Syrup "Orvirem" for children. Instructions and indications for use

This medicine is intended to fight the child's body with viral diseases. If your child has the flu, then Orvire Syrup for children is the appropriate medicine. The instruction shows that this drug can also be used to prevent influenza diseases during an epidemic. Rimantadine is the main substance of the drug, which does not allow viruses to multiply and destroys them at the cellular level. Its toxic effect in this syrup is many times lower, since it, in addition to fighting viruses, has a detoxifying and adsorbing effect. The composition of the product includes 60% sugar. The former name of the drug (until 2008) is Algirem.

Syrup "Orvirem" for children. Instructions for use

orvir syrup for children Price

The drug is prescribed for type A flu, SARS. It is also used as a prophylactic in people over 1 year old. With type B flu, it also helps, as it has an anti-toxic effect. The medicine is available in the form of a pinkish syrup. It tastes sweet, slightly bitter. One dose is equal to one teaspoon and equal to 5 ml. Depending on the age of the patient, the dosage changes. During the treatment of influenza A, the medicine should be used 3 times, for prophylactic purposes only 1 time is enough. The maximum effect can be achieved if immediately, within 7 hours after observing the first signs of the disease, take the drug "Orvirem".

For children, the instruction contains contraindications. You should not take medication with intolerance to its components and sensitivity to them, acute liver diseases, epilepsy, kidney diseases, as well as babies up to a year. Good tolerance is usually observed, although adverse reactions include nausea, bloating, headache and dizziness, allergies, and sleep disorders.

orvir syrup for children

Treatment and prevention

How to use "Orvirem" in case of flu? Syrup for children should be given after the child has eaten. If the baby's age is from one to three years, 2 teaspoons in the morning, afternoon and evening are shown. The second and third day are identical. You should also give 2 teaspoons, only twice a day. On the fourth day, the same dose is used once a day. If the child is 3-7 years old, three spoons are prescribed three times a day. For the next 2-3 days the same dosage, but twice a day. On the fourth day you need to give 2 teaspoons 1 time. Be sure to drink water.

How to start influenza prophylaxis by taking Orvirem syrup? For children, the instruction advises using two tablespoons of syrup once a day. The preventive course is no more than two weeks. The main thing is that the daily norm does not exceed 5 mg per kilogram of the child’s weight. The drug is well tolerated by the children's body.

Performance Reviews

orvir for children instruction

According to mothers who gave syrup to children with the flu, the use of this medicine reduces the symptoms of the disease and makes the course of the disease easier. Recovery comes pretty quickly.

Some parents note the negative effect of the drug on the liver and recommend that they temper the body for prevention and provide physical activity. In contact with patients, Orvirem (a syrup for children) should be used for prophylaxis. The price of it is available to everyone. It ranges from 180 to 235 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle.


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