Estrel Sheepdog or Portuguese Mountain Shepherd: breed description

Sheep dog breeds are known to many. But not everyone is familiar with the instance that will be described in the article outlined below. This wonderful dog is very popular in Portugal. The name of the country was reflected in the naming of the breed. It is a Portuguese mountain (Estrel) shepherd. Outside of her homeland, she is extremely rare. In dogs of this species, the blood of Spanish mastiffs flows. I would like to note that the expression on the eyes of these dogs is extremely lively and smart. For several centuries, the Estrell shepherd has been one of the best helpers for humans.

From the history of the breed

The breed on the Iberian Peninsula is considered the oldest. These dogs are descendants of Asian Molossians. They belong to the group of mastiffs. In a word, they have a fairly rich pedigree. The main ancestors are Asian Great Dane, Spanish mastiffs, as well as Roman Molossians.

estrell shepherd
Shepherd dogs were bred in Portugal during the Middle Ages. Initially, they were used to transport cargo, protect people and livestock from predators. These dogs were called Portuguese shepherd. Over time, due to natural selection, the inborn qualities of dogs improved significantly. Shepherd dogs turned into magnificent watchmen.

This happened, of course, thanks to the work of the breeders. They worked hard, reviving the look. The breed could simply disappear from the face of the earth forever if they did not make efforts and efforts. Recently, its representatives appear at exhibitions. For the cynological society, the Estrell shepherd remained unknown for quite some time. They learned about it almost in the twentieth century. In 1934, a breed standard called Estrell Shepherd was adopted.

Description of the breed: appearance of its representatives

This dog is harmoniously built. Her body is strong, dry, stretched, although the dog looks quite compact. The height at the withers of females is on average 65 cm, and that of males is 68. How much does a representative of this breed weigh? The body weight of a female dog ranges from thirty to forty kilograms, and that of a male dog ranges from forty to fifty. The head of these animals is quite wide, powerful, large and strong. Ears are hanging. If desired, it is allowed to stop them. Although if they are left in their natural form, then such dogs will be valued higher.

The neck of the dogs is straight, thick, but short. The muzzle is not pointed. Its length to the nose is gradually and slightly narrowed. The lips of the representatives of the breed are large, tightly closed, clearly defined. The teeth are set tightly, firmly closed. They are white and strong.

shepherd dog Price
The Portuguese mountain shepherd has barely marked eyebrows. The eyes of the representatives of the breed are medium in size, horizontally set. Their shape is oval. The eyelids are tight. What is the color of the eyes of an Estrell shepherd? As a rule, it is dark amber. The paws of these dogs are proportional, the fingers are thick. Between the phalanges and pads there is a plentiful coat of wool. On the hind limbs can be double or single profitable fingers.

The coat in dogs is coarse, stiff, thick, slightly wavy or smooth. The tail of the representatives of the breed is long, not cropped, thick, in the shape of a curved saber. At the end, he wraps himself in a hook.

shepherd dog breeds
On the tail, the hair forms a suspension, and on the legs - tow. Sometimes the hairline around the neck forms a thick collar. And what kind of undercoat does the breed have? Short but thick. At the roots, thin hairs intertwine with coarser ones. This breed has two species. The first is shorthair. Unfortunately, it has almost disappeared. The second is long-haired. As for the color, it can be brindle, fawn, gray and wolf. For representatives of this species, the characters are free, easy movements. On average, their life expectancy is thirteen years.

The nature of Estrell shepherd dogs: what kind of character do these magnificent dogs have?

Representatives of the breed are bold, very energetic animals. They have a sense of dignity. These dogs respond quickly to various stimuli. From such dogs turn out excellent guards thanks to their delicate intuition. Such dogs are obedient, peaceful and complaisant. Representatives of the breed are deeply attached to children. To strangers these dogs are wary, sometimes even hostile.

Estrel Shepherd Dog Breed Description
Estrel Shepherd is very dedicated to its owners. Such a dog shows itself perfectly as a guard. He’s reaction is simply unperturbed - when he sees some danger threatening the owner, the animal will instantly give a proper rebuff to the attacker. Due to the fact that dogs are independent, there can be difficulties in raising. These shepherd dogs love freedom very much, they can even leave home. For upbringing you need a "firm hand."

Breed Care

How to care for such a dog? Long-haired Estrell shepherd dog needs regular brushing. Particular attention should be paid to this process during seasonal molting.

Estrell shepherd breed description of the appearance of the puppy
Such dogs can and should be bathed periodically. It is necessary to use for this special means intended for dogs with long hair. You can feed the dog with both natural products and good quality prepared feeds.

Training representatives of the breed

A very smart, but stubborn Estrelian shepherd. Puppies are well trained, training should be carried out gently, but persistently. A dog of this breed should understand from the very first days who is in charge in this house. She must feel that the owner will cope with her. Otherwise, she can show her strong-willed and independent character.

estrel shepherd puppies
The representative of the breed needs to be comprehensively developed. Such a dog requires early socialization. In the process of training, the owner must be patient, persistent. Praise and encourage the Estrel Sheepdog for the proper execution of commands. And remember: such a dog is not a room dog. This is a strong, powerful beast, which is quite difficult to manage.

Breed activity

Urban conditions are completely unsuitable for this dog. Estrel Shepherd Dog needs daily work. She needs a territory that she will guard. The site where the dog lives and serves must be reliably protected. This is necessary in order to ensure the safety of people around. The animal will not allow strangers to cross its land.


Representatives of this breed are distinguished by fairly good health. These dogs sometimes have stomach problems. Therefore, special attention should be paid to proper, balanced nutrition. Another disease that this breed is susceptible to is pelvic joint dysplasia. Regular examinations at the veterinarian will not be superfluous.

Estrel Shepherd Dog: price

How much can I get a puppy? The price depends on many factors. For example, from a family tree, titles of parents, location.

portuguese mountain shepherd
Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how much the Estrelian shepherd costs. The price per dog averages thirty thousand. Although you can find puppies both more expensive and cheaper. It is best to purchase a dog in nurseries.

Little conclusion

If you like shepherd breeds of dogs, then this shepherd will certainly interest you. The dog has a lot of positive qualities. But it is suitable for people with a strong character, since managing it is not very simple. Therefore, before deciding to purchase such a beautiful animal, think carefully about whether you can control it.


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