Motor memory: concept, features, stages of development, games and exercises

There are a large number of different classifications of memory in psychology. Various species make one or another significant contribution to the normal development of man in the process of ontogenesis. However, unlike others, psychologists pay much less attention to motor memory than everyone else. And meanwhile, it is considered the most important for development, and its violations entail irreparable consequences.

Types of memory

Psychologists distinguish several main classifications. Many people know that according to the length of time information is stored in memory, they distinguish between long-term, short-term and operational. The principle here is the same as in the computer.

The memory, which determines a particular area of ​​human activity, is usually divided into:

  • motor;
  • emotional;
  • verbal-logical;
  • figurative.
Types of memory

Each of these species plays an important role in the normal functioning of the human body.

The concept of motor memory

This type, according to the definitions of psychological dictionaries, is responsible for memorizing various kinds of movements of an extensive degree of complexity and playing them offline or at will.

Motor memory

The type of motor memory affects the formation of such important human qualities as the ability to master various physical systems (walking, writing, work skills).

Characterization of other species

Unlike motor memory, emotional memory has a deeper psychological significance. It saves certain events in the form of their emotional coloring and will determine further actions of a person based on the acquired emotional experience.

Verbal-logical memory is very important in the development of human thinking. In a sense, we can say that it is she who is thinking directly. Its main function is to memorize the thoughts that have arisen and reproduce them with the help of linguistic structures.

Shaped memory draws information from our sensory analyzers. It processes and stores the knowledge that was obtained through the organs of hearing, vision, and the sense of smell of touch.

Figurative memory

Features of motor memory

This species is responsible for all motor processes, from elementary movement in space to complex physical exercises.

Like all other types of memory, motor memory depends on many factors and is prone to forgetting. However, the process of forgetting movements is slow, and when repeated, the memory is quickly restored. For example, if a person learned a dance and did not play it for several months, then he will forget many movements, and if he repeats it a couple of times, he will remember.

Also, motor memory is able to exist offline. For example, having learned to walk, eat cutlery and perform many other actions, a person carries them out without thinking.

There are several criteria that determine its quality:

  • Accuracy is a criterion that shows how clever the movement in space is.
  • Volume - a certain amount of memorized, stored and reproduced movements.
  • Sustainability is a criterion that shows the faultlessness of certain actions taken.
  • Strength.

It is these criteria that formed the basis of a system for evaluating the performance of athletes in various competitions.

Stages of development

The development of this type of memory begins very early. Even in the first months of life, the child reproduces various movements based on conditioned reflexes. Many of them are lost in the process of growing up.

The developmental processes of motor memory in children are further associated with the conscious memorization and reproduction of various movements. Already at the age of nine months, many children begin to learn walking.

The development of motor memory in a child

By the year the motor memory is formed at a sufficient level so that the child begins to master the speech processes.

Gradually acquired experience accumulates, and by the age of five the child can begin to master such an important motor skill, like writing.

Motor memory is able to develop all my life. It also depends on the genetic predisposition, age and type of human activity. So, among athletes and people engaged in physical labor, this memory is better developed than in others.

Violations of the considered type of memory

Underdevelopment or impaired motor memory is a serious problem that can affect a person’s quality of life in many ways.

In severe disorders, a person may have problems with moving in space and self-care. It will be difficult for him to be given sports loads, the development of dance movements.

As a rule, some violations of motor memory can affect not only autonomous movements, but also the quality of writing and reading. A person with this problem is more difficult to learn. He often makes elementary grammatical mistakes, confuses words when reading.

Problems in the letter

Most often, this leads to such a specific and very unpleasant violation as dysgraphia. And in more severe cases - to agraphia, that is, a complete inability to master the principles of written language.

Causes of Violations

The causes of impaired motor memory are many. Most often this is a consequence of any damage to areas of the brain due to injuries, circulatory problems, tumors and other pathological processes.

Impaired memory

Children and adults with this kind of impairment must be observed by a neurologist and defectologist.

Training exercises

Motor memory, like any other, is trained through special exercises. Let's consider some of them:

  • You need to sit on a chair near the wall, where a blank sheet of paper with a dot in the middle is attached. Closing your eyes, you need to count to five and put a point in pencil in the place where, as you think, is the middle of the sheet. This exercise must be repeated periodically, but regularly. In this way, during the training of motor memory, the distance from the middle of the sheet will be reduced. In the process of improving the results, it is necessary to gradually increase the number of points and the pause time between drawing.
  • It is necessary to draw lines with identical eyes with the same length. Then measure their length and try to repeat if the lines were very different. You need to draw them in different directions.

Such exercises are quite simple, but with regular training, they are able to make motor memory more flexible. This can help in mastering new physical skills, in acquiring more precise coordination in space, and even affect learning.

Educational games

There are many games that can develop motor memory in children.

For example, the game "Repeat after me", which is based on the fact that the child must quickly repeat the movement for the leader. Preferably to the music.

Or the Forbidden Movement game develops the processes of this type of memory well. The essence of the game is to also repeat behind the leader of the movement, except for one forbidden. This movement is shown in advance to the child so that he remembers it.

Also, many played "Edible-inedible", when the child should catch the ball on the names of edible products, and at the mention of something inedible - beat him off with his hand. This game, in addition to reflexes and reactions, develops the child's knowledge of objects. The game’s memory for repeating the drawing is also well developed, which in the future may become the main one for mastering writing.

In addition, nothing develops motor memory so well as engaging in sports activities. Gymnastics, tennis, football and other mobile sports disciplines are able to develop and adjust the type of memory presented.

Motor memory games

That is why it is so important not to neglect physical activity, spend more time in motion and in the fresh air, which is useful not only for motor processes, but also for the health of the body as a whole.


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