Golden flake - royal mushrooms

Royal honey mushrooms are the common name for the golden scale, Strofarivaeva mushroom. The latter includes other representatives of the kingdom of wildlife. This is a summer mushroom, false and a number of mushrooms. Golden flake grows on the trunks of deciduous plants, preferring willow and alder, less often on birch stumps. However, sometimes it can be found on living and dead coniferous woods and in marshy areas. Science knows about 150 different species of these fungi, and only about three dozen are common in the forests of central Russia. In Japan, some varieties of flakes are cultivated by growing on special plantations for further sale.

royal mushrooms


Royal mushrooms (golden flake), like ordinary ones, settle in families, small groups. In its appearance, this mushroom is significantly different from other brothers. His hat reaches a truly royal size, growing up to 20 centimeters in diameter. Royal mushrooms, photos of which are presented in the article, look very cute and unusual.

royal mushrooms photo

Their golden hats are covered with slightly darker-colored scales (hence the name of the mushroom) and resemble spiny balls that are held on a thin (relative to their size) leg, with a diameter of up to 1-2 centimeters, sometimes stretching up to 15 centimeters in length. As the scales become β€œobsolete”, the lid turns pale, acquiring unpleasant dirty shades, and the base, on the contrary, goes from light yellow to brown. Royal mushrooms are mushrooms, photos of which are often used for illustrations, due to their unusual appearance.

Fruiting period

The first hats of young golden scales appear in deciduous forests already in mid-July and delight mushroom pickers until mid-October. By the way, because of the early appearance, royal mushrooms are often confused with false ones that grow in forests around the same time of the year. The peak of fruiting flakes occurs at the beginning and middle of autumn and lasts until the first frost.

royal mushrooms mushrooms photo

Cooking use

Royal mushrooms are classified as false. When cooking, they must first be boiled for 20 minutes. These mushrooms are used in second courses and salads. The excellent flavors of flakes are excellently combined with fried potatoes and onions. They are also good at preparing blanks for the winter. The taste that the royal mushrooms collected in coniferous forests have is different from the taste of deciduous mushrooms - they are slightly bitter. Therefore, they are best used only for pickling and pickling. In addition, the golden flake is excellent for drying and freezing.

Nutritional composition

Royal mushrooms are a source of thiamine and riboflavin, vitamins PP, C and E. In addition, fungi contain trace elements useful for the human body, such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium, sodium and iron. The composition of the golden scale includes 2.2 g of becks, 1.2 g of fat and 0.5 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the mushroom is 22 kcal per 100 g of product.


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