Living conditions for live-bearing aquarium fish

Viviparous aquarium fish are kept and bred by many lovers. Creations are completely unpretentious and undemanding. Therefore, beginner aquarists are especially fond of them. Their main distinguishing feature, of course, is that the females do not lay eggs, but give birth to already quite viable fry. In nature, there are quite a lot of such fish.

viviparous aquarium fish
At home with lovers, most often you can see guppies, swordsmen and pecilia.

What to look for when keeping guppies

Gupeshki is perhaps the most common variety of live-bearing aquarium fish. Their very interesting feature can be called the fact that the female and male differ greatly in appearance. The first can reach a length of up to five centimeters and do not have too bright a color. Males are much smaller (up to three centimeters) and brighter. This interesting breed of fish loves pretty hard water. To her temperature, she is completely undemanding. To purchase any additional equipment is absolutely optional.

viviparous aquarium fish names
It will be enough to observe the temperature range within 22 - 26 degrees. The most acceptable level of acidity is 6.5 - 8.5.

Breeding viviparous aquarium fish is a completely simple task. If you do not want to spend too much time, you can not even separate the pregnant gupeshka from the rest of the fish. The main thing is to arrange suitable conditions for the fry. It is very good if any moss grows in the aquarium. The fact is that newborn fry fall to the bottom and are often immediately eaten by other fish. Moss may well become quite reliable protection for them.

It is also very good to plant small-leaved plants in the aquarium. It will also protect young viviparous aquarium fish from eating in the future.

live-bearing aquarium fish species
Floating plant species with drooping roots will become a very good barrier for adult fish. Adult guppies can be fed no more than once a day. The fry require three meals a day. In addition to guppies, there are other types of live-bearers that are not too difficult to maintain. For example, swordsmen.

What conditions do philanthropists require?

Swordfish are very beautiful, brightly colored live-bearing aquarium fish. The names of domestic water inhabitants sometimes correspond to their appearance. The males of these fish have an elongated lower process of the caudal fin, similar to a sword. Females are usually larger, and lack such a feature.

This type of live-bearing aquarium fish is also unpretentious. A quite sufficient degree of water heating is 20 - 25 degrees, acidity - 7. Swordfish - fish are quite active. Therefore, the elongated aquarium is most suitable for them. Of course, you can keep them together with guppies. However, you should not do this if the aquarium is too small. In this case, most likely, active swordsmen will begin to bite the fins of the slow guppies.

There are, of course, other viviparous aquarium fish, their species are numerous. All of them are great for breeding at home. For example, pecilia and mollinsia, well known to many. The conditions they need to create are about the same as for guppies and swordsmen.


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