Nan-1: reviews. NAN - food for children

When it comes to artificial feeding, mothers recall advertising. One of the most popular mixtures is Nan-1. Reviews of parents and pediatricians about this baby food vary. Let us consider in more detail how this mixture is safe for the health of the child, whether its composition is useful, whether it contains harmful components.

Mix manufacturers

Since 1962, the Swiss company Nestle has been manufacturing products under the name NAN. Since 2004, these mixtures have been sold with the addition of bifidobacteria, which strengthen children's immunity. In 2010, Nestle was the first to release milk of this brand with the Dentapro bacteria, which prevent the development of caries in children.

nan 1 reviews

From the very beginning, Nan nutrition (1,2,3,4) was developed for healthy children who, for some reason, need artificial feeding. The composition of each type of product includes the necessary useful substances (iron, vitamins, lactose, taurine, nucleotides, fish oil, minerals) for the growth of babies, their physical and mental development.

The described mixtures help strengthen the immune system, improve bowel function and prevent the occurrence of anemia. They include whey protein, skim milk and whey, so this product is contraindicated for many allergy sufferers. Also, the packaging does not indicate which vegetable oils the NAN mixture contains.

Dry mixes "Nan"

The Nestle company produces the following types of Nan mixture:

  • "Nan-1 Premium" (Premium) can be consumed from birth to six months. The composition of "Nan-1" contains a complex of necessary vitamins and minerals for physical growth and mental development, as well as to strengthen immunity.
  • "Nan-2" is intended for babies from six months to a year. It also strengthens the immune system, contributes to the development of vision and brain activity. It has a similar composition, only balanced taking into account age-related characteristics.
  • "Nan-3" is designed for children from one year to one and a half years. It includes probiotics, lactobacilli and “smart” lipids, which not only strengthen the immune system and contribute to the normal functioning of the intestines, but also prevent tooth decay.
  • Nan-4 has practically the same composition with beneficial bacteria as the previous mixture. Designed for children from one and a half years as complementary foods to the main food. It also prevents tooth decay, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the intestines.

Hypoallergenic mixtures "Nan"

The Nestle company for children who are prone to allergies is developing several types of Nan hypoallergenic mixtures: 1 and 2. This baby food also contains whey protein, but with a special amino acid composition, which reduces the risk of food allergies. In addition, constipation and colic disappear or decrease.

composition nan 1

For allergy sufferers, mixtures balanced by the content of trace elements are also presented. They are intended for children with weak immunity and problems with the intestines. They include the following components: taurine, L-histidine, L-arginine, L-carnitine, starch, whey hydrolyzed protein, vegetable oils, maltodextrin, minerals, lactose, trace elements, fish oil, vitamins.

Dry hypoallergenic mixture "Nan-1" is intended for infants from birth. Manufacturers focused on the fact that it can be given only under the supervision of a doctor, despite the fact that its composition does not contain allergenic components. Nutrition "Nan-2" is allowed for babies from six months and has a more balanced composition with the addition of bifidobacteria.

Sour-milk mixes

In addition to the dry mix for healthy children, a series of dairy products with live bifidobacteria is produced. This food can also be given to children with impaired intestinal flora, stool (constipation) or with colic. The fact is that in the composition of such a mixture are beneficial bifidobacteria.

As in hypoallergenic products, the fermented milk mixture Nan-1 (from birth) and Nan-2 (from six months) is isolated here. The composition of both species is almost the same, only the second option is more nutritious, which is necessary for the growth of six-month-old children. For babies, a mixture of "Nour Fermented Milk-1" is produced.

nutrition nan 1

Reviews of pediatricians focus parents on the fact that it is impossible to give a mixture intended for older children from birth, since their intestines can not cope with the digestion of the components that are part of it. And kids older than six months will not be fed up with a mixture from the first series.

More new Nan mixes

The company is constantly developing and expanding the range of products. For six-month-old children, that is, the age when the active introduction of complementary foods begins, a dry mixture with bifidobacteria is released. It contains such components: a mineral-vitamin complex that is balanced for a given age, cultures of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, vegetable oils, lactose, whey, skim milk, fish oil, soya lecithin. This baby food is designed to enhance the natural immunity of children.

Lactose-free mixture "Nan" is intended for children of all ages who have lactose intolerance, diarrhea. It contains no lactose, maltodextrin reduces the manifestations of stool disorders, and nucleotides strengthen the immune system.

Premature babies and babies with underweight were not ignored. For them, Nestle produces a Pre-Nan mixture, which contains easily digestible fatty acids (AK and DHA), which are necessary for the development of the brain, central nervous system, vision, and intelligence. The remaining 70% is the protein complex, which is important for muscle growth.

Dry mix: composition "Nan-1"

mix nan 1 reviews

None of the products contain dyes, genetically modified components, preservatives or flavorings. The mixture is produced in cans of different packaging (400 and 800 grams). Before buying, carefully study the composition of baby food!

The composition of the Nan-1 Premium mixture is enriched with a balanced mineral and vitamin complex, demineralized whey, skim milk, lactose, vegetable oils, soya lecithin, whey protein, fish oil, potassium and calcium citrate, calcium and sodium phosphate, iron sulfate, copper, zinc, manganese, sodium selenate, nucleotides, potassium iodides, taurine, inositol, sodium and potassium chloride, carnitine, bifidobacteria.

The composition of “Nan-1 hypoallergenic” includes almost the same mineral and vitamin complex, nucleotides, bifidobacteria and other useful substances, only a mixture is created on a partially hydrolyzed whey protein. There are no dairy components that cause allergic reactions.

Recommendations of pediatricians
nan hypoallergenic 1

Pediatricians focus on the fact that breast milk for a baby brings much more benefits than artificial mixtures. However, if it is impossible to ensure natural feeding, carefully choose the baby food. No need to purchase mixtures of different manufacturers or different series of the same brand. The introduction of complementary foods should be carried out according to the instructions that are written on the packaging, unless the doctor gives specific recommendations. Consider this on the example of a dry mixture of Nan-1. The instructions on the package read:

  • Wash hands thoroughly before cooking.
  • The nipple bottle should be dry and sterile clean. If you do not have time to clean the container on time, wash it in hot water. Then boil for about five minutes (you simply dip the pacifier several times in boiling water). Place the pacifier bottle on a towel and cover it with a clean cloth.
  • Boil water and cool to 40 degrees. Re-boiled liquid should not be used.
  • Take a bottle and, according to the norm on the packaging, pour water and pour a mixture with a measuring spoon.
  • Put on the nipple and lid, shake the mixture well so that no lumps form.
  • Close the baby food packaging tightly.

Before each feeding, take a new serving. In no case do not give the remnants of the past mixture!

Negative reactions when using the Nan-1 mixture

Mom’s reviews of products in this series are often negative, but if you examine the small details, you can understand that the reason is different.

nan 1 instruction

  • It seems that parents know the recommendations for the preparation of the mixture, but still make mistakes. So, you can hear on the playground, as one mom says the other, that she does not “bother” with a measuring spoon, but a mixture of “Nan-1” sprinkles on her eye. Reviews after that on the forums are unflattering: "The child has terrible colic, the chair is broken, the baby suffers from constipation, constantly screams."
  • Another option is when mothers adhere to mixed feeding, while not monitoring their diet, but eating any allergenic foods. And then they sin on the mixture, due to which a rash, itching, redness of the skin of the baby appeared.
  • Another point is when parents, especially in the heat, do not wash the bottle well, do not boil water or decide to dilute the remaining mixture. Often, vomiting and diarrhea in a child are attributed to baby food.

How to find out if the mixture has come up

As you can see, previous situations show that it’s not about the Nan 1 mixture. Reviews of parents are often biased. Another thing is when mothers do not know that the child has lactose deficiency or is allergic to cow protein. Then, when taking the mixture with milk, allergic reactions may occur. In this case, change the baby food as recommended by your doctor.

nan fermented milk 1 reviews

An allergy can occur on any product, not just a mixture, so you should monitor the reaction of the child. Remember the following:

  • Dilute the mixture according to the table on the package or doctor's recommendations.
  • Start injecting baby food with 90 ml.
  • When injecting the mixture, do not give any new foods or drinks.
  • Pay close attention to skin rashes, stools, and the child’s health for three days after eating.

If you follow simple rules, the baby feels good when feeding with the Nan-1 mixture. Parents' comments sound more optimistic: “The kid is cheerful and cheerful, the constipation is gone, the rash that was noted when using the previous mixture went away.”


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