Desert Wolf Armor - what is interesting and where to find it?

Probably every player who loves shooters, at least heard about Fallout New Vegas, and maybe played. The game is a successful continuation of Fallout 3 - the action takes place a few years after its events. But the plot is completely new. For her, many interesting modifications were released. One of them introduces a completely new subject into the game - the armor of the Desert Wolf. Every fan of the game universe should know about it.

Briefly about the game

Before talking about specific equipment, we will tell about the game itself - Fallout New Vegas. The armor of the Desert Wolf is found only here and only after the installation of the corresponding mod.

Desolation Landscapes

After a terrible nuclear war that forever changed the world and left the scorched nuclear desert in the United States, two hundred years passed. So, the action takes place in 2281.

Society is divided into dozens of factions and societies - both powerful and frankly weak. Everyone clings to life, earns bread and water as he can. The main character is an ordinary courier. He travels through the dangerous Wasteland, delivering a variety of items to their respective destinations for a modest fee. Once the hero received an unusual load - a platinum chip from a casino. The thing is obviously very old, created before the war.

Wasteland is cruel

Alas, it was not possible to complete the task - he was attacked, beaten, and the chip was taken. And he was shot at himself - he survived only by a miracle. But having recovered, thanks to the humane doctor, to whom the robot had already dragged an almost lifeless body, he is not at all going to leave this business unfinished. The courier is determined to find the one who tried to kill him. And at the same time find out what this mysterious chip represents. This decision will affect the entire Wasteland, completely changing the balance of power in the region. Yes, after all, it depends on the actions of the Courier who will gain control of the Hoover Dam, and therefore the fate of a huge piece of land inhabited by many thousands of people.

Armor Characteristics

Set "Desert Wolf", a photo of which is attached to the article, includes armor and a helmet with very high rates.

Smart suit

So, armor not only increases the damage limit by 25 units, but also increases the skill of owning weapons by 10 units - a very good indicator if you are used to solving problems with your fists, knives or with a powerful rifle. Yes, and the carried weight increases significantly - by as much as 50 pounds! True, be prepared for the fact that almost half of this weight gain will have to be spent on the armor itself - it weighs 23 pounds.

Of even greater interest is the helmet. It also increases the damage limit by 10 and weighs 5 pounds. However, excellent characteristics fully pay extra weight. For example, radiation resistance immediately increases by 10 units, and charisma also increases by one. In addition, there is an integrated scanner - in the first-person mode, useful objects and enemies are highlighted when aiming. Of course, this is a very useful feature that makes passing the game easier and more enjoyable.

Where to find the costume?

However, finding a costume if you don’t know where it is will be quite difficult. Therefore, it is worth immediately telling about it.

It is located near the start of the game - near the Yangtze Memorial location. Yes, the very one, which is located a little east of Goodsprings, where a good doctor lives, who treated a seriously wounded courier, not even knowing that he will change the fate of the whole region.

Yangtze Memorial

Finding it is quite easy - the creators of the modification did not begin to hide the container with a valuable trophy. He lies right near the base of the cross, which is visible from afar. It's nice that you can get here soon after the start of the game and get really high-quality equipment that will facilitate further passage.

But before you can find the costume, you must install the appropriate mod, which is called β€œArmor of the Desert Wolf”. To cope with the task is not at all difficult. It is enough to download it (the file weighs only a few hundred kilobytes), then drop the folder from the archive into the directory with the installed game and start the installation. After that, starting a new game in Fallout New Vegas, you get the opportunity to find valuable equipment.


This concludes our article. From it, the reader learned all the useful things about the Desert Wolf armor - the characteristics, location, and also the installation of a mod that adds it to the game. We hope that the article was useful for fans of one of the best post-apocalyptic action games of our time.


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