Fragrant violet: description, cultivation and care (photo)

The plant, which will be discussed in the article, has many popular names: horse hooves, matka ducky, garden, odorous or English violet. This flower attracts attention with its wonderful small purple inflorescences with a pleasant delicate aroma. By its flowering, this plant pleases the eye both in spring (in April) and at the end of summer.

After reading the article, you can learn about the features of growing fragrant violets, about the conditions of growth, about caring for it, etc.


Cultivate violets began in Scotland in the XVI century. Depending on the terrain and climatic conditions, subsequently began to be displayed a variety of species of these plants. The first violet grown in Russia was Altai, which was brought to St. Petersburg in the 18th century by P.S. Pallas (a well-known botanist). Towards the end of the 19th century, the world learned about Wittrock's violet (garden pansies), which incorporated all the most charming qualities of Altai, tricolor and yellow varieties.

Then new types and varieties began to appear, including many-year-old fragrant garden violet.

Types of Violets

Today, the choice of violets is huge and varied. In recent years, many surprisingly beautiful varieties and hybrids have been created on the basis of various natural forms. In total, more than 500 species of this plant grow around the world. However, in floriculture industrial interest are only a few of the perennial species, which are presented below.

Types of Violets
  1. Three-colored violet - those same pansies that grow on the vast fields of the European part of Russia. Since ancient times, it is also called the flower of the Trinity. In gardens it can be used as a biennial and annual plant. Purple flowers have lower yellow petals, which are decorated with dark stripes at the base, as well as a dark border around the edge.
  2. Altai violet in nature is found in Kazakhstan and Western Siberia. Single flowers (diameter 3 cm) are located on long stems. There is a yellow spot in the center of the blue-violet flowers, and blue stripes on the lower petals of beige or white flowers.
  3. Wittrock violet or garden pansies. This species has a huge number of varieties that differ in the shape of the bush and flowers, as well as in the shades of inflorescences.
  4. Tsar’s fragrant violet is a perennial herb found in deciduous forests. It preferably refers to such places of growth as glades and mountain slopes, but it is also widely used in garden areas. More detailed information about this species is presented later in the article.
  5. Horned violet - perennial, growing in height up to 25 centimeters. Flowers with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters can be purple, yellow, lilac and blue. The name is associated with the presence of spurs in the form of a horn on the back of a flower.
  6. Dog violet - perennial violet with flowers of white, blue or lilac hues (diameter 2.5 cm). They are located in the axils of the leaves. The bush is more sprawling than that of Altai violets.

Description of fragrant violet, photo

The leaves of this violet have a beautiful shape - in the shape of a heart. They are either collected in basal sockets, or arranged in the next order. Small flowers (2 cm in diameter) can be simple or double, and on the stem they are located one at a time, while the lower petals are larger than the upper ones. A peculiar outgrowth is visible on them. The shades of flowers of this species are the most diverse: from pale blue to burgundy and even black, with multi-colored blotches.

Scented Violet Flowers

The flowering period is about 20 days, but they can bloom under favorable conditions and a second time, in the fall. Due to the creeping shape of the stems, this violet gives good roots and perfectly survives. Reproduction occurs by dividing the bush (from the age of three) and seeds. If there are queen cells on the plant, you can also resort to the vegetative method of reproduction.

Perennial fragrant violet is widely popular because of its high content of essential oils and a surprisingly pleasant smell.


This perennial herbaceous plant, which is small in size, is common in Europe, Asia, and the northern territories of Africa. In the vastness of Russia it can be found in the European part and in the Caucasus.

Fragrant violet prefers broad-leaved forests. He loves forest edges, clearings and forms picturesque dense thickets that cover the soil with a dense beautiful carpet.

White fragrant violet

Cultural forms

The most common and popular varieties:

  • Coeur d'Alsace - a decorative form with pink inflorescences;
  • Bechtles Ideal - violet with large blue flowers;
  • Queen Charlotte - a plant (hybrid) having large lilac flowers;
  • Foxbrook Cream - violet with white flowers and a yellow tinge of the core;
  • Red Charm is a perennial violet with lilac inflorescences with a burgundy core (suitable for growing at home).
    Scented violet Queen Charlotte

Growing conditions

Each type of violets has its own characteristics and conditions of detention, but there are main and general recommendations for planting.

  1. Fragrant violet, like other species, loves slightly acidic soil.
  2. In autumn, you should dig a plot intended for planting this plant, making humus. You can add ordinary superphosphate to the soil, taking into account the recommendations on the packaging of the product.
  3. With the advent of spring, the soil must again be dug up to loosen the soil.
  4. Violets growing in sunny places should be slightly obscured by neighboring higher plants, especially after planting. Of course, you should not plant a violet in the shade and partial shade, since it is sunlight that provides abundant flowering of the plant and protects it from slugs.

You can plant rooted seedlings purchased in the store. But you can sow the seeds yourself in early spring. An exception is annual hybrids and varieties, which are recommended to be grown with seedlings.

Fragrant violet Coeur d’Alsace

Breeding methods

Fragrant violet propagates, as noted above, by seeds and vegetatively. It should be noted that a flower grown from seeds is stronger and more resistant to diseases.

Seeds immediately after ripening (otherwise there will be practically no germination) can be planted in the fall both on the beds and in the prepared boxes. Sprouts will appear in April, and in May, grown seedlings need to be planted in a permanent place. Vegetative propagation occurs by daughter side rosettes or by dividing bushes.

The violet bushes of this species are quite compact, and therefore they need to be planted at a distance of about 15 cm from each other.


Growing fragrant violets from seeds is one of the most common ways. It is important to note that the site for planting should be selected so that the plant was provided with good lighting in the morning and was in partial shade during the day. Seeds are planted in the open ground in spring. In territories with colder climatic conditions, first you need to grow seedlings at home, and in May plant it in open ground.

Seedlings of fragrant violets from seeds are grown in the same way as in many other flowers. This is usually done in early March. In the prepared containers, it is necessary to lay the drainage layer, and on top of it fill it with fertile light soil. Watering the soil with potassium permanganate will be useful, which will protect the plant from some diseases. The seeds should be lightly sprinkled with earth, sprinkled with warm water and covered with a film on top. Tanks need to be installed in a dark and warm place. Condensation must be removed from the film.

When seedlings appear, they should be provided with sunlight. The air temperature should be no more than 10 ° C (so that the plant does not stretch). It is not necessary to allow excessive moisture and overdrying of the soil so that seedlings are not damaged by the black leg. It is necessary to dive the plant to increase its growth. Feeding with a solution of mineral fertilizers will help to develop well and strengthen the root system.

Violet in the garden should be planted along the edges of flower beds or under trees. At home, it can be put in containers or other containers, and then put them on a loggia or balcony.

Scented violet in composition

Violet Care

In order for the flowers to not fade, the violet needs to be watered well, especially on dry days. Fragrant violet, like other varieties of this plant, does not like fresh organics, therefore it is better to enrich it with peat, rotted manure and mineral fertilizers (for example, double superphosphate). Periodic weeding and loosening of the soil is one of the prerequisites for proper care of the plant. Also, with the constant removal of faded flowers, the bush will bloom much longer.

In dry times, the flower may be attacked by a spider mite, which will necessarily lead to lightening and drying of the leaves. To avoid this, you should try to spray the underside of the leaves daily.

It is advisable to replace flowers every 3-4 years with newer ones. Otherwise, the bushes will grow and, oppressing each other, will cease to bloom. Violet of the species in question is a groundcover that can perfectly complement any landscape design. The plant blooms well with constant feeding and watering.

In conclusion, the benefits of the plant

Fragrant violet is widely used in medicine. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and laxative effects. In addition, it has a calming effect and helps to remove salts from the body. Means from the plant are also used in the treatment of chronic and acute bronchitis, with pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough, etc. Violet is useful for insomnia, nervous agitation, hysteria, and a rapid heartbeat. Infusions are used even for cancer of the stomach and throat.

Fragrant violet in perfumery

Infusions are also used as an external agent for inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and throat, as well as for herpes.

Essential oil is obtained from the leaves and flowers of violets, from which perfumes and other perfumes are produced. The same oil contributes to a good cleansing of pores, healing veins and improving blood circulation.


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