Games in the kitchen - we develop the baby

Any mother spends a certain part of her time in the kitchen. And not everyone can boast that her child can spend hours playing with a designer or cars. Once mom leaves, the baby runs after him. Or pulls her into a room to play together. Do you know this situation? So what kind of activity to come up with for the baby? For these purposes, interesting games in the kitchen are perfect. They will make the cooking process healthy, fun and fun for you two. The following are approximate options. Adapt them for your specific child and situation.

Kitchen games

Games with pots

Give your child pots of varying color and size. From them you can build a tower, and also study the concepts of small, medium, large. Hide an object (toy, spoon) in one of the pots. Give your child the lids of the pots, let him choose the right one for each pot. Pour any cereal into the pan, let the baby sort it out with his fingers, hide toys in it.

Interesting sounds

There are many different sounds in the kitchen, listen to them: the cereal is poured, a spoon is ringing in an empty glass, water is dripping in the tap. Tap on different kitchen items. Learn the concepts deafly, loudly, quietly. Play Guess What Knocks with your child.


games in the kitchen

Great material to study the length, shape. String them on a lace, color. Put the resulting beads on a doll.


All children like fingering cereals. Give the baby different containers so that he pours the groats. You can take plates of different colors. Pour the beans in them, count - which one is the least, which is the most. Plant different animals near the plate, pick them according to their colors: the frog eats from the green plate, because it loves its color, etc. Another option is possible - pour cereal onto a tray and draw on it with your fingers. Older children mix a few cereals - let them play Cinderella - separate one cereal from another.


In such a routine lesson, you can also make an element of the game. Cleaning the kitchen can be an operation to save kitchen furniture from dust.


Give your child two plates, one of which is empty and the other is filled with water. Show your baby how to use a small sponge to transfer fluid from one container to another. Pay attention to the drops and the trickle. Try to launch boats - caps or sponges. On the boats it will be possible to plant sailors - beans, for example. Throw objects into the water, see what sinks, and what pops up. Take juice cans and blow them into the water so that bubbles go. They will amuse your child.

kitchen cleaning games

Speech development

Games in the kitchen will help expand the vocabulary of the crumbs. Look what is around - a cupboard, a table, a chair. Summarize that this is all furniture. Also tell about vegetables, fruits, about where they grow. When naming products, describe them: apple red, round, sweet. List the products starting with the letter "K". What is the purpose of the items: table, intended for food, etc.


Cut various figures from the dough with cookie cutters.


For these purposes, you can use jam, boiled beets. Let the baby draw on a plate with his finger, sponge, cotton swab.

cooking games in the kitchen

We consider

You can count anything: potatoes on a plate, apples in a vase. Give the child instructions: bring two apples, remove three carrots.

Mom's assistant

It is not only games that can captivate a child in the kitchen. Cooking in the kitchen with mom will be a real discovery for him. Let's have simple and understandable tasks: peel boiled eggs or jacket potatoes, decorate the salad with greens or sprinkle it with grated cheese.

In order for games in the kitchen to bring the baby not only fun, but also convenience, get an apron and a small stool for him.


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