T-44: World of Tanks. T-44: specifications, photo

World of Tanks is a unique game that is interesting not only to men worshiping weapons, but also to ordinary women. After all, not only the arms race of several countries is intertwined here, but also the art of a strategist and tactics embedded in each player. In addition, with the help of this online game you can study the history of domestic and foreign military equipment. For example, the Soviet T-44 medium tank is quite mobile in battle, has a number of significant advantages, but also has some disadvantages. Moreover, its effectiveness directly depends on the weapons used.

World of Tanks: History

T 44

This game is an almost complete online reconstruction of tank battles. In its arsenal you can see, and most importantly, evaluate, the results of a century-long arms race of the leading countries of the world: the USSR, England, Japan, America, etc. Here, light, heavy and medium tanks, such as KV-1, T-15, T-21, M-44, V-1 and T-44, enter almost full-fledged battle. World of Tanks for several years of its existence has broken almost all records of online games, and has also been awarded a separate nomination in the Guinness Book.

And it all began at sunset 2008, in Belarus. It was then that the idea of ​​creating the first, so large-scale, game took shape. It took about a year to create the preliminary version. Of course, the arsenal of tanks was too small - 5 pieces, and only one combat map was developed, and there were also a lot of other shortcomings. But already in mid-August 2010, users waited for the official release of the game. And even after so many years, interest in this project does not fade.

Gameplay Features

The meaning of World of Tanks is that two randomly typed teams of 15 people fight for a fairly short time on a particular map. In this case, players are randomly selected, with the exception of specially created associations.

Each player has their own garage, in which you can initially find 5 main tanks: MC-1, T-1 Cunningham, NC-31, Leichttraktor, Vickers Medium Mark I, Renault FT and Renault Otsu. Subsequently, gaining experience and silver in battles, you can purchase about 300 more combat vehicles, including, for example, the Tiger, Ferdinand, Sherman, T-44 and others.

World of Tanks has five units and 10 levels. This is a conditional division of existing tanks by purpose and capabilities. Specifically, these are light, heavy and medium tanks, artillery and anti-tank self-propelled vehicles. In this case, you can play with any of the presented instances.

In the process, you can earn experience and money that is spent on the development of a certain type of tank or crew. You can improve any of the branches of Soviet, English, American, Japanese, French and Chinese cars, or several directions at once.

For the entire time of the game, statistics are kept, which indicate the number of defeats and victories, trophies and awards. With good results, you can get into any elite squad.

T 44 World of Tanks

Rulers of tanks

If at the dawn of World of Tanks there were only a few tanks, now the creators have bothered to include almost all existing or existing tanks in the world. In total, there are about 300 at the moment. 6 world leaders represent their models. They cover the period from the 30s to the 60-70s of the last century.

Almost all countries, with the exception of China and Japan, are represented by 5 types of tanks. The US Arsenal in World of Tanks has 82 items. The main drawback of this branch of cars is its rather weak armor. However, it is fully compensated by the mobile and powerful tower, as well as the rate of fire, in comparison with foreign counterparts, for example the T-44.

French tanks have a loading drum, which allows you to do good damage. They also have good speed. However, these vehicles suffer from a lack of normal armor.

British tanks do not enjoy the special respect and popularity of players. It directly depends on the complexity of management. In addition, their development branches are absolutely unpredictable, because in the end, you can get not the fastest, but, for example, a tank with powerful armor.

Chinese and Japanese models have fairly strong armor and good weapons that deal maximum damage.

Soviet tanks in World of Tanks

Russian cars are especially popular, due to belonging to the main audience. They are simple and comfortable to use. They have good enough armor, they cause significant damage, and are also quite mobile, even such as heavy HF and medium T-44. World of Tanks almost completely reflects the entire model range of the USSR.

It should be noted that most experienced players advise starting with Soviet cars. Strong armor allows beginners to make a lot of mistakes without much damage. In addition, the guns used, for example, on the T-44 and other Soviet models, are distinguished by significant one-time damage.

But their drawback is inaccuracy. They are significantly inferior to the French, Americans and even Germans. Also a minus can be called a lot of “blind” zones, when it is difficult to even determine who and where you wounded or defeated.

Bleeding T 44

Rating of the best tanks

The criterion for the selection of military vehicles for the title "most-most" is rather arbitrary. Firstly, for each line and each level there are preferences. For example, among medium tanks, the American T-69, French D2 and Russian T-44 will be correctly compared. The World of Tanks is constantly evolving, and in each new update more and more advanced models appear. In addition, you can choose according to individual characteristics, such as aiming, damage, armor, etc.

It should also be noted that for a person who does not have a risk, and for those who rely solely on luck, the rating will be completely different:

  • KV - 1C. This Russian tank will plug in the belt of all peers in damage and armor, and will also be able to quickly move to the right place.
  • AMX 50 Foch 155. This anti-tank machine is capable of inflicting huge damage to the maximum number of enemies.
  • Waffentrager auf E100. This German has purely national traits, such as speed and accuracy.
  • T57 Heavy Tank. Despite the light armor, it often ricochets and quickly reduces.
  • M18 Hellcat. Fast enough, and a rotating tower can significantly expand the area of ​​fire.

T-44: the history of creation

This new generation tank, as well as its modernization, served the army until the 1970s. It was created in the year 43 of the last century under the leadership of Alexander Morozov. This model is very similar to the T -34-85 version , but with a shorter body and improved armor protection.

WoT T 44

Until 1947, only 1823 tanks were produced. Although the T-44 model was released during the war years, but in the battles it practically did not participate.

The impossibility of modernization or re-equipment of the legendary T-34 prompted the creation of a new tank of designers. Even the experimental T-43 combat vehicle designed on its basis did not meet all the requirements of wartime.

Then it was decided to completely change the layout of the elements and the very design of the tanks. But, despite the many positive aspects, these new products had some drawbacks and shortcomings. Therefore, he was not allowed into mass production for military purposes. But they began to actively use it as a training tank in educational institutions.

Design and specifications

The eighth-level Soviet medium tank in World of Tanks is designed primarily for close combat. Due to its small dimensions, it can measure in speed with almost any opponent.

Players who often sit in the World of Tank call the T-44 a helicopter because of the ability to quickly circle their opponents and deliver precision strikes.

If we talk about gaming characteristics, the T-44 is in many ways inferior to similar machines. But it costs only 2,390,000 silver. Strength, even with top-end characteristics, is not more than 1300 HP. The most powerful and impenetrable place, at the same time, is the face of the tower and the front of the car. With a maximum weight of 34-35 tons, it can move at a speed of about 50 km / h. Visibility in the tank is 370 m, with a swivel of 42 ° / s.

From all of the above it follows that it is better to use passive battle tactics. Even if there are no worthy opponents, you should not rush headlong, because even a weak tank can knock out a "cardboard" hull from the stern or side.

Research and improvement of the tank

All newly purchased cars are not impressive with their characteristics and capabilities. Therefore, the creators of the game gave users the opportunity to slightly improve the tank. But here you need to take into account such moments as the mismatch of the purchased expensive items to the general state of technology. Because of this, it is not possible to obtain the desired result until the entire structure is evenly examined.

T 44 Which gun is better

The T-44 is pumped in several directions: a gun, a tower, radio communications and a walkie-talkie, an engine and tracks.

The gun cannon is explored up to level 8. The top instance allows you to achieve damage of 390 units, with an average rate of fire of 3.13 shots every minute.

Players are also provided with two types of towers: 8th and 9th levels, directly from the T-44 and its modifications T-44-100. The only difference is the increased armor to 100 from the stern and side.

During the game, you can also improve your own engine: pump it from the 8th to the 9th level. The power of the latter is 680 liters. from.

You can also slightly increase the characteristics of the chassis: the top version will withstand the load of up to 35.3 tons, and the turning speed will increase to 44 ° / s.

And the last thing that can be improved is the power of the radio station, from 525 m to 730 m.

Ammunition and weapons

Of course, the main characteristics that you pay attention to when buying are the equipment and capabilities of the tank. Initially, the T-44 is armed with an 85 mm gun and 64 units of ammunition. Rate of fire and penetration leave much to be desired.

Therefore, the first thing you should spend your own money and experience on is replacing the gun, the ammunition, as well as the stabilizer and rammer. In this case, you need to think about a good repair kit and first-aid kit.

When researching a tank, newcomers often have the same idea: for example, for a T-44, which gun is better suited? Here you need to take into account the features of existing modules and equipment. It’s better to pump everything evenly, and not to buy a top-end gun at once, which will be absolutely useless and slow.

Combat effectiveness

This is a complex indicator, on which the outcome of the game often depends. Used 100-mm gun allows you to easily cope with weaker tanks, as well as adequately withstand the same type of rivals.

However, frankly weak armor exposes the car to attack even competitors with a level much lower. At the same time, light weight allows you to perfectly maneuver in close combat and, literally, circle around an opponent. But when a track breaks down, the tank immediately loses all the advantages and turns into an excellent target.

So how to play on the T-44? Adding all the advantages and disadvantages of the model, you can build your own battle tactics. Better to act in coordination with other T-44s. Together, they are able to defeat even such a top tank as the IS-7. Such a group can also be quickly transferred to priority areas of the map, to create a certain local superiority.


Series P 44 T

The T-44 tank has a standard team consisting of a commander, loader and radio operator in one person, a gunner and a driver-mechanic. The World of Tanks should also consider that this crew is completely transplanted to subsequent models of the T-54 and T-62A.

One of the most important points is the constant training of the team. The speed and maneuverability of the machine, as well as the quality and effectiveness of the fire, depend on their knowledge and skills.

But for each tank model, you need to choose the most priority areas of training. For the crew of the WoT T-44, this is a combat fraternity and repair. At the same time, together with ventilation, you get an excellent team.

The charger needs to acquire the ability of a contactless warhead. The driver-mechanic must ensure the dynamics of the car, so the off-road king is suitable for him. The gunner should master the skill of a sniper, and the radio operator, respectively, the skills that enhance the review.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Each tank has its own characteristics. Some of them make up the advantages and disadvantages of the model. The P-44 T series boasts the following features:

  • Good maneuverability and speed. This is the main feature of the tank, which is why it is called the "helicopter".
  • Good enough gun. A pumped gun provides 1221 HP damage every minute, and the rate of fire at the same time is about 3 shots.
  • Low silhouette. This helps to avoid enemy attacks.
  • The tight layout allows you to use the maximum number of repair kits and first-aid kits.

T 44 World of Tanks

Among the obvious advantages of the T-44 model there are some problems:

  • There is no telescopic sight hole. Instead, just a dummy is visible on the armor.
  • Fairly poor and unevenly distributed armor. Compared to other models, this tank looks cardboard. It is easy enough to break through from the side.
  • Due to the inconvenient location of the ammunition in the front right side of the tank, shells often fall into it.
  • The crew here cannot disconnect the track tracks, knocking out the connecting finger.

Major inconsistencies of the T-44 (World of Tanks) to its historical prototype

As you know, a game is, to a greater extent, fiction and exaggeration. But the creators of World of Tanks tried to accurately display all the features of the tanks used. This is one of the main reasons for such frenzied popularity and love of users. But there are some points that do not fit into the overall plot. So in the T-44 World of Tanks:

  • Gun. In mass production, instead of 85 mm S-53, ZiS S-53 was installed.
  • Speed. In real life, the T-44 accelerates to 60 km / h.
  • Installation of weapons. The D-25-44 gun was installed in a specially designed first tower.
  • Ammunition. The 122-mm guns have only 24 shells.
  • On the model T-44-85 installed serial D5 (instead of the modified one).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33945/

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