How to teach a child to say the letter "r" at home: classes

The phoneme "r" is the only vibrating sound in Russian. It is believed that babies should speak cleanly at 4 years old. But most children learn to growl later, at the age of 5-6, when their articulation apparatus is well honed. Until this age, parents should not worry. If the baby is already five years old, it's time to think about how to teach the child to correctly speak the letter "p".

Types of Violations

To understand how to teach your child to speak the letter "p", evaluate the current state of affairs. Most often, the following violations are found in children's speech:

  • The letter "p" is completely absent, in the words the baby misses it (sha_ik - ball, da_oga - road).
  • Instead of the sound "r", others are pronounced: yuchka (pen), glom (thunder).
  • A letter is present in the child’s speech, but is spoken out atypically. For example, the baby can not pronounce a soft "p", burrs in the French manner. Often these problems are encountered in bilingual children, because along with the correct sound variant, they also hear a foreign pronunciation. It turns out to be easier to master, and the wrong option is automated.

What is the reason?

Often, at a speech therapist’s appointment, the parent asks how to teach the child to speak the letter “p”. Such a desire is understandable, because automation of sound requires daily and lengthy classes. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to a speech therapist with such a high frequency. But before deciding on independent studies, it is advisable to find out the cause of the pronunciation.

upset child

It can be:

  • Features of the physiological structure. So, with a short bridle, the child simply does not reach the sky with his tongue.
  • Limited mobility of the articulation apparatus. In this case, the tongue cannot stand at the desired position, much less vibrate.
  • Incorrect speech breathing. It may be the result of certain diseases: runny nose, enlarged adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum, etc.
  • Disturbed phonemic hearing. Usually a defect becomes apparent by 4 years. The kid skips letters in words, confuses paired consonants.
  • Heredity. If mom or dad pronounce the letter "p" incorrectly, the child will copy their pronunciation.

When can I do without a speech therapist?

It is better to identify the cause of violations with a specialist. In the presence of physiological abnormalities, only a speech therapist will determine if the bridle needs to be cut or special exercises can be dispensed with. He will also give you useful tips for resolving identified problems. You can make your child growl for weeks, seducing him with sweets, and not achieve the result. A specialist will take a couple of lessons for the same task.

lesson at the speech therapist

For advice, choose an experienced speech therapist. How to teach a child to speak the letter "p", you will learn from a conversation with him. In most cases, the recommendations received can be applied on their own at home. It is important that the exercises are performed daily until the desired result is obtained, and conducted in a playful way. Coercion is unacceptable.

Self study

The best way to teach your child to say the letter "r" is to captivate him with a fun, but useful game. You need to start the classes in a good mood, praise your student for the slightest success. In no case do not get annoyed, avoid criticism. Set an example yourself by pronouncing sound correctly in words. Take a mirror so that the baby monitors the position of the organs of speech during the training. Take a break at the first sign of fatigue. Alternate articulatory exercises with breathing so that the tongue has time to relax.

Sound production may take more than one month. All this time you should train daily, but not for long. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough. Do not force your child to repeat difficult tongue twisters that not every adult will pronounce. Start with easy tasks. If the baby is not given the sound "p", practice it separately, then go on to syllables and simple words. Only passing this stage, you can recite verses about the Greek and cancer, which grabbed his hand.

Bridle Stretching Exercises

How to teach a child to say the letter "r" at home? Classes always start with fun articulation gymnastics. Learn exercises gradually. Give more time to difficult tasks for the baby. To stretch the bridle, do the following exercises:

sublingual bridle
  • The horse. Have the child click their tongue to mimic the clatter of hooves. Arrange competitions: whose horse will ride longer? Experiment with the pace of a clatter.
  • Pull Pull. Invite the child to smile and reach out with a wide, relaxed tongue, first to the nose, then to the chin.
  • "Jumping." The tongue lives in a house (mouth), where there is a floor and a ceiling. Invite the baby to look in the mirror and find them. On the "ceiling" behind the teeth there is a "sofa" - alveoli. Let the tongue jump from the "sofa" to the "floor" and back as quickly as possible.
  • "Painter". Invite the baby to smile, open his mouth. With his tongue, he begins to "paint the ceiling" - to conduct through the sky from the teeth to the throat.
  • "Drum". Let the child feel the tubercles behind the upper teeth and drum on them, pronouncing the sound “d” quickly.

Right breathing

How to teach a child to say the letter "p" if he is unable to create the desired air pressure? To get started, deal with the root cause. For chronic runny nose or allergies, the exercises described above will not help. If the baby is healthy, offer him the following games:

girl inflates a ball
  • "Balloon". The child puffs out his cheeks as much as possible and holds the air.
  • Roll the ball. Air moves from one cheek to another.
  • "Breeze". The kid sticks out a wide tongue, folds it into a tube and blows through it on a cotton wool, forcing it to move.
  • "Blizzard". Put the tongue on the alveoli, smile and blow very, very strongly, like the wind. In this case, you should get a sound resembling "trrr". Try to get your tongue trembling. In this way, blow small pieces of paper (snowflakes) from your hand.

Tongue muscle exercises

How to teach a child to say the letter "p" if he has a sluggish articulation? Game exercises that develop the muscles of the tongue will come to the rescue . For example, such:

tongue exercises
  • "Turkey". Put a wide tongue on your upper lip and "stroke" it, gradually increasing the pace. Say bl-bl sounds while imitating an angry turkey.
  • "Pancake". When pronouncing the sound “p,” the language should be broad, but not all children can make it that way. Invite the baby to place the tongue on the lower lip and slap it on the upper, while repeating the syllable "py". So we have baked a wide "pancake". Let the child put it on a plate (lower lip). And then - roll up "spatula". On command, the baby quickly changes the “spatula” to “pancake” and vice versa.
  • "Hide and Seek." A broad tongue should be put on the upper lip. It is he who looks out of the house. But then an angry dog ​​ran, and a wide tongue quickly hurled into the house on a sofa (alveoli). The dog ran away and he again looks out. During the game, parents can come up with different situations that cause interest in children. During training you need to smile, opening your mouth slightly.
  • "Bully". Let the baby stick his tongue far and tease, leading him left and right.

Sound setting

Parents want to know how to quickly teach their child to speak the letter "p". In fact, this is a completely feasible task if the baby's articulation apparatus is prepared by the exercises listed above. To growl, complete the following tasks:

  • "Coachman". Learning to say "TPR", stopping the horse on a gallop.
  • "Start the engine." At the pharmacy you can buy a speech therapy spatula or get by with the index finger of the child himself. Hands should be washed thoroughly before doing so. Let the baby put a wide tongue on the tubercles and begin to start the junk engine, saying "d-d-d" and blowing hard. The finger is placed under the tongue and quickly move it from one side of the mouth to the other, creating a vibration. As a result, the engine will start, and you will hear a rolling "drrrr".
  • In addition to the sound "d", you can start the engine by saying "zh" or "zz-za." Soft "p" is obtained by repeating the syllable "z-z-zi". Having mastered the exercise well, invite the baby to start the car without the help of a finger.

Automation p

Having pronounced the required sound several times, modify the exercises. How to teach a child to speak the letter "r" confidently? Invite him to growl. Diversify your workout: imitate the little lion cub and adult tiger, angry dog ​​and naughty puppy. Take the cars, roll them, voicing the motor. Whose car will drive next? Play the wolf who catches the fleeing hare with a loud growl.

Learn to pronounce syllables clearly:

  • open (pa, ro, ru, ry);
  • closed (op, ar, ur, yr, ora, aru, ur, etc.);
  • combination with a consonant sound (sconce, lying, gras).

Then practice pronouncing the letter in the words where it stands:

  • the first (cancer, fish, mouth, arm);
  • in the middle between vowels (mountain, balls, magpie);
  • at the end (choir, world, mosquito);
  • in the middle next to a consonant (city, tram, island).
articulation gymnastics

Automate the soft "p" in the same way:

  • in syllables (ri, re, rya, re, ryu);
  • at the beginning of the word (mountain ash, draw, child);
  • between vowels (sailor, birch, carriage);
  • at the end of a word (fire, door);
  • after a consonant (crackling, mushroom, dirt).

Let's play!

How to teach a child to say the letter "p" and not get bored during training? Show maximum imagination. Offer the following funs:

  • "Echo". Let the child repeat the syllables for the adult with the same intonation: quietly, loudly, angrily, lingering, affectionately, low, high.
  • "Remember that." What are some words and ask your child to repeat them from memory.
  • Roll a die for a board game: how many points have fallen, so many times you need to say a combination of syllables.
  • "Repeat this much." The word is pronounced as many times as the number of hits on the floor is made by the ball, how many circles are on the table, how many flowers are in the vase, etc.
  • "Name the picture." For classes you will need cards with the image of objects containing the sound "p". They can be laid out in a circle and twist the arrow, pull out one of the boxes, guess the missing or added.
  • "Pictures in a row." Cards are laid out in a row, the child calls what is depicted on them. One by one the pictures are removed. The kid from memory should name all the objects in the order in which they were originally.
speech therapist shows cards

Sound differentiation

Often children confuse the letters "l" and "p". To distinguish them, spend the following games:

  • An adult shows a child how a tiger growls. Together they depict a predator and this sound. Then the adult pronounces the letter "l-l-l-l" and explains that this is the buzz of a plane that flies in thick clouds. The child runs, arms spread out, like wings, and repeats the sound. Then the adult puts on a mask and pronounces the phonemes worked out in random order. The kid must depict either a tiger or a plane.
  • If this works out well, complicate the task. Say words with these sounds, clearly highlighting them. The child must guess the letter and show either the tiger or the plane. At the last stage, words differ only in these letters: rye - lie, horn - log, cancer - varnish, time - manhole, fry - sorry, ball - shawl.

It is possible to teach a child to speak the letter "r" at home, but this requires hard work by the parents. Forget about your experiences, invite the baby to have fun with the sounds, support him, and everything will work out.


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