Surname of Nikolaev: origin, value and history of occurrence

The origin of the name of Nikolaev originates from the most ancient traditional Russian hereditary names. For example, at the end of the 20th century in St. Petersburg, this surname was on the fourteenth place in frequency of use.

Nikolaev city

The history of the origin of the name of Nikolaev

It is very easy to guess what the name of Nikolaev means, if at least a little savvy in a religious topic. The surname was formed on the basis of the name of Nikolai, who often used children for baptism. From the ancient Greek language, the name Nicholas is translated as "winner of the peoples." It was used from the very beginning of Christianity in Russia, and gained its popularity thanks to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker or, as he is also called, the Pleasant. The people very much believed that he protected them from various evil and unclean forces.

nikola salos

Also, the meaning of the surname of Nikolaev takes its roots from the fact that St. Nicholas protects and protects children and watches over livestock. To realize how important the name and derivative surname are important and significant for the religious world, it will help the fact that 110 out of 365 days in the church are reserved for all the saints with the name Nikolai. Among the early honorable bearers of this name can be noted:

  • Nikolai Svyatosha is the son of Prince Chernigov.
  • Nikolai Salos is a holy fool from Pskov, who had the courage to convict Ivan the Terrible of excessive bloodthirstiness.
  • Nikolai Yanov is a landowner from Vladimir.
  • Nikolay Korpilo ​​is a landowner.

If you look at the list above, you can understand that the owners of the name Nicholas were representatives from different classes and classes. Their children to the question of who their parents were, could answer: "Nikolaev daughter or Nikolaev son." It is from here that the Russian surname of Nikolaev and Nikolaev originates.

Reasons for the prevalence of the surname

The very strong prevalence of the name Nikolay led to the fact that in almost all segments of the population was the name of Nikolaev or Nikolaev. Among them were people of various professions: clergy, and soldiers, and peasants, and merchants. And in the 19th century, 5 illegitimate children from Prince Nikolai Nikolaevich turned out to be Nikolayev at once.

What does the surname of Nikolaev and Nikolaev mean

Nikolaev city

The meaning of a surname is not always a reflection of a person’s personal qualities or the name of the ancestor. So, the value may be related to the geographical location of the area. For example, the Slavs had settlements called Nikolaev; therefore, people born there acquired the name of Nikolaev or Nikolaev. You can learn more about such places through the directory by the name of Nikolaev. It contains information about all or most generations of a family. There have also been cases in history that the sovereign Nikolai the First assigned the name for the suppression of uprisings. As a reward, citizens received the name Nikolaev, as well as the order.

Nicholas 1

Origin of the surname. Version 1

The basis of the origin of the surname of Nikolaev was the name Nikolai, which is actively used in the church. The name consists of 2 parts: nika - to win, and Laos - people.

The patron saint of the name is St. Nicholas of Myra, the miracle worker, archbishop of Mir in Lycia.

Also among the owners of the name you can find people ranked as saints: Nicholas Salos, Nicholas the Wonderworker and many others.

Nicholas icon

In winter, to this day, it is customary to celebrate the feast of Nikolai Ugodnik, its name is popularly called Nikolshchina.

Nikolaev. Origin Version 2

According to the family legend of the grandmother of Nikolaev Nadezhda, the origin of the name of Nikolaev takes its name at the time when Nicholas I took the throne. He awarded the name of subjects who crushed the Decembrist uprising. In addition to the surname, the soldiers received the nobility, as well as honorary orders. In those days, the coat of arms of the name of Nikolaev appeared. The origin is associated with Alexander Nikolaev. The coat of arms depicts a shield, a crown and a helmet. The colors of the coat of arms are red and azure.

Surname of Nikolaev. Version number 3

The surname Nikolaev belongs to the popular form of Russian family traditional names, which were formed from full forms of names for baptism in the church. With the adoption of Christianity in Russia, all parents were obliged to name their offspring in honor of a saint in the Orthodox Church. Based on this information, one can understand why such a lot of names has a translation from ancient languages ​​such as Greek, Latin or Hebrew.

As for Nicholas, it means "winner of the nations." The name fell into the calendar of church holidays almost immediately after the formation of religion. The very first saint became Nikolai the Miracle Worker or, as he is also called, the Pleasant. He is almost the most important and revered saint in the CIS countries, as well as in states whose religion is Christianity. His personality is associated with a huge number of legends, tales, songs and stories. All works tell the reader that Nikolai always protects people from evil spirits, dishonesty and the devil, protects children and protects livestock.

In the 17th century in Russia, the most popular way of forming surnames was to add to the base of ordinary family suffixes such as -ov, -ev, -in. Naming data is possessive in nature. This means that the child belongs to his father. Where the basis is the name or nickname of the pope, by whom he was called by the people around him. It is an interesting fact that all surnames with the suffix -ov were an education from the base, which had the ending in the form of a solid consonant, and to -ev, if the base word ends in a soft letter or a short one. The suffix -in was added to the base, ending in -a or -i. It is with this model of education that the origin of the name of Nikolaev is connected. But it is impossible to say with one hundred percent certainty where and when the surname was formed, because the formation process stretched for hundreds of years. This surname definitely has a very interesting history that has developed over hundreds of years. It testifies to the variety of ways of forming surnames in Russia.

Nikolaev. Version 4

Surname Nikolaev has roots in the church. The baptismal name Nikolay can also form other forms of surnames, both colloquial and diminutive: Kolin, Nikashin, Nikolakhin, Nikolashin, Nikolaevsky, Nikulin and Nikolyukin.

Almost all names starting with Nickname are of Greek origin. And may have the meaning of derivatives of the word victory. For example, the name Nikander is a victorious, or Nikanor is a herald of victory, or Nikita is a victor, or Nikifor is a victor, Nicodemus is a national winner, Nikon is also a victor and victor.

andrian nikolaev

Among famous people there is Nikolaev Andriyan Grigoryevich, who was a pilot-cosmonaut with the rank of Major General of Aviation. And also has a Ph.D. in technical sciences, has two distinctions of a Hero of the Soviet Union. In his career, he managed some prototype spaceships.


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