Military duty provides ... Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" N 53-FZ of 03/28/1998

What does military duty provide? We will have to figure this out further. A similar topic is of interest to many modern citizens. Law No. 53-FZ of 03/28/1998 will help to understand it. With its help, it will be possible to understand what is at stake, as well as what provides for the duty of the military. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. And almost every modern citizen is more or less familiar with the topic being studied. It is especially important for the male half of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation.

military duty provides


Fulfillment of military service duties in Russia does not extend to all people living in the country. Under current law, such liability is not imposed on the following persons:

  • foreigners;
  • stateless persons;
  • children.

That is, citizens of the Russian Federation who have come out of childhood may be faced with military duty. It is provided for men. Women serve at will and are subject to military registration only upon receipt of specialties inherent in the military.

Implementation methods

And how exactly is the implementation of responsibilities?

Ideally, under current laws, military duty provides for:

  • military registration of all persons liable for military service;
  • preparing the population for service;
  • military service ;
  • being in stock;
  • call for military training and their direct passage.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Persons covered by military duty must be registered with the military registration and enlistment office, arrive at the medical examinations and fees received, serve in the army for a certain time, and also go to defend the homeland in wartime. And what happens in peace periods? Then a person after serving in the army is retired, and simply is registered with the military commissariat at the place of registration.

federal law on military duty and military service

Legislative framework

The legal basis of military duty in Russia are:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • the law "On Military Duty";
  • legal acts and regulations of a regional type in the field of defense, military duty, military service;
  • acts on the status of military personnel;
  • international treaties of the Russian Federation.

In all of these documents you can find useful information about military duty. As a rule, most often citizens turn to the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service". It published the most complete data on the topic under study. As a rule, the Constitution of the Russian Federation only stipulates that the population is obliged to protect their country and comply with applicable laws.

Military age

Military duty provides for compulsory registration in the military enlistment office of all persons liable for military service, as well as military service. These procedures are carried out in certain periods of time.

There is such a thing as draft age in Russia. People who reach it are subject to compulsory service in the Armed Forces of the country. The draft is considered the age from 18 to 27 years. At 28, a person can no longer be taken into the army.

military service

About registration

But that is not all. Citizens must register with the draft board before the draft age. As a rule, this is done in advance - in the 10-11 grade of the school (16-18 years). Then the boys first pass the first military training camp. More precisely, they are taught the basics of military service.

To register with the military registration and enlistment office (primary), you need to bring:

  • passport;
  • document indicating registration;
  • photos (3x4).

This will be enough. After registration with the military registration and enlistment office, a citizen will be given a special book of a draftee, a certificate of the established form. After serving in the army, a man will exchange it for a military ID. Without this paper, it will be difficult for a man to get a job, and some areas of activity will be forever closed to him.

About Service

Fulfillment of military service duties, as a rule, boils down to draft in the army and to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This is a legal phenomenon. Under current law, the duties of citizens of the Russian Federation include mandatory service. It happens:

  • urgent;
  • contracted.

Usually, people are faced with an urgent appeal - a person receives a summons, after which the training, medical board and distribution of draftees in military units are held. Such a service in modern Russia lasts 12 months. After this, the person is discharged into the reserve.

The contractual framework is an alternative to urgent appeal. Each citizen can conclude a contract with a military unit for service. As a rule, the period of such an agreement is from 2 to 5 years. In exceptional cases - 1.5 years. A man voluntarily goes to serve, he is paid money for it, seniority is accrued. This is a great alternative to urgent appeal. Although in practice, "conscripts" serve in the army less. Therefore, so far this type of performance of military service duties is not in special demand.

military duty of citizens of the russian federation

Contract service can be performed by both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign persons.

Call algorithm

A few words about how the draft in the army occurs. Not everyone understands what will await persons of military age.

It happens as follows:

  1. The person first gets registered with the military registration and enlistment office and receives a draftee certificate.
  2. After reaching adulthood, the first summons is sent to the citizen - for the appearance at the medical board. This document should be handed personally to the conscript in the hands of a signature.
  3. There is a gathering of people of draft age and a medical examination is organized.
  4. After examination by specialists, citizens are assigned one or another category of suitability. It depends on her where the conscript will be sent to the service.
  5. A citizen goes home.
  6. At a certain time, a second agenda comes to a person - for distribution in parts.

Accordingly, then a citizen is drafted into the army. And after he serves, they issue a military ID. Nothing difficult or incomprehensible. The main thing to remember is that evading military service is a criminal offense, violation of the law of the country.

What is considered duty

The Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" clearly indicates that citizens are considered military liable (and performing their duty), far from being only in the army. And when else?

The military personnel perform their duties in the following cases:

  • performance of tasks in the conditions of emergency and martial law;
  • participation in hostilities;
  • performance of official duties;
  • stay on alert;
  • service in the garrisons;
  • combat service;
  • participation in campaigns and ship exercises;
  • execution of orders given by the chief (commander);
  • periods of stay on business trips;
  • following to places of treatment and back;
  • stay on treatment;
  • stay in the military unit during and after service time, if the situation requires it;
  • period of travel to the duty station (and vice versa);
  • military training time;
  • being held captive, as a hostage, interned;
  • unknown absence - until the recognition of the dead or missing;
  • moments of protection of honor, health and dignity of a person;
  • assistance to the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as to other authorities for the protection and protection of the population;
  • participation in the prevention or elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, catastrophes, accidents.

Of course, periods of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are also included in the direct fulfillment of the military duty of citizens of the Russian Federation. It doesn’t matter exactly how a person joined the army - on a contract basis or on a basic urgent appeal.

which provides for military duty during the mobilization period

Exemption right

As we have already said, military duty provides for military registration of all those liable for military service. Nevertheless, not everyone has to serve in the army. Under certain circumstances, a person may be granted a deferment or completely relieved of the obligation to perform military service. In practice, immediate delays are most common. Fully military duties do not remove such acts.

Who should you not serve? These persons include:

  • scientists;
  • employees of public service sectors;
  • sons / brothers who died or were injured in the performance of military duties.

It also includes citizens who are deemed unfit for military service due to health reasons. Nobody should be more directly exempted from the draft in full measure. Exceptions are sometimes made by large families, but more and more often the fact of raising several children is not a reason to evade conscription.


But under certain circumstances a person may be given a deferment from service. Maximum - for a year. After that, the conscript again goes to the military commissariat, where a further decision is made regarding military service β€” either the person is called up or the deferral is given again. Thus, sometimes people do not serve thanks to a similar right. There is nothing legal about this.

military duty of citizens provides for a stay in stock

Military duty provides for conscription into the Armed Forces. But you can free from it:

  • people studying in vocational schools, schools and universities;
  • graduate students;
  • persons with the category "temporarily unsuitable";
  • if a person is caring for a needy relative on an ongoing basis (provided that another citizen cannot do this);
  • guardians and trustees of siblings;
  • single fathers;
  • persons with 2 or more children;
  • if there is a disabled child under the age of 3 years;
  • people with children and wives, provided that the spouse has a pregnancy (not less than 26 weeks for a period);
  • staying in the status of deputies;
  • registered as candidates to state authorities and self-government bodies.

It follows that some diseases and the status of a large family help to get a respite. The main thing is that the circumstances listed are not fictitious. Otherwise, the person faces severe punishment - up to 2 years in prison with the initiation of a criminal case.

Mobilization and Responsibilities

What does military duty provide for during mobilization and wartime? By law, this is:

  • military training;
  • passage of service;
  • conscription to military service for mobilization or in connection with martial law.

As in the previous case, those unfit for service are usually not called up. This is a normal, completely legal phenomenon.


The military duty of citizens provides for a stay in the reserve. The period of stay in the status of "reserve" depends on the military rank. As a rule, retirement occurs at the age of 60-65 years.

During his stay as a "reserve" a citizen is obliged:

  • to be deregistered for a long absence in the Russian Federation;
  • notify the military registration and enlistment office about changes of a personal nature (marital status, full name);
  • to be deregistered when changing a place of residence;
  • independently register with the military commissariat at the place of new registration;
  • to stay at military training on the agenda.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the fact that evading military training is only an administrative violation. For failure to appear, a person faces a fine of 100 to 500 rubles.

military duty provides for military registration

We found out what military service in the Russian Federation provides for. And we also managed to get acquainted with the main nuances of the performance of the duty of a serviceman. Knowing all these points, you can defend your rights during the call.


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