Description of the breed Norwegian Forest Cat: nature, interesting facts and reviews

The Norwegian cat is a beautiful domestic animal with soft fluffy hair, which has a developed mind. Animals of this type received all these advantages from their predecessors from the distant past. In America and European countries, the breed is considered one of the most exotic varieties of pets.

general characteristics

The very name “Norwegian Forest Cat” indicates which state is the birthplace of this beast. The cold and harsh climatic conditions of northern nature gave these animals excellent stamina and dense, thick fur that saves even from the most severe frosts and snowstorms.

norwegian cats in winter

In addition, such pets have a well-developed instinct of a forest hunter. Cats have an attractive appearance, and this quality makes Norwegians one of the most popular breeds.

Origin of animals

The name of these pets can often be found in folk traditions and national fairy tales. However, one cannot say for sure when such a species as the Norwegian forest cat came about. Some sources say that these animals traveled with the Vikings. Naturally, the sailors did not spoil the animals too much with food and attention, hoping only to profit from their addiction to hunting. After all, such predators exterminated rodent pests, which often settled on ships. The same property of the Norwegians made them excellent defenders from the plague stick living in the body of rats, mice and humans.

Recognition of breed status

Cats of this species often lived in country houses, but especially loved an independent, half-wild way of life. The conditions in which the animals existed largely determined their external characteristics, habits and disposition.

Norwegian cat walks in nature

In Norway, these pets were at one time quite widespread. However, as a result of World War II, there were very few of them. This species was endangered. However, cat breeding specialists have taken all necessary measures to save the animals. Officially, the Norwegian Forest cat breed was allowed to participate in the exhibition in the seventies of the last century.


These pets can be called quite large representatives of the fauna. The weight of animals is about five to six kilograms, adult cats can reach even eight. The height of the body of such animals is about 40 centimeters. However, many pets seem a little larger than they are, thanks to the presence of rich fur.

animal appearance

The dense hairline is able to protect the forest predator from the winter cold.

Speaking about the Norwegian forest cat, the breed standard, it should be noted that fluffy hair is its main feature. Animal fur consists of two layers. The longer and more rigid tier is richly covered with sebum, as a result of which it has the property of repelling water. As for the short fluff, it serves as a kind of lining, providing an additional obstacle to access the cold. The hairline rarely gets tangled up, like other similar varieties of cats. On the hind limbs, neck and tail of the Norwegian coat is quite long.

According to the breed standard, the color of these pets can be very diverse. For example, two colors are allowed.

The head in shape resembles a triangle, has an elongated shape, the nose is large and quite straight. Its shade should be combined with the color of the fur. The incision is almond-shaped. As a rule, he looks a little slanting. Hue matches the color of the coat. As for the ears, this part of the body of the Norwegian cats is large, with sharp ends, tassels, due to which the animal resembles a trot.

Characteristic features of the breed are also considered long hind limbs and claws, abundant and fluffy hair between the fingers. The lifespan of such pets is approximately 16 years. They grow and develop, as a rule, slowly.

Varieties of shades of fur

Continuing to talk about the Norwegian forest cat and the description of the breed, it is worth emphasizing that the hairline of these pets can have many color options. For example, there are animals with a marble pattern on the skin, stripes. Solid colors are widespread: white, red, reddish, black or gray. According to the national legends of the Norwegian people, the shade of the coat of a predator depends on the part of the state in which its ancestors lived.

Norwegian cat while hunting

Therefore, the color is a kind of “camouflage”, which provides the beast with the opportunity of full-fledged hunting. Pets with black marks on the paws, chocolate and purple tint of fur are not considered purebred.

Features of behavior and character

Norwegian forest cats, as a rule, have a rather quiet voice of a pleasant timbre. They are easily amenable to training, carry out the commands of the owner. By nature, these animals are hunters and love to walk in the wild. Therefore, the best habitat for such predators is a house located in the countryside.

Norwegian kittens are distinguished not only by their beautiful appearance, but also by their kind, friendly character.

Norwegian kittens

They are cheerful, talkative, love to communicate with their owners. Pets love to play with candy wrappers, ropes and ribbons, climb into secluded places, on tall pieces of furniture. About the cat of the breed of the forest Norwegian reviews of the owners are found only positive. People who contain such animals claim that their pets are responsive, loyal to the owner and quite quick-witted. Despite their impressive size, these predators are not at all aggressive. On the contrary, Norwegians like to sleep with their owners, they like to be stroked. However, to unauthorized persons, such as guests, cats take a long look, and exercise caution. Owners of animals claim that they are very smart pets, they are easy to accustom to the tray. In addition, such animals perfectly find a common language with other four-legged friends of a person, as well as with young children.

They can not be given too much time. Norwegians feel quite comfortable when they play on their own. These pets retain a cheerful disposition and mobility until old age. Another positive feature of the animal is the ability to adapt to any conditions.


Those who pay attention to the long and dense fur of a Norwegian forest cat may think that caring for this animal requires a lot of time and effort. This is actually not the case. Combing once a week is quite enough to maintain a good coat. The exception is premium class pets. It is also necessary to remember that during molting it is recommended to pay more attention to animal fur. The hairline of these cats is created by nature in such a way as not to let water through. Therefore, it can be quite bold. Before taking the four-legged pet to the exhibition, it is necessary to wash it thoroughly so that the skin looks neat and does not seem contaminated.

In the description of the breed, the Norwegian forest cat and the reviews of experts and breeders say that you need to bathe the animal with the help of a special shampoo for oily hair. Moreover, this product should be applied to dry fur, and then moisten it well. A little conventional cleanser should also be added. Shampoo for Norwegians is chosen taking into account the characteristics of a particular pet.

You can dry such a cat with a hairdryer and a brush so that no tangles are formed in the hairline.

Proper feeding

These animals, according to the owners, are not too picky in food. They are happy to eat fish, cottage cheese, meat products. However, for representatives of such a breed, a sufficient intake of substances that ensure a good condition of the coat is necessary. Therefore, if the owner feeds such a cat with ordinary food, he is recommended to supplement her diet with vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Premium feeds are an excellent solution for those who care about the body of their pet.

cat and her mistress

After all, the composition of such products includes everything that the animal needs to maintain good health.

Health status

Continuing to talk about Norwegian forest cats, a detailed description of animals, it should be noted that these representatives of the fauna are considered one of the strongest species. However, owners should still regularly bring their pet to the veterinarian for examination and vaccinations. Such pets live quite a long time and at the same time maintain good health. As for diseases, this breed sometimes has genetic metabolic disorders. One of them is associated with impaired glucose processing. It leaves no chance for the young to live. Another pathology is manifested by an insufficient content of red blood cells and is treated with a special diet and supporting medications.

Choosing and buying an animal

There are various nurseries in many cities of Russia, where you can buy such a pet. On the Norwegian forest cat, prices are set different - from ten to twenty thousand rubles. The cost depends on many conditions: age category, gender, coat color, examinations and vaccines. When choosing a place where you can buy a pet, you should pay attention only to well-known nurseries with a good reputation. This is especially true for those owners who plan to attend exhibitions with their cat.

Norwegian cat at the show

Only decent breeders can guarantee the purity of the Norwegian breed and pedigree. Otherwise, there is a risk of buying a hybrid whose appearance will not meet official standards. In general, the owners of these forest cats do not regret that they have chosen just such a species. The complaisant nature and beauty of such pets are their indisputable virtues.


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