Summary "Russian character" Tolstoy A.

“Russian character! Come and describe him ... ”- with these amazing, soulful words begins the story“ Russian character ”by Alexei Tolstoy. Indeed, is it possible to describe, measure, define what is beyond words and feelings? Yes and no. Yes, because to speak, to reason, to try to understand, to know the very essence, all one is necessary. These, if I may say so, those impulses, impulses, thanks to which the perpetual motion machine of life spins. And on the other hand, no matter how much we say, we still do not get to the bottom. This depth is endless. How to describe the Russian character, what words to choose? It is possible on the example of a heroic feat. But how to choose which one to prefer? There are so many of them that it’s hard not to get confused.

Summary of Russian character thick

Alexey Tolstoy, “Russian Character”: analysis of the work

During the war, Alexey Tolstoy creates an amazing collection of “Ivan Sudarev's Tales”, consisting of seven short stories. They are all united by one theme - the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, one idea - admiration and admiration for the patriotism and heroism of the Russian people, and one main character, on whose behalf the narrative is being conducted. This is an experienced cavalryman Ivan Sudarev. The last, completing the entire cycle, becomes the story "Russian character." Alexey Tolstoy with his help summarizes what was said earlier. It is a peculiar result of everything that was said before, all the author’s discussions and thoughts about the Russian man, about the Russian soul, about the Russian character: beauty, depth and strength are not “a vessel in which there is emptiness”, but “a fire flickering in the vessel. "

Russian character Alexei Tolstoy

Theme and idea of ​​the story

From the first lines, the author denotes the theme of the story. Of course, we will focus on the Russian character. Quote from the work: “I just want to talk with you about the Russian character ...” And here we hear the notes not so much as doubts, but rather regrets that the form of the work is so small and limited - a short story that does not correspond to the author’s choice scope. But the topic and title are already very “significant”. But there is nothing to do, because I want to talk ...

The ring composition of the story helps to clearly clarify the idea of ​​the work. At the beginning and at the end we read the author’s thoughts about beauty. What is beauty? Physical attractiveness is understandable to everyone, it is on the surface itself, you just have to lend a hand. No, she doesn’t care about the narrator. He sees beauty in another - in the soul, in character, in actions. It especially manifests itself in the war, when death constantly spins around. Then people become better , a person “gets off all kinds of nonsense, husks, like skin that has died after a sunburn”, and does not disappear, and only one thing remains - the core. It is clearly visible in the main character - in the silent, calm, strict Yegor Dremov, in his elderly parents, in the beautiful and faithful bride Katerina, in the tank driver Chuvilov.

Exposition and tie

The story is valid in the spring of 1944. The war of liberation against the fascist invaders is in full swing. But she is not an actor, but rather a background, dark and stern, but so clearly and vividly showing the amazing colors of love, kindness, friendship and beauty.

The exposition provides brief information about the main protagonist of the story - Yegor Dremov. He was a simple man, modest, quiet, restrained. He spoke little, especially did not like to "rant" about military exploits and was shy about talking about love. Only once did he casually mention his bride, a good and faithful girl. From this moment, one can begin to describe the summary of Tolstoy’s “Russian character”. It is noteworthy here that Ivan Suzdalev, on behalf of whom the narrative is being conducted, met Yegor after his terrible wound and plastic surgery, but in his description there is not a single word about the physical defects of his comrade. On the contrary, he sees only beauty, “emotional affection,” he glances at him when he jumps from the armor to the ground — the “god of war”.

We continue to disclose a summary of the “Russian character” of Tolstoy. The plot is a terrible wound of Yegor Dremov during the battle on the Kursk Bulge. His face was almost set, and even bones were visible in places, but he survived. His eyelids, lips, nose were restored, but it was a completely different face.

Russian character Alexei Tolstoy


The culmination scene is the arrival of the brave warrior home on vacation after the hospital. A meeting with his father and mother, with the bride - with the closest people in his life, turned out not to be a long-awaited joy, but a bitter inner loneliness. He could not, did not dare to confess to his old parents that the person standing in front of them with a disfigured appearance and a strange voice is their son. It is impossible that the old mother’s face tremble frantically. However, there was a hope in him that the father and mother themselves would recognize him, guess without explanation who came to them, and then this invisible barrier would be broken. But that did not happen. This is not to say that the maternal heart of Maria Polikarpovna did not feel anything at all. His hand with a spoon while eating, his movements - these seemingly smallest details did not escape her gaze, but she still did not guess. And here is Katerina, Yegor’s bride, not only didn’t recognize him, but when she saw the scary face-mask she leaned back and got scared. This was the last straw, and the next day he left his father's house. Of course, there was resentment, disappointment, and despair in him, but he decided to sacrifice his feelings - it is better to leave, fence off, just not to frighten his closest relatives and friends. Summary “Russian character” of Tolstoy does not end there.

thick russian character analysis

Decoupling and conclusion

One of the main features of the Russian character, the Russian soul is sacrificial love. It is she who is the true, unconditional feeling. They love not for something and not for something. This is an irresistible, unconscious need to always be with a person, to take care of him, to help him, to sympathize with him, to breathe with him. And the word “nearby” is not measured by physical quantities, it means an intangible, thin, but incredibly strong spiritual thread between people who love each other.

Mother after the soon departure of Yegor, could not find a place for herself. She guessed that this man with a disfigured face is her beloved son. The father doubted, but still said that if that visiting soldier was really his son, then one should not be ashamed, but proud. So he truly defended his homeland. Mother writes a letter to the front of him and asks not to languish and tell the truth as it is. Moved, he confesses to deception and apologizes ... After some time, both his mother and his bride come to his regiment. Mutual forgiveness, love without further ado and loyalty - this is a happy denouement, here they are, Russian characters. As they say, it seems that a person is simple in appearance, there is nothing remarkable in him, but trouble will come, severe days will come, and great power rises in him at once - human beauty.

Summary The “Russian character” of Tolstoy, of course, cannot convey the entire subtlety and depth of the plot, so reading the original is highly recommended.


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