Meat puree "Subject": reviews, recommendations, assortment, composition and rules of feeding

Parents of the 21st century are trying to provide the baby with everything necessary. If the needs of the newborn are put to sleep and applied to the breast, then the child older than 6 months needs additional nutrition. Starting complementary foods according to a special scheme proposed by the pediatrician, the mother introduces the child to various products. With growing up, the baby's body needs supplementary feeding and a gradual abandonment of breast milk or a mixture. To ensure balanced nutrition, the line of baby food, presented by dairy products, vegetable and meat purees “Subject”, will help. Testimonials speak of excellent quality and versatility of products. It is available at most retail outlets and has a wide range that appeals to mothers and babies.

How to start complementary foods?

Practice shows that the first acquaintance of a child with ordinary food occurs at the age of 4-6 months. For light-weight children, milk-free cereals are recommended, for all others, vegetable puree. Lure begins with half a teaspoon of a one-component product, bringing the volume to the maximum possible over time. The rules for children of natural and artificial feeding are the same, but with the only difference that babies begin to be fed several months later.

Product sequence

For babies with normal weight gain, the following order of feeding is recommended:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit juices;
  • fruit;
  • milkless porridge;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yolk;
  • Milk porridge;
  • meat;
  • crackers;
  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • bread.

Vegetable oil is added to vegetables, and butter is put in porridge after the child has fully mastered and eats a new product well. Typically, pediatricians are advised to introduce meat, chopping it with vegetable puree. This rule helps many mothers, as evidenced by reviews. Meat puree "Theme" can feed the baby with a spoon. The product does not need mixing and smoothing, because its consistency and taste are well perceived by the baby.


Mashed Vegetables

For special choices, jars with a mixture of meat, vegetables and cereals are produced. Such products occupy a separate niche in baby food and are called meat and vegetable purees.

The trademark "Subject" produces the following products:

  • buckwheat chicken; with zucchini, carrots and rice;
  • beef with rice; with zucchini and rice; with buckwheat; with carrots, rice and broccoli.

The assortment of Meat puree is somewhat wider and includes:

  1. One-component foods: turkey, beef, veal, rabbit.
    Veal puree
  2. A line of two components, the main of which is beef, and additional chicken, liver, tongue or heart.


The most important points for moms who purchase ready-made meals are the correct storage in the store, expiration dates and reliable packaging. So, children's theme meat puree "Theme" is produced in an opaque jar that does not let in sunlight and does not let the product deteriorate for a long time. In addition, the packaging does not break, which is very convenient when shopping with children, laying out goods on a tape and further transportation.

Among the advantages of the product, in comparison with other domestic brands, the democratic price and a wide range of products deserve special attention. Almost any baby can choose the taste of mashed potatoes and diversify its menu with children's canned goods. Some parents even manage to make soup based on the contents of the jar and alternate it with regular meat products. Mashed potatoes are great for traveling long distances or emergency feeding a hungry baby.

Simple mashed potatoes

The manufacturer guarantees the meat content in 100 gram packaging in an amount of at least 60%.

Turkey Puree

The composition of the theme meat puree from one component contains:

  • sunflower oil;
  • water;
  • rice groats.

Nutritional value per 1 jar of product is (fats, proteins, carbohydrates):

  • veal: 8.3 g - 9.9 g - 2.6 g;
  • turkey: 7.2 - 10.6 - 3.7 g;
  • beef: 8.2 - 9.8 - 2.6 g;
  • rabbit: 7.4 - 10.1 -3.7 g.

Energy value in the range from 122 to 125 kcal.

Moms note a delicate texture of veal and turkey, which can not be said about tougher rabbit and beef.

Meat puree "Theme" from one type of meat can be given to children from 6 months, so it has a fresh taste. Since salt in children's products is not universally welcomed, many parents approve of the brand’s salt-free rule. Those mothers who consider it possible to add food to babies usually do not purchase mashed potatoes of this brand. The child, in fact, is absolutely indifferent to the presence or absence of salt. He either likes the product or not. And by what qualities he determines the priority of mashed potatoes, remains a mystery not only for manufacturers, but also for mothers.

Nevertheless, experts note the quality of the product, and parents - the absence of problems with the chair. Therefore, pediatricians are advised to start complementary foods with simple mashed "Subject". Most kids enjoy tasting the product, eating it for a long time, and sometimes refuse homemade mashed potatoes. To avoid this, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. You can not feed a canned baby puree from a jar daily. As the baby grows older, he needs to dilute his table, offering him simple and affordable products of an adult table.
    Adult products
  2. Starting meat lure, do not try to feed the baby a whole jar of mashed potatoes, even if he asks for supplements.
  3. Introducing a new product, add it to a dish already familiar to the baby, for example, to vegetables or porridge.

Beef with chicken

It is worth noting that beef delivers iron and protein to the baby's body, and chicken - amino acids and B vitamins. The product also does not contain starch, salt, dyes and preservatives. The nutritional value and a more saturated content of the components, increased by 25% compared with single-component purees, add not only the taste, but also the usefulness of the Tema meat puree. Reviews of doctors say that there are no complaints among young patients and their mothers about the quality of the product. Children like a mixture of two meat components, and parents are attracted by the inexpensive price and availability of goods.

Mashed potatoes "Chicken with beef"

Experts warn that mashed potatoes can cause problems with the children's stomach in case of improper storage of an opened can. Partially eaten product must be stored in the refrigerator only in a glass container for no more than 24 hours.

Offal beef

The domestic brand also produces more sophisticated versions of Tema meat puree. Reviews for beef with the addition of offal vary greatly. Some people like the contents of the jar, others speak of a too thin consistency that brings the mashed potatoes closer to the soup. Particularly ardent opponents convince consumers of the presence of a large percentage of water. The manufacturer claims that in addition to water, mashed potatoes include beef, beef and pork liver, rice flour. Thanks to the natural components that have undergone special heat treatment, the product is enriched with useful substances such as:

  • vitamins A, E, PP, group B;
  • choline;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • selenium;
  • zinc.
Variety of mashed potatoes

Beef with tongue contains many minerals, and the nutritional value per 100 grams is distributed in this way: proteins and fats 9 grams each, carbohydrates 2.4 grams. The manufacturer positions the mashed potatoes as a completely ready-to-eat product. It is recommended to transfer it to a glass plate, warm it in a water bath, and thoroughly mix the contents before feeding to create a uniform temperature inside and prevent burns in the baby’s mouth.

Reviews on beef and heart meat puree “Theme” deserve special attention. The heart is considered low-calorie offal, and beef is a dietary dish. The product is recommended for overweight children. In addition to the main components in the puree there is sunflower oil, rice flour and water. Due to the heart, the product acquires a unique aroma and leaves the category of fresh meat products for children.

Feeding rules

In order to prevent upset stomach or serious consequences of allergic reactions, pediatricians recommend following a few rules:

  1. Give puree to the sample only to a healthy baby.
  2. The desired meal time is a second feeding.
  3. Start with one-component mashed potatoes in small doses.
  4. The second component is administered after reaching the full rate of meat intake, reducing the concentration of the first product.

So, adhering to simple tips and acquiring high-quality goods of a well-known brand, you can easily introduce your baby to meat variety. Theme puree will not only benefit the baby, but also save the mother’s time and nervous system.


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