The most beautiful breeds of cats: description and reviews. Ragdoll. American Shorthair cat. Selkirk Rex. Munchkin

Cats are amazing creatures that make our life brighter and more interesting. Some of them were bred as a result of the painstaking work of breeders, others appeared due to an accidental mutation. Because they are very different from each other in appearance and character. All of them are attractive in their own way and can compete for the right to be called the most beautiful cats. A description of the breeds applying for this title will be presented in today's material.


The first mention of this American breed dates back to the 30s of the XIX century. Her ancestress is considered a short-legged cat named Blackberry, found by the inhabitants of Louisiana. It received official recognition in 1991 and quickly spread throughout the world.

the most beautiful breeds of cats

Munchkin cats are distinguished by their unusual appearance and dwarf size. The height of the adult does not exceed 16 cm, and the mass varies between 2-4 kg. On a wide, wedge-shaped, smoothly outlined head with a flat forehead and a rounded nape, there are expressive almond-shaped eyes and high-set ears. The stretched, squat body is covered with silky short or long hair of almost any color. Of particular value to breeders are chocolate and marble individuals.

Munchkin is a breed endowed not only with a funny appearance, but also with a wonderful character. These affectionate, contact and playful creatures get along well with other pets. They are extremely calm, sociable and completely unforgettable. They are very tactful and unobtrusive, but at the same time, enjoy basking in the lap of the owner.

Canadian Sphinx

Bald cats resembling representatives of this breed lived even before the ancient Aztecs. But over time, they almost completely disappeared. According to the official version, the ancestor of modern sphinxes was an ordinary domestic cat that gave birth to several hairless babies, one of whom was named Prut. Subsequently, he was tied up with his own mother. As a result of this, a whole litter of hairless cubs was born.

The Canadian Sphynx is a hairless cat with an exotic appearance and weighing between 3.5-7 kg. On a rounded wedge-shaped head with a short muzzle there are huge, wide-set ears and expressive, slightly slanting eyes. A graceful, muscular body with a massive chest and a thin long tail is covered with velvety skin, on which there is no hair at all.

Canadian sphinxes are affectionate, unpretentious and absolutely non-conflict animals, perfectly adapted for keeping in city apartments. they love comfort and love being warm. In addition to the unusual appearance, which gives them a resemblance to aliens, representatives of this breed are endowed with high intelligence. They are very curious and very clean. They quickly learn to walk on the tray and do not crap in inappropriate places. Caring for these unearthly creatures comes down to regular rubbing of the skin, cleaning the ears and cutting the claws.


This breed appeared in one of the American states in the 60s of the XX century. According to one version, it was bred by crossing Burma and Angora. According to another, no less plausible theory, among its ancestors there are long-haired Persians.

munchkin breed

Ragdoll is a cat that is quite large in size. Depending on gender, the weight of an adult is from 7 to 10 kg. On a rounded head with a wide nose and chubby cheeks there are neat ears and large oval eyes. The massive, stretched body with well-muscled muscular chest is covered with fluffy long hair of chocolate, blue, lilac, two-tone or Siamese color.

Ragdolls are cats endowed with a calm, friendly disposition and high intelligence. They are naturally inherent in some laziness and unhurriedness. They are very accommodating, contact and accommodating. These fluffy beauties quickly become attached to their owners and do not tolerate long separation. Often left alone cats begin to feel sad and grow fat. Ragdolls are completely non-aggressive and perfectly suited as a pet for children. They are endowed with a soft, almost inaudible voice and high sensitivity to loud screams.

American curl

The birthplace of these unusual applicants for the right to be called the most beautiful breed of cats is the provincial town of Lakewood, located in California. The Ruga family that lived there sheltered a pretty creature with ears turned outwards. It is this unique cat named Sulamith that became the progenitor of the new breed.

sphynx hairless cat

Curl is a small cat weighing in the range of 3-5 kg. On a proportional, smoothly outlined head, the shape of which resembles a wedge, there are nut-shaped eyes and wide ears turned outward. A graceful, harmoniously developed body is covered with soft, silky hair of a plain, bicolor or spotty color.

Representatives of the American Curl breed are considered to be educated, intelligent animals, endowed with a lively mind and active temperament. They quickly get used to their masters and do not tolerate forced separation. These cats are incredibly agile, playful and perky. They preserve children's immediacy and injustice until old age. They get along well with children and often become the best companions in games and pranks.

Scottish Longhair

This is one of the most beautiful breeds of cats was obtained relatively recently. In a nursery specializing in breeding standard Scots, furry babies were born. Breeders considered long wool to be a defect and did not attach much importance to it. Over time, more and more such animals began to appear in the breed, as a result of which they had to be recognized as a separate breed.

The Scottish long-haired cat as a whole resembles its standard counterparts. Depending on the sex, its weight varies between 3.5-5 kg, therefore it is difficult to attribute it to large breeds. On a large rounded head with full cheeks and a strong chin there are huge amber eyes and erect or hanging ears. Massive, body with developed muscles and moderately long tail is covered with fluffy hair of tortoiseshell, blue, black, purple or red color. Also, bicolor or ticked individuals are not uncommon in the breed.

Scottish longhair endowed with a patient, complaisant and good-natured character. They do not tolerate loneliness and quickly become attached to their owners. These peace-loving fluffy beauties subtly feel the change in the owner's mood and get along with other pets without problems. Even a teenager can easily cope with them. It comes down to regular combing of hair, cutting nails, brushing ears and teeth. A cat needs to be bathed no more than twice a year or in case of severe pollution. It is important to remember that a groomed pet will quickly lose its visual appeal, and its luxurious coat will begin to get confused.

Mekong Bobtail

With these unusual immigrants from Thailand, many legends are associated. According to the most common of them, representatives of one of the most beautiful breeds of cats guarded the treasures of Thai princesses and accompanied their noble hostesses on walks. According to legend, jewels were hung on their tails. As for the origin, they have common roots with Siamese and Thai cats. They arrived in Europe at the end of the 19th century and quickly gained well-deserved popularity.

cat ragdoll

Mekong Bobtail is a cat weighing in the range of 2.5-4 kg. On a beautiful, smoothly outlined head with a pronounced chin and a strong lower jaw there are small, widely set ears with rounded tips and slanting blue eyes. A graceful body with developed muscles and a curved back is covered with short smooth coat of Siamese or point color. The main distinguishing feature of these animals is a short tail, consisting of three vertebrae.

In addition to an interesting appearance, the Mekong Bobtail is endowed with a very unusual character. By the style of behavior, it more closely resembles not a cat, but a dog. He is very agile, active and able to learn simple tricks. And one of the most favorite activities of such a cat is playing with a ball.


The homeland of these miniature animals is considered South Asia. There they lived in gutters and ditches, without attracting much attention from breeders. A rapidly growing population was threatened with destruction by local authorities and an American by the name of Meadow saved her from extinction. He became seriously interested in these creatures and brought several individuals to the United States. From that moment, work began on the development of a new breed that received official recognition in 1984.

American Curl

The Singapore cat weighs only 2-3 kg, which is why it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. On a rounded head with a neat face and a slightly blunt nose, there are large ears and huge slanting eyes of a green or yellow hue. The proportional, athletically shaped body is covered with short soft hair of brown-sable or golden cream color.

Singapore is a gentle, friendly creature, not prone to aggression. They are rather shy and cannot stand quarrels. These predictable animals are not capable of all sorts of tricks and are very sensitive to a change in the owner's mood. They adore children and get along well with different domestic animals, such as dogs, parrots and even hamsters.

Selkirk Rex

The ancestor of this breed is a cat named Miss de Pesto, who was born in the Sheridan cattery. She possessed an extraordinary curly fur of a creamy-white-bluish hue. Subsequently, she was mated with a black Persian and gave birth to six kittens, three of which inherited curly hair. Exotics and British Shorthair took part in the further formation of the breed.

cat mekong bobtail

These animals are relatively large in size. Depending on gender, the weight of an adult is 5-8 kg. On the rounded head of a typical cat of the Selkirk-Rex breed, there are ears wide at the base and expressive far-set eyes. The proportional muscular body is covered with long curly or short plush hair of different colors. Most often among them there are chocolate, lilac, striped, two-and three-colored individuals.

Selkirk-Rex - silent, calm animals, infinitely loyal to their owners. They successfully combine the playfulness, softness and ease inherent in the breeds that participated in their formation. They are not prone to aggression and are not afraid of strangers.

Bengal cats

The history of the creation of this breed began in 1961. It was then that an American named Jane Mill acquired an Asian leopard cat called Malaysia. A few years later she gave birth to offspring, whose father was an ordinary shorthair cat. The result of painstaking breeding work, which lasted almost three decades, was a new breed, known as Bengal.

These animals are relatively large in size. The average adult weight is within 8 kg. On the proportional wedge-shaped head with a wide nose, powerful jaws and a straight profile, there are huge oval eyes and neat ears. The main distinguishing feature of Bengal cats is a narrow tail, whose length reaches 28 cm. A short, flexible body with well-developed muscles is covered with smooth shiny hair of golden, orange, brown, yellowish or silver color with dark or light markings forming a marble, spotted or rosette pattern. .

Bengals are very smart and cunning cats that require careful handling. They have dormant wild instincts that can activate at the most inopportune moment. They are good at training and quickly accustom to cleanliness. It should also be remembered that representatives of this breed can not be left unattended for a long time. A bored cat can easily destroy an apartment.

American shorthair

The ancestors of these animals came to the United States from Europe and were used to catch rodents. However, the popularization of exhibitions at which not only purebred, but also working individuals were demonstrated, led to increased interest in the American Shorthair. In 1986, it was officially recognized by the CFA and the breeders began to work to consolidate the basic qualities of the new breed.

scottish longhair cat

The American Shorthair cat, the description of which is difficult to squeeze into several compressed paragraphs, is distinguished by its relatively large size. Depending on gender, the weight of an adult is 5-7 kg. On a large head with a moderately convex forehead, a square muzzle, strong jaws and a smooth foot, there are bright round eyes of a copper, golden, green or blue hue. A flexible, muscular body with a developed chest and a wide, even back is covered with short dense hair of almost any color.

These calm and balanced cats are well adapted to the content in urban apartments. They do not require special care and tolerate loneliness well. Unlike their wild counterparts, American Shorthair are not prone to damage to household property and are unlikely to climb curtains or jump on cabinets. They are characterized by independence, self-sufficiency and ease. Therefore, they will not bother the owners, insistently demanding attention. At the same time, they are quite sociable and will gladly accept the offer to play.

Owner reviews

Of course, each owner considers his four-legged pet deserving the highest titles, ranks and awards. Therefore, the above list of the most beautiful breeds of cats is very conditional. It presents very different and unlike each other animals. Large and small, fluffy and completely bald, snub-nosed and even short-tailed individuals came here.

All of them deserve the highest praise, as evidenced by the reviews of the owners. According to the majority of people in whose houses the representatives of the breeds considered above live, each of them is good in its own way and has every right to be considered the most-most.


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