Gold stones - overview, features and jewelry

One of the fantastic and amazing creations of nature are gems. Since the most ancient times, they have attracted attention and fascinate people. Pendants, brooches, earrings, rings, bracelets with precious and semiprecious stones, natural and artificially grown in the laboratory are different. But still, they invariably focus on the owner and emphasize his beauty and personality. Choosing jewelry for yourself, you need to navigate how to combine them, look after and on which instance it is better to choose.

What are the stones for jewelry?

Natural stones are considered an amazing natural creation. Saturation of gems captivates and captivates. And gold earrings with stones perfectly complement the look of any beauty.

Jewelry Stones

There is a systematization consisting of three categories: precious minerals, semiprecious nuggets and ornamental rocks.

Gems are unique and rare, they are magnificent. Most of them are made artificially. They rightfully belong to bright zircons, mysterious emeralds, magnificent diamonds, mystical rubies, harmonious sapphires, air topazes.

Semi-precious stones, as a rule, are considered to be those that are considered expensive gems, but in quality they are slightly different from valuable ones. The variety of textures and colors significantly complicates their grouping. In addition, some representatives, which are unique and have a large weight and size, are often equated to precious in value. Initially not possessing a special brilliance, having passed the polishing procedure, they acquire a special charm and are not inferior to sapphires and emeralds.

Semiprecious stones include: onyx, rock crystal, garnet, emerald tourmaline, turquoise, aventurine, pink and smoky quartz.

Ornamental stones include mostly opaque minerals, rocks, or organic combinations. Such pebbles do not have a spectacular radiance, but with a standing cut, there is every chance to compete with precious crystals. Among the ornamental ones, it is possible to note: jades, sodalites, lapis lazuli, vesuvians, malachites, jasper.

Combination of stones with alloys

Valuable minerals are used as an independent base, and are also used in compositions. Such combinations are not always successful. Certain stones can highlight the originality and radiance of the frame, while others, on the contrary, make it dull and not interesting.

  • Gold. This metal has not lost its relevance for many centuries. Currently, there is an increase in the popularity of products made from traditional yellow gold. It should be noted that jewelry in pink (red gold) also remains in trend. For inlaid in the noble metal of warm colors, it is better to choose such stones as: chrysolites, yellowish diamonds, corundums (colorless or translucent warm golden stones). Pebbles that are very bright in color are not recommended to be combined with lemon gold.
The combination of stones with gold
  • Silver. This is an inexpensive alloy, however, jewelry made of it looks fashionable and elegant. In addition, he is often assigned medicinal qualities. Pebbles compatible with silver: jade, chrysoprase, morion, emerald, onyx, agate, rauchtopaz. Silver is in perfect harmony with colorful, impenetrable and translucent pebbles. The best combination with a gentle shine of the alloy is stones of intensely azure, lilac, herbal flowers.
  • Platinum. Durable metal that has a gray tone and discreet shine. It is combined with different stones, mainly with precious ones. The perfect transparency of diamonds will fit such a frame as correctly as possible. This metal is often combined with amethysts and sapphires. Pebbles of blue and lilac flowers look great on a cool background of platinum.

The only priceless stone that perfectly suits each of the mentioned metals is pearl. Due to the huge number of species and a rich palette of colors, pearls will fit perfectly into almost any piece of jewelry.

The right combination of jewelry

In order to create the right image, you need to understand how to combine them with each other. If an error is made, then there is a great risk of looking unnatural and even funny.

Etiquette rules state that the older the lady, the more expensive and large stones she can afford. Massive jewelry - emeralds, sapphires, rubies, diamonds, gold stone (topaz) - the privilege of women of age. Young women under the age of 20 are not recommended to wear weighty, massive jewelry, and in addition, products with diamonds. The best decoration can be several strings of small pearls, corals, azure.

The combination of jewelry with blue eyes

You can choose a combination of stones in jewelry for your own type or eye tone.

If you need to highlight the charm and tone of your eyes:

  • to blue - gold earrings with stones of azure and blue shades, as well as yellowish and orange variations;
  • to karim - amber, jasper, carnelian, a greenish and lilac palette is perfect;
  • to black - pomegranate or black amber.
  • to green - turquoise, malachite, laurel.

By type of appearance:

  • for the winter type - amethyst, sapphire, crystal, aquamarine, agate, diamond, mountain jade, emerald, onyx, jasper, ruby;
  • for spring - gold stones topaz, turquoise, sapphire;
  • for the summer - opal, ruby, jasper, pomegranate, aquamarine, pearls, jade.

When choosing jewelry with stones, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of integrity. Components must have a certain common feature in order not to conflict in the framework of one image. They should be in harmony by color, shape or type of cut.

2018 jewelry fashion trends

This year's fashion interprets excessiveness and excessive idleness:

  • long earrings;
  • with logos;
  • rock - frightening blades or pins;
  • brass knuckles rings;
  • jewelry on the ankles;
  • large rings with minerals.

The color of the year is ultraviolet. The stones of the year are amethyst, tanzanite, sapphire, pomegranate. The most common images are courageous combinations inspired by the times of the Renaissance.

How to choose jewelry?

In expensive and exclusive products, the brand and the work of a jeweler can often make up most of the cost. The main suppliers of precious stones today: the Russian Federation, South Africa, Botswana, Angola, Namibia, Congo and Australia. Without certificates, stones will be inexpensive. But it is important to remember that if the product is disagreeable or does not fit, then sellers may refuse to return it, moreover, on legal grounds.

How to choose stones for jewelry

Often, even inexpensive stones in a gold ring look amazing. Jewelers find it difficult to provide a clear answer, what distinguishes valuable stones from semiprecious, for this reason, a conditional separation has been established: valuable ones are diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies, and everything else is semiprecious. If the natural origin of the mineral is important to you, then it is more correct to purchase it yourself or choose in the workshop. When choosing, you should keep in mind:

  • Diamonds have a pronounced tone or are completely devoid of it. Pink shades are considered the most unique. The weight of the stone is measured in carats, 1 carat = 0.2 g.
  • When acquiring an emerald, it is important to pay attention to the tone, the cleaner and more colorful it is, the more valuable the instance.
  • The best rubies are pure scarlet flowers, without brown or blue hues.
  • The price of sapphire decreases, if black notes are present in the stone, valuable ones have bright colors.

Many semiprecious pebbles (for example, tanzanite) are even less common in nature than valuable ones. But experts do not recommend buying them, since over time, semiprecious stones, unlike valuable ones, do not go up in price, but become cheaper.

How to care for stones?

To clean expensive women's gold rings with stones and other jewelry is better in the workshop. There are different cleaning methods:

  • ultrasonic baths using specialized cleaning solutions, but they are not suitable for all products;
  • the use of special cosmetics;
  • folk methods - you can clean with an ordinary shampoo.
Gold jewelry with stones

Products with hard to reach areas can be cleaned with a gentle toothbrush.

Where to buy gold jewelry with stones?

Before buying gold earrings with stones or a ring, you can get around a lot of different salons and boutiques with jewelry in search of the right option.

Where to buy jewelry with stones

Here is a short list of tried and trusted suppliers:

  • โ€œRussian gemsโ€ - the company sells its own products throughout the Russian Federation;
  • Diamonds Are Forever - view the online catalog of diamonds with diamonds and other precious stones on the official website;
  • "Yakut diamonds" - each item is made with addiction and warmed by the warmth of the hands of miners, cutters, artists, jewelers;
  • Moscow Jewelry Factory (MUZ) - a major manufacturer of jewelry with diamonds;
  • SUNLIGHT is the main office in the capital, but boutiques can be found throughout the Russian Federation;
  • Valtera - here you can get great bonuses;
  • TOUS - a globally recognized jewelry brand ;
  • Thomas Sabo - a modern approach to the manufacture of jewelry;
  • Pandora is a unique patented system.

Today, you can order the manufacture of jewelry with precious stones not only in salons and a jewelry workshop, but also on the Internet. In addition, it is possible to make an express assessment and get recommendations for masters and lovers.

10 interesting facts

  1. Ancient people believed that pearls came from the morning dew, which was formed from the tears of the goddesses of love.
  2. Color has a great influence on the properties of a valuable mineral, only a competent jeweler will be able to assess its color and determine the price.
  3. Pinkish topaz is considered the most unique variety of this mineral. Directly for this reason, this mineral is faked very often.
  4. Amethyst is the official gem of Ontario.
  5. In order to get an emerald of one carat, more than 20 tons of soil should be processed.
  6. A diamond completely consists of only one chemical component - carbon.
  7. The number of pearls in one shell of a freshwater mollusk can reach several tens.
  8. The best, most attractive, large and famous diamond is the Golden Jubilee. Formed from discovered in the mid-80s. 19th century diamond in the southern African continent weighing 755.5 carats. After cutting, it began to weigh 545.67 carats.
  9. Each year, more than 10 types of the latest minerals are discovered.
  10. A true emerald is more valuable than a diamond.

Jewelry Horoscope

Despite the fact that many consider this to be common prejudice, minerals actually enhance the health of their owners.

Jewelry with stones, horoscope

For this reason, the stones in accordance with the zodiac sign must be selected correctly:

  • Aries - green diamond, pomegranate, lilac amethyst, zircon, red jasper.
  • Gemini - moonstones, pearls; men - gold rings with stones (alexandrites, beryl).
  • Cancer - pearls, amethysts, moonstones, onyx, black agates.
  • Leo - pomegranate, topaz, ruby, amber.
  • Virgo - pearls, agates, emeralds, jades, sapphires.
  • Libra - malachite, amethyst, opal, tourmaline.
  • Scorpio - turquoise, coral, sardonyx, beryl, topaz, emeralds, blood, black opal.
  • Sagittarius - tiger's eye, amethysts, agates, turquoise, opals, chrysolite gold stones.
  • Capricorn - topazes, rock crystal, carnelian, agate, onyx, flint, alexandrite.
  • Aquarius - pearls, jades, amber, sapphires.
  • Fish - amethysts, aquamarines.

Both ancient and modern astrologers claim that the effect of stones on the fate and health of a person is determined by the location of the constellations of the zodiac and planets. And those gold jewelry with stones that are combined with the symbol under which a person was born are considered more suitable.


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