Dolls of Elena Lavrentieva: a master class and the secrets of a needlewoman

It turns out that from ordinary women's tights you can create absolutely amazing toys! A craftswoman lives in Ukraine who never ceases to amaze with her works. Meet Elena Lavrentieva. Most needlewomen who are engaged in this type of creativity consider her their godmother. In this article, you will get acquainted with Elena Lavrentieva's doll master classes.

dolls of Elena Lavrentieva master class

About the doll author

In an interview, the needlewoman said that her hobby began after she saw a master class on TV. Dolls of Elena Lavrentieva first saw the world in 2007. It was hard to find a synthetic winterizer then, and she created the first products from cotton and nylon. Naturally, they are not as good as toys from modern materials, but Elena treats them with warmth. A year later, the Internet appeared in the family, and the craftswoman got the opportunity to study master classes in sculpture and stocking techniques and read books on this topic. Favorite book of Elena Lavrentieva - Olga Andrianova "Sculptural Textile".

Elena has been engaged in creativity since 20 years. After the birth of her son, she terribly wanted to paint landscapes with oil paints. She gave her creations to friends and relatives, later the needlewoman was carried away by stained glass painting. Also, the craftswoman made hair clips and panels from the skin. Each type of needlework developed an artistic taste.

The needlewoman draws great. For each product creates a sketch of the doll. Elena Lavrentieva puts the workshops online for free and wants as many people as possible to make these cute toys. According to the master, this lesson cures depression and helps to overcome other diseases.

Master class: dolls from kapron Elena Lavrentieva - “A front sight with a coin”

In this part of the article you will learn how to create a fly with a pretty penny for good luck. This is the author’s development of Elena Lavrentieva. When copying, do not forget to indicate authorship. By the way, the needlewoman herself is not at all opposed to repeating her work, and sometimes she does it herself, but does not forget to indicate the name of the owner of the idea.

For a cozy doll you will need:

  • boiled kapron tights (20–40 den);
  • black lurex tights;
  • green tights (60-80 den);
  • standard synthetic winterizer (150–250 g / m2);
  • reinforced thread (35 LL);
  • pins
  • needle for dolls;
  • cosmetic blush and shadows or dry pastels;
  • hair fixation spray;
  • brown yarn;
  • liquid pearls (dark brown color);
  • clear nail polish;
  • glue gun;
  • aluminum or copper wire 1.5-2 mm;
  • thin wire for antennae (0.5-1 mm);
  • pliers;
  • eyes (12-15 mm);
  • felting needle ;
  • felting tape;
  • awl;
  • glue "Titan";
  • coin;
  • permanent marker;
  • transparent plastic (packaging is possible).

Make the head

Take a synthetic winterizer and separate a thin layer from the general piece. Sintepon, which remained, tear your hands to pieces.

Form a small ball out of it. You will need to put it in an early separated thin layer of material. So you get a blank for the head (radius - 5 cm). Roll up a small ball for the nose (radius - 1.5 cm). Wrap it all with capron. Fasten the fabric from the bottom with a hairpin.

Nose spout

Mark two points on the nose above and below. Fasten the thread from above (without a knot) and sew a little obliquely to point No. 2 below. Return the needle to its original position (to point number 1).

To the left of the nose, mark two more points on the diagonal. From point number 2 to point number 3, lay the thread inside. From point number 3 to point number 4, go with a needle over the product. Mark points 4 and 5 on the right. They should run parallel to 3 and 4. Pull the thread from point 4 inside the head to point 5. Return from this point to point 4. Now pull the thread, so you can mark the cheeks and mouth.

Elena Lavrentieva dolls master classes

We need to make the doll smile. To do this, in the area under the nose, we outline two more points. You can outline the location of the mouth with a pin. Sew through a few stitches and tighten the thread. To form cheeks, stitch the product inside from the area under the nose to the points where the mouth begins. Tighten the thread. The head will take a more defined shape.

Next, we will make the doll a make-up - we will brown the cheeks with cosmetics and fix it with hairspray. The front eye needs to insert eyes, pick up the convex version, as a rule, they come with a thread for screwing. Bite it off with pliers. Glue the eyes.

Take a piece of synthetic winterizer, slightly smaller than the size of the head, and form an egg from it. Cover it with a green capron. It is necessary to outline the round tummy of the fly. To do this, pierce it and sew through it, and then wrap the thread around the abdomen. Put on the lurex nylon stocking from above. Fasten the head and body with thread and glue.

Fasten the hair to the front sight. They will be made of wool. Take a piece 18–20 cm long. Put it on your head along the parting. Tack it with a needle or just sew it through with thread. Fasten the hair on the sides as well. Braid the front of the two pigtails. Cut the bang.

Form four tabs of wire. Wrap them with thick brown yarn. Make them thicker at the base.

To insert the tabs, make holes for them with an awl. Apply liquid pearls to the ends of the paws.

Make wings

Sketch the wings on paper. Take the transparent packaging and use a marker to transfer the image onto its surface. Cut wings. Mark the points of their location and make cuts in this place with nail scissors. Put the “Titan” glue there. Insert the wings and press firmly.

dolls from kapron Elena Lavrentieva master class

Cut a few feathers from the boa and stick them in the area of ​​the front of the neck (this item is optional). For the antennae, you will need two pieces of copper wire, 5 cm long. On the ends, apply a drop of glue from a hot gun. After cooling, color them with brown liquid pearls. In the paws of the fly, give a coin with the number five. She is considered a symbol of prosperity. Here we examined the process of making a toy using the simplest and most accessible example for beginner needlewomen.

Dolls from kapron Elena Lavrentieva

Want to learn the secrets of making wonderful toys? Here is a master class "Doll Popik" Elena Lavrentieva. How to make a head, you now know in the example presented above. We will talk about how to create the buttocks, arms and legs of a toy.


Take a piece of padding polyester and make a ball out of it. Wrap it in a thin layer of the same material. Put on a nylon stocking from above. Lock the end. Trim any excess. Make a seam on the ass, dividing it into two buttocks. The tip of the cropped fabric needs to be carefully hidden in the middle and sewn up. Touch the buttocks with blush.

Workshop from Elena Lavrentieva - hands of popik dolls (author secrets)

To create directly hands you will need:

  • copper wire 1.2–1.4 mm;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • pliers;
  • beige tights.

Make a silhouette (frame) of two hands from wire. The fingers on the ends should be round. Take a synthetic winterizer and wrap each finger. Next, draw the palm itself (a larger part) and the brush. Wrap the second workpiece with the material. After the synthetic winterizer is fixed on the frame, we put a capron on our hands.

doll popik master class Elena Lavrentieva

Advice! For the design of the limbs, it is better to take the upper part of tights (“shorts”). Kapron here, as a rule, is denser than in the area of ​​the legs. Cut the square and wrap the frame with a padding polyester.

Sew the capron in the area of ​​the brush. Trim the excess and hide the edge. Shape your fingers by flashing them with thread.


We continue to analyze the master class from Elena Lavrentieva. The nucleus from kapron we make legs. To do this, make two elongated balls from sintepon. Cover them with a capron. Sew 5 fingers on the legs. Sew each foot through, making a 1-2 cm stitch. Sew together all the parts of the doll with each other.

Elena Lavrentieva Popiki dolls master class

We hope that the presented master classes will be useful to you. Dolls by Elena Lavrentieva are something special.

Elena Lavrentieva Popiki dolls master class hands

After all, as the craftswoman herself says, only from pantyhose can one make such stunning facial folds. Popeye dolls are like buns, create a mood and give home comfort.


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