Amazing chinese cherry

chinese cherry

Chinese cherry - Sakura - the dream of many gardeners. The spring ceremony of admiring the blossoming sakura has become popular. This is a beautiful tree with wonderful smelling white or pale pink flowers. During fruiting, bright red small fruits, like sea buckthorn, sprinkle branches that bend under their weight. After harvesting, Chinese cherry blossoms pleases the eye with its yellow-orange color of the leaves, without dropping them all the way to frost. Photos of this beautiful tree can be found in magazines and booklets about gardening.

Planting material

It is believed that the best seedlings will be seedlings that are acquired in the fall, after the leaves have showered. They are sloped into the ground obliquely, thereby protecting them from freezing. In spring, in April, a seedling is planted in a prepared place. It should have a height of about 100-110 cm and be grown in conditions of regionalization. Chinese cherry tree

chinese cherry photo
loving, but can grow between fruit trees if they do not obscure it. He does not like neighborhood with apple trees and plums. The plant is self-infertile, therefore, in order for good pollination to take place, at least 3 copies of Chinese cherry should be planted in the infield. The plant begins to bear fruit in 2 years, bringing from the tree up to 6-7 kg of fruit. Chinese cherries do not have root shoots, it is frost-resistant and disease-resistant. Of the pests, aphids, insects, and moths are dangerous to it. Chinese cherry has a unique property - to repeat parental forms in a plant propagated from seed. These plants begin to bear fruit already in the third year, while the fruits are the same in taste as the mothers.

Landing and care

Chinese cherry grows well in several elevated areas of the infield. Preference is given to slopes with low humidity. The best will be the slopes of the western and southwestern zones of personal plots. Chinese cherry does not grow in lowlands and pits with poor aeration. It does not tolerate dampness, since the plant may die from waterlogging. The soil should be well-drained, and the soil reaction should be neutral. On acidic soils, cherry does not take root - it is sick and does not bear fruit. In the case of acidic soils in the infield, liming is necessary a year before the planting of Chinese cherry.

Chinese irrigation

chinese cherry sakura
I need cherries if growing in an arid region. Watering trees is usually confined to the phases of plant growth and the laying of flower buds and stop a month before harvesting to avoid cracking of the fruit from excess moisture. Chinese cherry, unfortunately, is short-lived, lives no more than 10 years. But she is rejuvenated by pruning the branches. As a result, the tree is quickly restored and begins to bear fruit again. Pruning is usually recommended once every five years.

About the benefits of fruits

It is noted that freshly chopped Chinese cherry leaves are a good hemostatic. Eating cherries improves appetite. It is also useful to those who suffer from anemia. It acts as a mild laxative, and is also a good expectorant for respiratory diseases.


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