Application on the theme of "Winter" in the senior group. Abstract of application classes in kindergarten

Magical childhood. Life is never so carefree again, people are affable, and the sun affectionate. Adults, panting like squirrels in a wheel, in a daily web of urgent matters sometimes look with envy at the kids who are desperately fighting for freedom from the kindergarten, where they feed tastelessly, make them sleep, and the little hooligans take away toys.

Nevertheless, leave the child at home - and the cartoons will bore him, and his mother is about to begin a nervous tic; and grandmother runs the risk of growing spoiled wickedness. Yes, and the baby will soon begin to miss friends and interesting activities: outdoor games and requiring perseverance in drawing and modeling.

applique on the theme of winter in the senior group

One of the most interesting activities for children is application. She really teaches you to sit still, not be distracted by extraneous matters, properly handle materials and tools. If your child is not very fond of drawing, then a much faster and more efficient application will appeal to him. Educators know that a card in this design is the best gift for a child from a middle or senior group. An abstract of the lesson on the application will be given in this article.

Cut, glue and more. Types of Applications

So, this type of activity perfectly develops fine motor skills and creative thinking. He can give a lot of ideas, although for many, the application is colored paper and glue. The possibilities of materials are diverse.

So, the classic option is to use only paper. Pretty simple, but no less useful. In this case, the picture can be quite voluminous: for example, you can take a snowflake. Explain to the child that the snow-star cut out of paper needs to be glued first in the center. Rays need to be fixed at a distance less than their length. Thus, a “slide” is obtained. There can be many such slides, if the length of the rays allows. You can alternate convex processes and non-glued.

application lessons abstract

Natural materials are good in that they not only develop creativity, but also introduce them to nature and plants. A separate block of classes can be devoted to crafts from seeds, leaves and petals with pebbles, even if winter is outside. An application lesson will help you remember the warm season, learn more about plants. The main thing is to prepare material for work in advance. From the seeds of corn, sunflower, rice and dried leaves, you can create stunning flowers, fruits and vases. The most skillful let them try to make a man.

Girls work with fabric from an early age: they sew dresses for dolls and toys. And you can try to create an applique from this material, plain or patterned. Thus, children will become bolder in the choice of material for products and get acquainted with its different types. Close to the fabric and decorative materials: beads, buttons, rhinestones, mesh ... Applications with their use are best done on cardboard. How about cotton? Application on the theme “Winter” in the senior group or in the middle one is the best application for it. However, more on that later.

Why get dirty with glue?

winter application lesson

In many circles for various holidays they teach to prepare gifts for mothers, fathers, grandmothers. The most common are children's applications.

Winter is a time rich in holidays. Or is it better to learn a song or tell a poem? Mom will be happy about the baby’s postcard. But the application has great features. This, for example, is the development of fine motor skills, and artistic taste, and ideas about the world.

But what about the study of geometric shapes? The development of perseverance and perseverance is an important plus. The child gives vent to his creative abilities, and his personality is displayed even where the results should be more or less the same. A great idea for creativity is the applique on the theme “Winter” in the senior group.

Themed applications

Winter, autumn applications are quite popular. This is a great way to convey to the child knowledge of the seasons, phenomena, animal life through creativity. For the New Year, you can depict a Christmas tree. For Christmas, using patterns, angels. Dad will be happy to receive applications for Defender of the Fatherland Day, and mom - on March 8th.

applique winter patterns

When the summer time comes, dreams of the sea can also be embodied in applications, as well as impressions of joint cultural trips. Observing the autumn changes in the park is a good source of inspiration. And winter landscapes are undoubtedly worth capturing them in children's products. Therefore, the application on the theme “Winter” in the senior group will help the teacher fulfill the plan and will benefit the child. And there are many ideas for its implementation.

Summary of application classes: what you need to know

Abstract is drawn up on a clear plan. First you need to make a “cap”, which indicates the topic, goal, equipment. The next step is to outline the course of the lesson. At the same time, all stages of the lesson should be fixed in the abstract, starting with the survey and ending with the final words. Between these stages is the motivation to work, physical education, an explanation of how to make a picture, answers to children's questions and so on.

children's applications winter

Abstract lessons on the application: ideas for hats

The topic of the lesson “Application on the theme of“ Winter ”in the senior group” is quite understandable. For the purpose, you can use the following formulations: reinforcing the skills of cutting and gluing; consolidation and development of paper skills; the development of artistic taste in children; development of creative initiative, communication skills, perseverance and concentration. But in the equipment you can give vent to imagination. Moreover, the application on the theme “Winter” in the older group can be performed in different techniques.

So, we need glue, scissors, paper or cardboard, magazines, cotton wool, foil, sequins or rhinestones. Let's get down to work on a future masterpiece.

A few ideas for winter

Using plain colored paper, you can make a very beautiful application. Snowflakes perfectly fit on a blue or pink background. Try to make small volumetric snowflakes and place them on glue on cardboard. If the snowflake is two-dimensional, but you want something more, then make a "slide", as described above. Vata can also be a great addition. If the rays are thick enough, decorate them with cotton (fluffier) ​​or rhinestones, if there is no place for it.

What can be used, except for snowflakes? From brown or black paper we cut tree trunks, separately - branches. We form trees. From above we lay snow from cotton wool. In the sky - foil stars. It will be the forest applique “Winter”.

applique winter in the forest

Patterns will come to the rescue if we cut out the little angels. Use white and blue paper for their dresses, and yellow for hair. Look for beige or pink to show faces. Wings and musical instruments are made of foil. Girls will enjoy creating an outfit for Grandma Winter from magazine clippings; try to make her face the same way. Vata is a versatile material. From disks of different diameters, you can "blind" a snowman. By the way, CDs are a great field for creativity. Create applications on them with cotton, paper, rhinestones.

Boring routine

Of course, such work is rather complicated. And even if the application “Winter in the Forest” brings only pleasure, the child in the older group, although able to concentrate more than the smaller friends, is still tired. Therefore, a physical education session is required in the lesson. It can be made standard or thematic.

children's applications winter

Have the children pretend to be sleeping trees, branches sprawled out, rabbits jumping, jumping to keep warm, a blizzard circling all around. In addition, the entire lesson must be accompanied by an artistic word. For example, to determine the topic of an activity, let the children solve the riddles. If the technique allows, show videos, pictures for inspiration, demonstrate musical works. Contact with children is also important, so often ask them what they think about the time of year, whether they understand how to cut and glue correctly. Suggest games.

How to make sure that the lesson does not end

Applications are ready and the exhibition is admired by children and educators. How to instill in a child a desire to create further? Invite him to continue working at home with his parents. Or create a series of paintings; it’s possible not even alone, but with comrades. Such project work strengthens the ties between children, fosters the desire for victory. Hold small competitions: who is the most accurate, assiduous, who used the most details, and who the least, whose work was appreciated by children. Create with your children!


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