Do-it-yourself wizard costumes for a boy (photo)

Nowadays, at the peak of popularity, a series of novels about Harry Potter, which rightfully won the status of modern classics, which child does not dream of trying on a wizard costume? Wide-brimmed cone hats, chic raincoats, and, of course, magic wands and brooms are integral parts of the image that has recently become so desirable for all kids.

wizard costumes

Speaking of modern heroes, one cannot fail to mention such a wonderful character as Gargamel. What about strict professor Dumbledore? The idea of ​​such an image will surely appeal to the boys. And the New Year's costume of the wizard will be highly appreciated not only by the child, but also by his friends.

The matinee is just the place for miracles and magic, which means you should do a little magic over the carnival outfit to go to meet Grandfather Frost in all its glory.

Material selection

Wizard costumes can be sewn from the simplest fabric, such as nylon for lining, or use more expensive fabrics, such as velvet, satin or brocade. It all depends on the budget and your own preferences.

do-it-yourself wizard costume

The hat can be made of cardboard or sewn from fabric. However, it should be noted that the thicker the main fabric, the denser the stabilizer must be, which will give the product a shape. So, for example, when working with nylon, hard tulle will be enough, but in the case of velvet, it will be necessary to additionally use doublerin or adhesive collar fabric.

For work, you will need sewing supplies and equipment. However, if there is no typewriter, you should not abandon the idea, because you can sew the wizard costume with your own hands with the usual seam “for the needle”.

Processing Tricks

If there is no sewing machine at hand, then you can resort to a little trick that will allow you to tighten the edges of the slices and prevent the threads from crumbling. Now velor, which is sold in stores, is almost always on a knitted basis. And this means that its slices do not require processing. If the wizard’s costumes are sewn from nylon or satin, then the slices can be melted over the candle. Also, do not forget about the linen seam with a curved edge inward. It looks neat and simple enough.

wizard costume for boy

How to sew a cloak

A cloak is one of the main details of the image. There are enough options for its design in order to choose the most suitable. First, cut. As a basis, you can choose a semi-oval, round or rectangular shape. The main thing is that the width of the fabric is enough to completely cover the entire body of the child.

If the wizard’s costumes with a nylon cloak, then you can make a drawstring on top of the canvas and pull in a ribbon for tying. If the material is denser, then it is better to make a few tucks in the form of trimmed tucks to reduce the width of the canvas at the neck.

To open the cloak, you will need to measure the height from the shoulder to the floor and the volume at the chest level of the child with his hands. The fabric is cut with allowance for processing.

How to make a cloak and mantle

This element of the image can be monophonic, but if you refine it, you can achieve an amazing result. Here you can play in contrasting colors. You can create a wizard costume for a boy with your own hands with a cloak of black nylon fabric with a gold satin edging. Or dot your entire field with beautiful silver stars of different sizes.

You can also make the cloak two-sided: let the dark fabric on top, and make the inner lining of the fabric in saturated color.

wizard costume

Do not forget about such a detail as a collar. It is cut out in the form of a trapezoid, the top of which is the place of sewing to the neck of the cloak. If this element is stabilized by doubler and tulle, you can achieve a spectacular standing gate. Such a detail would ideally complement the wizard costume for the boy. And if you fantasize a little more and make its edge curly, then the outfit will acquire a new chic and will continue to attract the views of others.

do-it-yourself wizard costume for a boy

Instead of a cloak, you can sew a mantle, which will also look spectacular on a child. It will require a piece of fabric equal to the measurement from the shoulder to the floor, multiplied by two. The canvas is folded in half, a hole for the head is made, the corners are cut a little to form the sleeves, and the side seams are laid.

How to sew a hat

Almost all wizard costumes have a mischievous cone hat. In order to sew such a thing, you need to measure the volume of the child’s head.

The pattern is an isosceles triangle with a base equal to the value of the taken measurement and a height of not more than 50 cm. A similar part should be cut out of the material to stabilize the shape. Before stitching the cone, it will need to be glued with doubler or simply laid with tulle. From the main fabric you will need one part.

To pattern the details of the fields, you need a circle of fabric. It should be cut in such a way as to place a stitched cone on it, and a margin of about 6 cm should remain along its contour. Inside you will need to cut a hole that will be equal to the head volume minus 2-3 cm around the perimeter. For sewing the fields, you need to cut two such elements from the main fabric, as well as a part from the material to stabilize the shape.

After cutting, doublerin is glued (if required), an tulle element is applied to the wrong side and the part from the main fabric is placed face to face. A seam is laid along the outer perimeter, the product is turned out and steamed along the seam.

Then it remains to connect the cone and the field. To do this, you can use a slanting collar, which ideally closes the inner sections.

wizard costume photo

How to make a stick

A wizard costume for a boy must be with a magic wand. And here it is important to remember the safety of children, so it is best to make it soft enough. And given the fact that it is customary to dance a lot at the matinee, play round dances and play fun games, you should come up with fasteners for the wand so that you do not need to constantly hold it in your hand.

The best basis for this element will be a regular cocktail tube, which must be wrapped with a thin synthetic winterizer and decorated with a satin ribbon or velor fabric. On one edge, sew a loop of rubber or tape to fix the product on your wrist. This will allow the child to release his hand at the right time and not think about where to put such an important magical instrument.

How to sew a vest

Children's wizard costume for the boy will perfectly complement the vest. It can be made to match the contrasting finish of the cloak. You can sew it using a child’s t-shirt, which you need to draw around the contour, and then finish the necessary cutouts for the neck and arms. The assembly of parts will consist in laying a seam on the sides and shoulders. At the edges of the product can be sheathed with rain or oblique trim.

Optional accessories

Wizard costumes in fairy tales always amaze with their detail. Of course, you can do with a cloak, hat and wand, but the outfit will be spectacular at times if you add lace cuffs and a frill tie with a gold brooch. How to make an amazing do-it-yourself wizard costume? Yes, very easy!

New Year's wizard costume

A meter of wide knitted lace, half a meter of elastic, a little effort - and chic accessories for the outfit of the boy are ready. To do this, the cut should be divided into three parts. For cuffs, the lace should be folded in half and stitched, stepping back from a bend of about 1 cm. After that, an elastic band should be inserted into this hole to the size of the wrist.

For frill, the lace is folded slightly shifting the center, laid with folds and the seam place, which should also be laid, stepping a couple of centimeters from the edge, then covered with a patch of beads, sequins or plastic decorative spikes. Fortunately, there are enough accessories in fabric stores today, and finding such a decorative element is not a problem.

From this description it is clear that it is not at all difficult to sew a chic wizard costume. The photos presented in the article will be a great source of inspiration! A little imagination and perseverance - and the child’s happy enthusiastic look will certainly become the best reward for his labors.


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