” (analysis of the play) causes intrigue by the unusual heroine and fear for her fate. The cannon shot, scaring Larisa and announcing the arrival of Sergey Sergeyevich Paratov, intensifies the alarm. Having learned about the upcoming marriage of his former passion, being engaged to “gold mines”, the young man expresses a desire to visit the Ogudalovs.

At a dinner in honor of the engagement of Larisa and Karandyshev, a series of events takes place that contribute to the dramatic continuation of the play. Ostrovsky’s “dowager” talks about how Paratov, who was respectfully initially, turns into an impulsive and proud person who in no way wants to be defeated.

Ostrovsky's dowry
The reception hosted by Karandyshev turns into a farce. The groom gets drunk, everyone makes fun of him, a dowager feels like a laughing stock. Ostrovsky offers the reader a new twist. Paratov is trying to lure Larisa for a walk along the Volga. Guests persuade the girl to sing, Karandyshev, trying to show power over her, categorically prohibits the song. It is his pathetic word “forbid” that becomes fatal, the director of the bridegroom Larisa not only sings, but also runs away with the whole company.

After spending the night with Paratov on the ship, the failed bride finds out that the young man is not free. Knowing about the shameful situation of Larisa, Knurov and Vozhevatov decide her fate by playing the “toss”. The right to own the girl goes to the first, and he offers to become her a generously paid kept woman. She became a thing - understands a dowager. Ostrovsky ends the play tragically - wanting revenge, Karandyshev shot Larisa with a shot. Before dying, she thanks the groom for getting rid of suffering.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33862/

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