Lining for bath

Today, the main criterion in choosing the finishing material for houses, baths, saunas is not only an aesthetic component, but also quality characteristics. Lining, namely from linden varieties, has received the greatest distribution today.

The emergence of the concept of "lining"

Initially, freight cars were lined with wooden slats for practicality. Today, the lining is a cladding panel for houses and baths, which looks aesthetically pleasing, allows the walls to breathe and eliminates the possibility of condensation.

linden clapboard

Lining is a universal material that can be used for sheathing not only walls, but the ceiling and floor. This will help to achieve a flat and smooth surface with excellent sound insulation.

Lining from linden: description

From time immemorial, the bathhouse was a favorite place of Russian people for leisure activities. A large role is played by the material with which the walls of the steam room are sheathed, because the exuded aroma not only has a beneficial effect on the body, but also creates a cozy atmosphere. For this reason, the most optimal material is linden lining.

Linden has about 30 species, grows in places with a temperate climate: in North America, the Caucasus, the Crimea, and East Asia. Deciduous trees reach 30 meters in height and 2 meters in diameter. Usually there are lindens 150 years old, but 70-80-year-old trees are most often used for decoration.

lining linden for a bath

Linden has an incredible aroma. After drying, the tree retains its essential oils, which saturate the air with each soaring, this has a beneficial effect on the body.

Lining categories

  • Lining extra class is a perfectly flat surface, where there are no flaws, is the most expensive material.
  • Grade A is slightly cheaper than the previous version, but there are black dots, knots, darkening of the color.
  • Grade B allows a third of the surface to be darkened, small cracks, knots, very popular due to low cost, often used for sheathing country houses.
  • Black and brown knots, color spots up to 15 sq. Cm are permissible on lining BC.
  • Grade C has the lowest cost since the panels have large dark knots and holes. Used for decorating a garage or cottages.

Lining Production Standards

Today, there are 2 standards governing the production of lining:

  • An ordinary lining has a thickness of 12 to 25 mm; width - up to 150 mm; length - up to 6 m.
  • Eurolining: thickness - 13.16 and 19 mm; width - 80,100,110 and 120 mm; length from 0.5 to 6 meters, increased to 8 mm ledge.


Lining from linden has undeniable advantages, compared with other types of wood:

lining linden lerois

  • Environmental friendliness.

The material is completely natural, does not undergo chemical processing and retains its natural appearance and aroma for many years. The wood is homogeneous, has good quality, knots rarely come across.

  • Low density.

The structure of the tree prevents the heating of the material, which is an indispensable condition for use in the decoration of the bath.

  • Lack of pitches.

When heated, many types of wood emit resins that settle in the steam room. They are heated and softened at high temperatures, as a result of which it is possible not only to get dirty, but also to burn yourself. Lining from linden is devoid of this drawback.

  • The content of essential oils.

When the oil is heated, active evaporation begins, as a result, a pleasant aroma reigns in the bath. In addition, esters have a healing effect, have a beneficial effect on all systems of human organs. Especially useful is being in a bathhouse with colds.

  • Resistance to high humidity.

Lining can be operated in places with any level of humidity, it does not dry out and does not change its properties.

  • Good soundproofing.

If it is necessary to reduce the noise level from the outside, then in this case the lining (linden) is perfect, for the bath it is suitable for all the necessary requirements.

  • Thermal insulation.

Linden lining retains heat well in the room.

  • Security.

Lining from linden does not heat up and does not burn the skin when you touch it, this will protect children from burns.

  • Nice colour.

The light colors of the tree do not irritate the eye, so it is always pleasant to be in the bathhouse trimmed with linden clapboard.


Despite all the advantages of linden lining, there is one drawback - the possibility of damage by fungi and mold, and this is a big problem in humid conditions.

clapboard from linden to Leroy Merlin

This can be avoided by treating the lining with antibacterial agents. Since most often moisture enters the walls from below, care must be taken to ensure that the location of the lining makes it possible to easily replace all the elements. This is more reasonable than changing the entire structure completely.

Lining the bath with linden clapboard

In the bath, it is important to observe the effect of a thermos so that the temperature rises quickly and lasts a long time.

  • It is necessary to insulate the bath with any heater.
  • Next, you need to install a hydraulic barrier and a reflector that will return heat.
  • It is necessary to make a crate for lining. If you plan to install shelves, then it is worth using bars that will support the weight of a person. If this is not planned, then you can use ordinary rails.
  • Sheathe the bath should start from the corner. Use kleimers for these purposes so that holes are not made during fixing the lining .

It is worth remembering that in the places where the lining of linden and iron comes into contact, gray spots form, and iron undergoes rust. Therefore, you need to use copper or stainless nails.

clapboard linden extra

Where to buy a lining?

Today there are many manufacturers and sellers of this material, each of which offers different types of lining of various levels of quality and price category.

The most popular is the purchase of linden lining in Leroy Merlin. The company offers high-quality material for bathing at an affordable price. In addition, you can immediately purchase all the components necessary for complex work. The lining (linden) will serve for many years.

Leroy Merlin will provide you with a huge selection of material. Each time it will delight with its appearance and operational characteristics of the lining.


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