Surzhevskaya Marina: the most popular books by the author

The author of adventure science fiction novels, Surzhevskaya Marina writes of herself like this: “I love black humor and murders. The scenes of violence in books amuse me, all my characters are scum, and it improves my sleep, appetite and restores the balance of power. So everyone who loves snot and tears in novels - pass by. " This is the most epic description of the works of Marina, and it remains only to add that the time has come for a brief acquaintance with the most famous books.

"I draw you"

Already from the foreword, the book is exciting. It seems that you can plunge into a fantasy world where happiness rules everything. That would be so if the main character, a tender and sophisticated princess, would not be captured. Her passionate feelings took hold and it remains to figure out where the truth is and where is the lie, and how to return to the true universe.

The book intertwines scenes of struggle, the world of dragons and magic, but the most important thing is love. She will save everyone. The images of the main characters are expressed very dynamically. But the most beautiful, according to readers, is an amazing fairy-tale world. It is described in such detail that there is no doubt about its real existence. The protagonist at first seems such a quiet "greenhouse flower" grown by caring parents. But under the delicate skin hides a brave and brave heart. You can read the book "I draw you" an infinite number of times, and always find something new. Thanks to the subtle interweaving of modern realities in a fantasy world, this book will always remain relevant.

Surzhevskaya Marina

"Wind of the North"

Quite popular among fans of fantasy author Marina Surzhevskaya. "Wind of the North" - one of the most popular books, published in three parts. The first is called Riverstein. This is a story about an orphan girl who tragically lost her memory and does not remember anything from the past. Riverstein is the name of the shelter where the young lady got. There she becomes an enlightener, who will defeat the forces of darkness. And precisely at this moment, the curtains of the past are opened before the main character. Now her life has changed forever.

The first part has a lot of unfinished images, and readers eagerly awaited the release of the second - "Edge of Shadows." Now that the main character knows about her past, she needs to get to Grani, where the powerful source of the Dark Force comes from, and save her friend Xenia.

And the last, final book of the trilogy is The Tree of Life. Chaos has come in the world. The Dark Forces gained the ability to absorb everything in their path and turn vital energy into dead darkness. Will the Source of Strength be returned? Will the main character again see her beloved Riverstein?

i draw you

Series of books "Reflection is not me"

One of the author’s most powerful books is The Reflection Is Not Me. Spark. This is the first part of a two-volume series. First of all, the reader gets acquainted with the world in which Light and Darkness are reflected. This happens once every hundred years and manifests itself as an embodiment in the human body. The reflection should disappear in one day, when the Star lights up, and then the balance of forces will be restored. But this does not happen, and the war begins.

The book realistically shows the battle. Let this happen in a fictional world, but if you go back to reality, you can understand how frightening the tragedy of ordinary people is. All heroes are very strong personalities who will have to overcome unimaginable difficulties. The end of the story in the second part of "The Heart of Okharon."

Surzhevskaya marina books

History of the Temple of Remembrance

It would be nice to have a bank in which all our memories would be stored. Now you need to get something, go with the check, present it to the keeper and now - everyone remembered. It is about such a repository that is discussed in the next book, Amber of Other People's Memories. But here it became much more complicated. Someone has entered the Warehouse and can now trade in other people's secrets. And on top of that, a terrible murder of the girl Mary.

This time, the Surzhevskaya Marina did not fail with the plot. Books are simply fascinating and fascinating. They make you plunge into a completely different world, which is so closely intertwined with ours. The book "Amber of Foreign Memories" at first seems completely incomprehensible. What's happening? With whom? And most importantly - where? But starting to slowly unravel a ball of mysteries, everything falls into place. This story is read in one go.

Marina Surzhevskaya wind of the north

"Heather Trails"

Surzhevskaya Marina never ceases to amaze with unusual stories. Do you believe in a witch? If not, then in vain. A great story for you - "Heather Paths".

The narration is in the first person. And it’s not always immediately clear who they are talking about. Residents of nearby villages like to tell horror stories to children. About the old sorceress who lives in rotten swamps, where birds are afraid to fly and wild animals walk. Her appearance will frighten anyone: on the face of the wart, vile mucus from all the evil deeds that she did. Do not go children alone for a walk in the dense forest, she lives there ...

And then it suddenly turns out that the main character is that same terrible sorceress. And it seems to be not so angry already. And what is lurking under her body with horns and a tail? Intrigue in this book abound. And to find out how the story ended, you can only read it to the end.

reflection is not me spark


What else will surprise Surzhevskaya Marina? "Wayne" is a very subtle psychological novel in which the whole essence of man is revealed. Do you think the heroes are too cruel? That they don’t have a heart and are ready to ruthlessly hurt? Or maybe it's worth reading between the lines? And to make out in the harsh faces a thin warm vein of mercy and compassion? These are the main questions that arise when reading the book "Wayne".

The plot is pretty simple. Once upon a time, a young virgin fell in love with a beautiful young man. Seven years have passed, feelings have faded, and are ready to flare up with renewed vigor, but in different bodies - the damned Reborn and ruthless bounty hunter.

amber of other people's memories

"Why Lory Blooms"

Surzhevskaya Marina wrote about herself that she loves rudeness and cruelty in her heroes. But the most monstrous in this regard, the novel can be considered "Why Lori blooms." The work clearly catches and remains in memory for a long time.

First of all, the reader gets acquainted with the world where amazing creatures live - paradise. Once they were revered like goddesses, very loved and cherished. The Ryanians fulfilled their wishes and decided for themselves who and when to give their main symbol - the Lori flower. But once men changed everything. They turned out to be very cruel, and when the time comes to dawn the Lori flower once again, the main character can die. She is trying to figure out why the flower was created and why it means death.

The book is definitely about love. About the bright feelings that arise for those who absolutely do not deserve it. This often happens in life. Women sometimes amaze how faithfully they can love real bastards. However, in all of Surzhevskaya’s books, reality is skillfully transferred to the fantasy world. And it makes you look at her from a completely different perspective.


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