Tomato tree: a beautiful fairy tale or reality

Tomato tree is a relevant and fashionable novelty, a unique hybrid of tomatoes, which appeared relatively recently. Vivid advertising pictures make a stunning impression: the spreading crown, entangling the entire greenhouse, is strewn with large red fruits. And all this magnificence "rests" on only one stem, which can reach a height of up to 4 meters!

tomato tree
Beginning summer residents are willing to pay any money for miracle seeds, gardeners with experience are less trusting and do not believe in the ability to grow an exotic tomato on trivial six hundredths. Let's try to understand the features of agricultural technology and varietal features of a giant tomato.

Tomato tree Octopus is a special hybrid of carpal indeterminate tomato. Unlimited shoot growth, the possibility of long-term growth and fruiting in one place, excellent resistance to pests and diseases - these are the main characteristics of the Octopus variety. The harvest is also impressive: with one plant, with proper care and nutrition, you can get up to one and a half tons of fruits. But growing a tomato tree is not easy. You will not be able to achieve an β€œadvertising” result not only in open ground, but also in a temporary film greenhouse. The only option for growing - capital greenhouse, heated all year round. The usual greenhouse soil will not suit the capricious Octopus: not a single, even the most balanced, substrate can ensure the proper development and nutrition of the plant for several years.

Experts recommend the use of hydroponic technology - hydroponics will not only provide a uniform supply of oxygen to the root system, important nutrients, but also protect the tomato tree from diseases and pests.

If you decide to try to grow an exotic novelty, prepare a special spacious container, glass wool (hydroponic material), as well as a full range of mineral fertilizers.

tomato tree octopus
To supply the roots with oxygen, you need a compressor (a regular one is also suitable for an aquarium). In case of lack of natural light, use lamps for additional illumination of tomatoes.

In the first year of cultivation, a tomato tree should not bear fruit; only in this case you will correctly form the plant and get an amazing harvest (usually this happens in the second year of the capricious giant's life). It is not necessary to pinch the Octopus: all the shoots are left on the plant and allowed to ripen all the fruits, the energy, the vitality of the giant is more than enough for this.

octopus technology

As you can see, it is not easy to grow a tomato tree Octopus. The technology for growing exotics is not only complicated, but also costly. But it bears fruit and develops in an annual culture, in an ordinary (not year-round) greenhouse. In this case, the growing technology is similar to the agricultural technology of any tall variety. With proper care from one plant, you can get 10-12 kg of fruits of excellent taste. Another advantage of the "octopuses" is evenness; this makes them extremely convenient for home canning.


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