The daily routine and proper nutrition of the child in 10 months

Every mother knows that the most important thing in the development of her baby is the correct regime of the day and a balanced diet. Indeed, in order for a child to grow up healthy and active, one must competently approach not only his physical development, but also his psychological development. All mothers remember how their babies were just born, the first time they held this lump of happiness in their hands and could not see enough of the little face of the baby.

Most of the psychological problems of a person come from childhood. Therefore, parents must properly approach the education and development of their crumbs. Especially when it comes to the regimen and diet of a child of 10 months. The first few months of life, the baby sleeps and eats a lot, but after the ninth month, the most fertile period of development begins. The child begins to actively study the world around him, learn new things and get used to another diet. Therefore, for many parents, the period of "sleepless nights" ends at this moment, but the period of "my baby is a fidget" begins. Well, let's get acquainted with the development and nutrition of the child at 10 months.

The right diet is the key to a good mood

Approximate ten-month baby day regimen

7:00 - 10:00 - lifting, feeding, taking water procedures.

10:00 - 10:30 - morning gymnastics.

10:30 - 11:00 - feeding.

11:00 - 12:30 - the first part of daytime sleep.

12:30 - 14:00 - rise and day walk on the street.

14:00 - 15:00 - feeding.

15:00 - 16:30 - active games, developing creativity.

16:30 - 18:30 - the second part of daytime sleep.

18:30 - 19:00 - feeding.

19:00 - 20:00 - reading books, developing games.

20:00 - 21:00 - evening walk on the street.

21:00 - 21:30 - swimming.

21:30 - 22:00 - feeding.

22:00 - 22:30 - reading fairy tales, preparing for bed.

22:30 - 7:00 - a night's sleep.

This is what the daily regimen and nutrition of a baby of 10 months look like. But this is only an approximate plan, because for each baby the regime should be built individually. That is why we consider each item in the diet separately.


Sleep for your baby is one of the most important components of the daily routine. During the rest, the child gains physical strength, in addition, his psychological state is leveled, and he is ready for new adventures and emotions. Particularly important is a strong and long sleep at night. It is then that the active development of brain cells occurs. If you adhere to the correct daily routine, then sleep in the daytime should be at least once. Indeed, in the process of active games and developmental activities, the baby loses a lot of energy, and daytime rest helps to make up for it.

The crib should be soft enough, comfortable and warm. In the pose of the baby during sleep, you can talk about his psychological state.

Mom with a baby
  • The child is sleeping on his stomach - his emotional state is elevated, there may be fear.
  • The baby during his sleep presses his knees to his chest - most likely, your baby has some serious fears and anxieties.
  • If he sleeps on all fours, that means the baby is not happy with something. For example, did not want to go to bed, or something prevented him from falling asleep.
  • The child sleeps on his back - this suggests that he feels comfortable and relaxed.

As you have noticed, a properly spent day contributes to a good emotional state of the child and good sleep. To the baby was still healthy, be sure to bathe your baby before laying. It will be great if you air the room before you put it down. Read a story or tell an interesting story. All these factors serve the correct sleep of the child.

How should I feed a baby at 10 months?


All the kids love to take water procedures, because you can wallow in a warm little water and play. In addition, a properly prepared bath improves sleep and crumb health. Before placing the baby in the bath, check the temperature and water level. The temperature should be 35-36 degrees, and the level should be no more than 25-30 cm, depending on the height of the child. For a baby at 10 months, odorless soap and shampoo work well. But do not overdo it, because the skin of a child at this age is too sensitive, and it can be too dry or cause irritation.

Take rubber toys with you to the bathtub. Favorite duck, a colorful boat and a good dolphin will give an ordinary swim a pleasant and positive mood. And next time the child will be happy to take water procedures. The bathroom should have a special plastic chair so that after bathing the baby can sit on it while you wipe it. Wipe the baby very gently, try dipping a towel over the damp areas of the baby so as not to damage the steamed skin. After the procedure, wrap the crumbs in a dry towel to prevent cooling and colds. You can then make a massage with special baby creams. The procedure will help to fall asleep better and will surround the child’s body with a protective layer.

Happy child


Fresh air is required for any living organism, especially a small child. While walking on the street, the kid is studying the environment and gaining energy. In the warm season, the walk should last no more than 2.5 hours so that the baby does not overwork and does not overheat. In winter, staying in the fresh air is better to reduce to an hour so that your baby does not get too cold and does not get sick. At this age, kids are very fond of walking on the street, because it is here that they can meet and chat with other children.

From the point of view of psychology, a baby at 10 months old should begin to communicate with his peers, so that in the future he would not have communication problems. Therefore, it is advisable to spend time on the playground, so that your baby can play in the sandbox and spend time with other children. Buy him a bucket and a spatula so that the baby can play with sand, make cakes. It develops fine motor skills. But in no case, do not lose sight of the child, at this age they are too active. Proper walks also contribute to appetite. We will talk about the nutrition of children at 10 months later.

Mom and baby

Child development

Gone are the days when your baby only slept and ate. Now he is interested in tasting everything, touching all unexplored things, especially if it is a hot iron or an outlet. At this tender age, the child must be properly developed so that he understands what can be touched and what cannot be touched. It is discipline and development that contribute to the competent formation of a child as a small person.


One of the important developmental moments is drawing or modeling from plasticine. The kid can already hold a pencil or a piece of plasticine in his hands, draw lines and attach figures. Fine motor skills are very important for every child. Put the little one at a small table, give a sheet of paper and a set of soft pencils and move to the far corner. Left alone with objects, the baby will begin to draw. Most often, children may mutter something. Do not bother, it is useful for development. In addition, the picture can determine the psychological background of the child. This will be indicated by the thickness of the lines and the variety of strokes. In more detail you can find out from a child psychologist and even ask to decipher the picture. But do not lose sight of the baby, because he can get hurt with a pencil or swallow plasticine.


Games with small toys and cubes are very interesting at this age. Play with your child. Show how to build a tower or arrange a queue for a toy store. Make sure that the little one learns to speak such simple words as “meow”, “woof” or “mu”. So the child will develop a concept of what kind of animal in front of him and what sound it makes. For example, a cat says “meow”. By building a pyramid or tower, you can tell your child about the size of the cubes, their number and colors. Day after day, your child will remember this and will respond to requests. For example, submit a yellow cube.

Reading and singing

Another important aspect of the development of a baby in ten months is reading books or singing songs. The peanut begins to plunge into the world of magic and fairy tales, which allows you to develop imagination, this positively affects the mood. Try to sing a song together, while clapping your hands or raising your hands up. Dance! Dancing helps the child learn how to stay on his feet, and also make him happy and contented. Yes, and you too.

Baby food at 10 months. Menu and recipes

Well, the last, but no less, and maybe even more important point is eating at the age of ten months. At this time, the baby begins to eat less and more balanced. Food are divided into two types:

  • Nutrition for a child who eats regular food and mix.
  • Infant nutrition at 10 months.

Let's start with the first paragraph. Eating at this age is very important for the peanut. It should be enriched with nutrients and vitamins. You can gradually accustom the baby to new, more solid food. After all, by ten months, the first teeth have already erupted in the crumbs. Let's look at the baby's diet at 10 months in the table.

Feeding baby

Main table

The product's name

Beneficial features

Mashed vegetables

Contains fiber, which helps the absorption of food.

Fruit puree


Vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12, C, PP, E, A, D, beta-carotene;

· Minerals: iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iodine, etc .;


· tannins;

· Organic acids;

· alimentary fiber.

Cottage cheese

Enriched in phosphorus and calcium. Helps strengthen bones.


Rich in amino acids. Contains vitamins D, A, iron. Strengthens bones, resists infant rickets.

Mashed fish

Contains easily digestible protein, trace elements, vitamins, fat, consisting of acids - omega 3 and omega 6.

Mashed potatoes

Potato is a very useful product for the baby. It contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and iron. As well as vitamins C, B, B2, B6, B PP, D, K, E, folic acid, carotene.

Milk porridge

It is enriched with vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, protein and many other useful substances.

The diet of a child at 10 months is quite diverse. If you feed your baby a mixture, then his body is already strong and ready for new food. For example, in the morning you can feed him a mixture, and after taking a morning bath, he will gladly eat porridge or fruit puree. During the day, you can cook light soup or mashed potatoes, and treat it with grated vegetables or cottage cheese for an afternoon snack. But before going to bed, it is advisable to give the milk mixture again. Gradually, the baby will get used to new food, his body will begin to digest and absorb it well, therefore, the mixture will no longer be needed.


As for the infant's diet at 10 months old, everything is similar. Mother's milk contains more vitamins and beneficial properties than the usual mixture, it provides the baby with nutrients and forms immunity. But gradually in breast milk is becoming less useful properties, and the baby gets used to the breast. Sometimes it can be very difficult to wean him, in addition, the baby can refuse normal food. If you still feed the baby with breast milk, then gradually it is worth introducing cereals and mashed potatoes into the diet. First, in small portions, for example, only an afternoon snack. Then more: afternoon tea, lunch and lunch - give us ordinary food.

Baby puree

A baby’s nutrition of 10 months per week should be varied. Add new flavors of mashed potatoes, soups, cereals and fruits. It is advisable to cut the latter into large slices so that the baby chews them and cannot choke. Buy him a special baby cookie. It is amazingly melting in the mouth and incredibly tasty. Cook stewed fruits and jelly, they have a lot of minerals and vitamins. Over time, the toddler will get used to everyday food and a mixture or breast milk will not be needed. By the first year of life, your baby will be happy to eat pieces of fruit, milk porridge and compote. The baby's nutrition per year and at 10 months do not differ much. Indeed, in order to fully switch to an adult diet, children will need from a year to two years. The teeth begin to erupt, the stomach is working correctly, immunity is restored.

Well, a child is happiness for every parent. Thanks to the kids, our life again becomes active and fun. We are learning anew to develop, walk, talk and even look at the world with different eyes. To make your baby always happy, play with him, bathe him, read him. Sound sleep is especially important at this age. As for the nutrition of children at 10 months, this is the most important aspect of the baby's life. It is the right diet that will give the crumbs of strength, health and a wonderful mood.


And in conclusion - a recipe for a baby at 10 months.

The first breakfast is a mixture or breast milk.

Lunch - semolina porridge.

You will need:

  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of semolina;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Method of preparation: put a pan with milk on a slow fire. Mix cereal, sugar and salt in a glass (so there will be no lumps). Pour the mixture into boiling milk and stir constantly. Cook for 5 minutes. Allow to cool, and the porridge is ready!

Lunch - mashed vegetables.

You will need:

  • 50 grams of cauliflower;
  • 60 gr zucchini;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Method of preparation: wash and chop vegetables. Put in a pan and fill with water. Put on fire and cook until cooked. Next, drain the water and put the vegetables in a blender. Put the prepared mixture on fire, after adding hot milk. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add vegetable oil. Allow to cool. And you can start feeding.

Snack - cottage cheese with fruit.

You will need:

  • banana;
  • 2 strawberries;
  • ½ apples;
  • cottage cheese 70 gr;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • ½ cup milk.

Method of preparation: mix fruits, sugar and cottage cheese in a blender. Add milk and mix thoroughly. Voila, a light afternoon snack is ready. The kid will be happy.

Dinner - a mixture or breast milk.


Observing the regimen and the correct daily diet is very important, starting from a young age. Thus, your child gradually gets used to the established schedule, and this, in turn, affects its activity during the day. We hope that our article has helped you learn new information for yourself.


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