"Mongolian dwarf" (tomato): variety description and reviews

"The Mongolian dwarf is a tomato bred by Siberian breeders. Despite the fact that it is a new variety, it is confidently gaining popularity among amateur gardeners. Its unpretentiousness and high yield allow it to compete successfully with more well-known tomato varieties. It belongs to the category of early ripe and low-growing tomatoes .

mongolian dwarf tomato

Grade description

What distinguishes the tomato "Mongolian dwarf"? Description can start with the size and shape of the plant bush. The height never exceeds 50 cm. A distinctive feature is that the main trunk at a height of about 20 cm begins to bend sharply downward. Stepsons grow on it, which, in turn, also tend to land. Thus, a low creeping bush is obtained. It can occupy an area of ​​up to 0.5 m 2 .

The variety "Mongolian dwarf" tomato is quite large, weighing up to 200 grams, red, fleshy and balanced in taste. Leaves very pubescent, narrow.

"Mongolian dwarf" - a tomato for the lazy, it does not require pinching and garter. After planting, you must not forget to water the bushes, carry out standard dressing and collect mature tomatoes.

tomato mongolian dwarf seeds

Agricultural technology

Common agricultural technology for tomatoes. The only recommendation is to slightly raise the beds so that the shoots less touch the ground. On poor soils, regular feeding is necessary. It can easily tolerate the lack of watering, but prolonged experiments should not be carried out.

Before planting in open ground, the soil is mulched with a black film to prevent damage to the fruit by slugs and other pests. Some gardeners put planks under tomatoes.

The tomato variety "Mongolian dwarf" is responsive to the method of cultivation, the quality of the fruit depends on it. Soil composition and top dressing (its composition and frequency) should be taken into account.

Seeding time

Seeds begin to be sown in the month of February. In such a way that in May already flowering bushes will be planted in the ground. Some lovers plant seedlings in a bucket at the end of February and get their first tomato crop in May.

Seedlings are prepared according to standard rules. Planting should be subject to the growth of the bush - at a distance of at least 60 cm from each other. In such a way that one plant accounted for up to 0.5 square meters of area.

tomato mongolian dwarf reviews

Cleaning time

The variety is very early and early. Fruiting begins early - in May - and can continue until frost. The extended fruiting period allows you to collect a good crop from one bush - up to 10 kg. Moreover, tomatoes lying on cold ground are not subject to spoilage. Covered with leaves, they retain their taste for a very long time, do not crack and do not rot.

Zoning Varieties

"Mongolian dwarf" is a tomato that is widely used in Transbaikalia and Siberia. Although it is not listed in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, this does not prevent numerous amateurs from growing the variety and offering its seeds for sale.

For cultivation in the zone of risky farming, the Mongolian dwarf tomato variety is just right. The description of the conditions of the “garden” period of the greater territory of Russia can be described as a short summer with sharp fluctuations in night and day temperatures. Abundant dew in the late summer provokes the spread of late blight.

The new ultra-early variety "Mongolian dwarf" allows you to get the main crop until mid-August, avoiding the disease.

The best growing areas are southeast Russia and Siberia. Arid areas with long, mostly dry autumn are suitable. Phytophthora is rarely manifested in such areas, which is important for a variety whose fruits ripen mainly on the ground.

Humid areas of the Non-Black Earth region are not suitable for growing tomato "Mongolian dwarf". In the southern regions, it is possible to sow seeds directly into the soil, without seedlings. On heavy soils, a decent crop will not work.

Mongolian dwarf tomato description


As already noted, the variety is so unpretentious to the growing conditions and undemanding to care that it was called "tomatoes for lazy people." With a low height of the bushes - large fruits.

There are a number of advantages of the variety:

  • Precocity. The first fruits can be obtained in May. The variety is used to produce early tomatoes.
  • Long fruiting period. Under favorable weather conditions, tomatoes can be harvested from May to October.
  • Does not require garter bushes. A stunted plant creeping along the ground does fine without a garter to pegs or trellises. Rather, on the contrary, an attempt to tie up the stem can only do harm (lead to its breakage).
  • It does not require pinching. A very significant plus for gardeners who can cultivate their plots only on weekends.
  • Resistant to drought. A prolonged lack of watering does not affect the yield of the variety.
  • Withstands stressful situations and sets fruit under the most adverse weather conditions. Knits with brushes.
  • "Mongolian dwarf" has proven itself in greenhouses. In greenhouse conditions, the size of the fetus reaches 300 grams.
  • Ripen on the ground, do not rot and do not freeze. Quickly turn red and soft.
  • Tomatoes are hidden by abundant leaf cover. This saves the crop from uninvited guests. It is hard to guess that under a green carpet several kilograms of magnificent fruits ripen calmly.
  • The low growth of the bushes allows you to quickly cover the plants in case of sudden severe frosts. Mowed nettles, old newspapers or just a film will do. Such additional wrapping does not require any additional devices.
  • Take up little space. This variety has an excellent ratio of area to yield. Due to the compacted planting to collect fruit, many tall varieties of tomatoes can surpass.
  • A powerful root system allows you to fully utilize all the nutrients of the soil and respond well to top dressing.
  • Not afraid of strong winds. Dry, windy weather contributes to better ripening of tomatoes.


It’s hard to find a Mongolian dwarf tomato. Seeds can only be purchased from individuals. Unscrupulous sellers sometimes, under the guise of seeds of a “Mongolian dwarf,” sell some determinant tomato. There is a risk of acquiring a completely different variety. But the morphological feature of the bush will help to immediately determine the authenticity of the seeds. After reaching a height of approximately 20 cm, the main trunk arches sharply towards the ground. This property does not have a single variety.

The quality and quantity of fruits directly depend on the method of cultivation. On the open ground, the variety bears fruit better than in greenhouses. This is due to the fact that the "Mongolian dwarf" does not like excessive dampness. A poorly ventilated greenhouse can nullify all efforts to grow tomatoes. Acidic soil is also not very suitable for cultivation.

tomato variety mongolian dwarf

Do not forget about the regionalization of the variety. Recommendations for growing it in the southeastern regions, Transbaikalia or Siberia are given on the basis of many years of experience. It is in such conditions that a tomato “Mongolian dwarf” can expect a high yield and large fruits.

Fruit use

Today, tomatoes are not only an edible vegetable, but also an excellent stimulant for a number of functions of the human body. Tomato juice stimulates blood formation, secretion of gastric juice, intestinal motility. The use of tomatoes is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In modern cooking, there is no such process wherever tomatoes are used. They are fried, boiled, baked, consumed raw, canned, stuffed, and added to sauces.

Mongolian dwarf tomato characteristic

Tomatoes are classified according to the method of consumption:

  • salad varieties - eat fresh;
  • for the production of tomato juice;
  • table varieties - for preservation;
  • universal, suitable for all types of processing.

The tomato "Mongolian dwarf" is also considered universal. Characteristics of berries: fleshy, red, average weight 150 grams, juicy sweet flesh.

Perfectly suited for use "from the garden." Delicious aromatic fruits of bright red color are also suitable for preservation, preparation of tomato paste, ketchup, lecho. Juicy tomatoes stand out with a high percentage of juice. Tomato juice with excellent taste. It is consumed fresh and used for harvesting for the winter.


tomato variety Mongolian dwarf description

Many homesteads cultivate tomato "Mongolian dwarf". Reviews of the owners of the early miracle confirm the amazing ratio of the height of the spreading bush of the plant at 20 cm to the mass of tomato up to 200 grams. Such qualities guarantee the variety a long and long life in the vegetable gardens of Siberia and southern Russia.

Even in the conditions of the Non-Black Earth Region, in the greenhouses you can grow a variety of "Mongolian dwarf" and get an excellent harvest of early tomatoes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33961/

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