Star Antcistrus. Star Antcistrus - Contents

Star Antsistrus is a very beautiful aquarium fish that requires careful care. You will learn about the features of feeding, keeping and breeding the presented pets from this article.

General characteristics of fish

stellar antiscistrus
So, stellate antiscistrus is small. This catfish has a slightly flattened long body. It is covered with hard bone plates. The mouth has specific scrapers with which the pet can remove food from a hard surface. In addition, it looks like a suction cup. Such a body was formed due to the need to stay at the bottom of a reservoir with a strong current.

The fish got its name because of an interesting color: on the body of a catfish a peculiar pattern of white-blue spots on a black background is visible. It should be noted that these β€œstars” can change color over time and turn brown. Young fish have a bright white stripe at the edge of the fins and tail, however, it disappears with age.

Star Antcistrus is activated in the evening. In the afternoon or in bright light, the fish try to hide in the algae. The peculiarity of these pets is that they are able to pick up and eat food from the bottom and walls of the aquarium, that is, they are kind of cleaners for their small ecosystem. These catfish calmly get along with other species of fish. The life expectancy of pets can reach 6 years.

How to determine the sex of the fish?

Antsistrus catfish star
In principle, it is not difficult to distinguish a female from a male. First, males have a larger body. Its length often reaches 8 cm! Secondly, rather large processes that have branches are located on the male’s head. Females do not have them at all or they are very poorly developed.

Male stellate antiscistrus is a fairly belligerent fish. If there are several males in the aquarium, then they will arrange fights among themselves, which, however, do not pose any danger. These battles are only a kind of ritual in which the fish do not behave aggressively.

Features of keeping pets

Antcistrus stellate content
Antsistrus ( starfish catfish ) is very unpretentious. It is not difficult to keep such a fish, so you can safely buy it, even if you have never dealt with aquariums. The following conditions are considered optimal for a catfish:

- water temperature within 20-28 degrees;

- acidity of the medium 5.5-7;

- almost any size of the aquarium, although you should not give preference to too large tanks;

- the mandatory presence of algae and any objects where the fish could hide from excess light (driftwood, large shells, caves);

- if there are stones in the aquarium, then do not put them on the ground;

- For pets, you need to organize enough space, that is, for one pair of fish you need at least 200 liters of water.

If you have a star-shaped antiscistrus, its content does not provide for isolation of catfish from other species of fish. They are peaceful and able to get along with all the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Note that the water must be clean and enriched with oxygen, so intensive aeration is mandatory. Naturally, a filter is simply needed in the tank.

What and how should you feed these fish?

dilution of Anticistrus stellate
Pets are unpretentious in food. They can eat live food, vegetable and various substitutes. Catfish are able to eat around the growth that appears on the bottom and glass of the aquarium. Small pieces of lettuce can be thrown into the water. Naturally, they need to be boiled well so that they are soft. In addition, special tableted feeds, which are intended for bottom fish, are popular.

With a lack of plant foods, catfish can eat algae. To prevent this from happening, make sure that the proportion of vegetable feed is at least 60 percent of the total diet. As for dry tablets, they should be used only in the evening, as it is after dusk that these fish become activated. In addition, other inhabitants can eat food, and your catfish will remain hungry. These pets eat bloodworms well.

Features of breeding fish

Antcistrus Star Price
So, stellate Antsistrus, whose price is about $ 4 per individual, reaches sufficient maturity at the age of 1 year. In principle, a separate aquarium for spawning is not needed. In order to stimulate the process, just add a little fresh water to the container.

Breeding of Anticistrus stellate has one feature: for good spawning, fish need a special substrate. It is a plastic or ceramic tube, empty inside. Its diameter should be 4 cm, and its length should be about 20 cm. If you do not have such a substrate, then you can use ordinary shells and caves. It should be noted that the males guard the eggs that the female flies.

If you want spawning to occur in a separate aquarium, then you have enough capacity with 40 liters of water. It should be noted that larvae from eggs appear after about 4-5 days. A few days later they turn into fry. After this, it is advisable to remove the male from the children.

Features of the care of fry

Children should be fed with food specially designed for them. It is advisable to use compressed tablets. Also do not forget about boiled cabbage leaves and other plant foods. Every day, 1/5 of fresh water should be added to the aquarium with the kids. Fry should be fed at least 4 times a day.

Please note that the feed should be small. If the kids grow up in a separate aquarium, then well-soaked wooden driftwood should be placed in it, as the fry are very active in gnawing them. Further, as they grow, fish can be given a larger feed.

In order for catfish to grow up healthy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of water, to organize good aeration. Run children in a common aquarium should be at the age of 5 months. In this case, they adapt perfectly in a new place.

That's all the features of the content of these fish. Good luck


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