Dizzying Everest Height

It is hard to imagine that the words "Chomolungma", "Everest", "Peak XV", "Sagarmatha" are the names of the same mountain, the highest point on the planet. Today, the height of Everest is 8848 meters, and this is far from the final figure - according to scientists, the peak increases by another 5 mm annually.

The height of Everest. Property Description and General Information

Mount Everest
The highest mountain on the planet rises up among the eternal snows of the Himalayan mountain range on the border of two states: China and Nepal. Nevertheless, it is generally accepted that the peak itself is located in the territory of the Middle Kingdom.

One of the names - “Chomolungma” - translated from Tibetan sounds very beautifully “Mother of the Wind” or, according to some other data, “Mother of the life force of the earth”. Nepalis are used to calling her “Sagarmatha,” which means “Mother of the Gods.”

The name “Everest”, more familiar to us, in 1856 was proposed by the Englishman Andrew Vaugh, who at that time was the successor of D. Everest, the head of the geodetic department in British India. Prior to that, in Europe, the mountain was called "Peak XV".

It is noteworthy that it is unlikely to immediately see Everest from the Nepalese side - it is obscured by the mountains of Nuptse and Lhotse from the outside world, whose height is no less impressive and amounts to 7879 m and 8516 m, respectively.

The most courageous and hardy adventurers climb the peak of Cala Pattar or Gokyo Ri to admire the top of the world and take breathtaking pictures.

The height of Everest. Climbing history

Everest height
This mountain attracted and continues to attract climbers from around the world. It is no exaggeration to say that Everest has become a place of “pilgrimage” for climbers. Hundreds of climbers come here every year, who strive, if not to go to the top, then at least to see with their own eyes the mountain legend.

Everest is considered difficult for climbing: the peak has a pyramidal shape with a steeper slope on the south side. At an altitude of 5 thousand meters, glaciers end, and on the steep slopes of the mountain, snow does not stop at all.

The mountain was first conquered in late May 1953. The team consisted of thirty people who used oxygen tanks - climbing Mount Everest is impossible without them. After almost 30 years, Soviet climbers climbed the southeast wall. Ukrainian athletes M. Turkevich and S. Bershov were especially distinguished - they made the first night climb in history.

To date, according to the latest statistics, about 3,000 climbers from all over the world have already visited Everest. Unfortunately, about 200 athletes did not let the mountain go - they died: someone on an ascent, someone on a descent from lack of oxygen, frostbite or heart failure, some fell or fell under an avalanche.

This once again proves the fact that on such routes, as a rule, the decisive role is played not by expensive and modern equipment, but by concomitant luck, which can protect the traveler from falls and hurricanes that blow everything in its path.

The height of Everest. How realistic is it to be in the vicinity of a great mountain?

Everest photo
From year to year, the number of untouched places such as the Himalayas on the planet does not increase at all. Everyone who has recovered to conquer the summit will certainly be among the unspoiled by civilization and scientific progress of pristine places.

Everest is the height for those who seek to conquer the irresistible. But, as they say, nothing is impossible in this world, the main thing is to want. For many years, the giant mountain impresses with its grandeur, impresses with its menacing nature and attracts millions of adventurers. Although not everyone goes to the very top. Why are they coming to Everest? Photos taken at the foot or in the foothills, and the atmosphere itself is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. In addition, international rallies are held here annually, base camps are set up and dating evenings are arranged.

Those who certainly want to see the earth from the highest point on the planet need to hire a guide or join a special group. However, I would immediately like to warn that pleasure is not cheap - the cost of climbing will cost 45-60 thousand dollars.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3395/

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