DIY boiler installation

The popularity of electric boilers is increasing every year. If someone in the apartment or house still does not have such a wonderful household appliance, then this is only a matter of time. In today's article, we will consider in detail how to install a water heater, but before that, perhaps, we note its main advantages.

Residents of apartments in high-rise buildings are well aware that very often hot water from centralized systems is a luxury. For example, in the warm season, when the CHP is stopped for scheduled maintenance, it may be absent for months. Well, many have become accustomed to daily shutdowns during minimum drawdown (daytime working days). It is also not a secret that fact that special emollients are added to the water heated at the CHPP, therefore the usefulness of such a “soup” is very doubtful. And, of course, the constant increase in tariffs creates an additional burden on the family budget. Installing a boiler allows you to solve all these problems.

In addition, there are a number of rather specific advantages. Among them, the following service life of the electrical device exceeds the operating time of the gas column (no burner wear); the device is able to work even on the basis of a gravity water supply system, characteristic of rural houses; boiler installation can be performed independently (unlike gas varieties); high fire and electrical safety is easily achievable by connecting an RCD.

So, the water heater is purchased. Installation of the boiler begins with the determination of the location. It is recommended to place it near the main points of the draw-off (bathroom). Otherwise, having opened the tap, you will have to drain part of the cold water from the pipes, waiting for the hot water to go, which is wasteful. Household models designed for wall mounting are mounted in such a way that the outgoing pipes are higher than the level of the water distribution line - this will allow the system to work with a minimum pressure of cold water. Note that the installation of water heaters is quite simple and, if done carefully, does not present any difficulties.

We take a pencil, apply the boiler to the wall, set the desired height and mark the point through one of the mounting holes. Next, we measure the distance between the holes on the tank mounting plate and using the building level we get the second point. Now you need to decide how the device will be mounted to a brick or concrete wall. You can purchase hooks (crutches) with long plastic dowels with a diameter of 10-12 mm or, as an alternative, powerful anchor bolts. The latter are more reliable, but installation is more difficult, since you have to twist the nuts. We drill holes, mount the fasteners and fix the tank.

Further installation of the boiler consists in piping. By the way, if the power cord is not provided, then, given the power consumption, prepare it. It is recommended to power the boiler through the machine. The connection and wiring of pipes depends on the existing system and is decided on the spot (plastic, metal-plastic, metal).

Let us dwell on two important points:

- According to the diagram in the manual, the safety valve must be connected . It is necessary to protect the tank from damage, relieving excess pressure: with excessive heating, expanding water can rupture the body. We put the tube on the discharge pipe and bring it into the prepared container (otherwise, when the pressure is released, part of the water will pour directly onto the floor).

- On the supply of cold water, you can install a filter flask with crystals of phosphate salts. When dissolved, they prevent the formation of scale on the heating element. Practice shows that, despite the need for periodic revisions of the boiler, over 70% of owners ignore this recommendation, and when the tank fails, they simply change it to a new one. The phosphate filter increases the overall runtime in this mode.


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