Mackenzie (river). Description, geographical location

Mackenzie is the largest river in the north of America, in particular Canada. Its length is more than 4000 km. From this article you can learn a lot of interesting things about this reservoir.

mackenzie river

origin of name

The longest river in Canada is named after the explorer and discoverer - Scottish Alexander Mackenzie. It was he who made the first trip along its waters in 1789. This river has interested Europeans as a potential route that will lead to the Pacific Ocean. But Mackenzie is a river that could not bring them to the coast of the Pacific Ocean, since it is fenced off from the west by the Rocky Mountains.

The first name of the river in translation from English meant "disappointment," or "discontent." It is likely that she made a not very pleasant impression on the first researcher.

Geographical location of the Mackenzie River

The Mackenzie River flows in the northwest of the country. Due to its numerous tributaries, it is a branched river system. It occupies about 20% of Canada. The river basin lies immediately in several Canadian provinces. It includes a number of Canadian lakes. The main path the river passes through the lands of the circumpolar region of the country, which are called the Northwest Territories.

Mackenzie originates from the Great Slave Lake. It is the deepest body of water on the North American continent. Its depth is 614 meters. This lake is rightfully considered one of the wonders of local nature. Mackenzie flows into the bay of the Beaufort Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. 11% of the total runoff is its water.

When flowing into the bay, a swampy Mackenzie River delta forms, it occupies a vast territory - about 12,000 square meters. km Here the soil is frozen by permafrost.

Northwest - in this direction Mackenzie carries its waters. The river formed a valley from the thickness of alluvial and water-glacial deposits. It is covered mainly with spruce forest and boggy.

Mackenzie estuary

River description

Mackenzie is not only the longest river in the north of America, but also quite deep. Therefore, it is suitable for shipping. On it, in the summer, over the course of 2000 km, river vessels sail. But the riverbed and in the winter is used for economic purposes, though very unusual. The icy road for cars is Mackenzie's winter. The river forms very thick and durable ice. Its thickness can reach up to 2 meters, so the movement of cars is absolutely safe.

Since the reservoir belongs to the Arctic water sources, it feeds mainly on snow and rainfall. During snow and ice melting, severe floods often occur. The climate in Canada is quite severe. In view of this, the Mackenzie River in the central and northern regions of the country is covered with ice for more than six months: from mid-October to early May. Sometimes the freezing may last until the beginning of June, mainly in the lower reaches of the reservoir.

mackenzie river photo

Where and how does the river flow?

The river of Canada flows through the vast territory of the country. This area consists mainly of forests and forest-tundra. As a rule, these are deserted spaces untouched by man. Forested Mackenzie beaches are very picturesque. There are many species of wild animals, including the well-known grizzly bears. Many sites are very boggy - about 18% of the total river basin. Throughout its length, the Mackenzie River, the photo of which is presented in this article, has a fairly wide channel, it can reach 5 km. Water is calm, leisurely. The difference in elevation from the source of Mackenzie to its mouth is very small and amounts to just over 150 meters.

Interesting Facts

Not far from the northernmost settlement of Canada, Tuktoyaktuk, where the mouth of the Mackenzie River is located, there are hydrolaccoliths, or pingos. These are cone-shaped hills. They consist of gravel and other soil elements that are literally squeezed from the bowels of the earth to the surface under the influence of ice lying below. Hills can be up to 40 meters high and about 300 meters in diameter.

About 53 species of fish live in the waters of Mackenzie. An interesting fact is that many representatives of the fauna are genetically related to those that live in the Mississippi River. Scientists have a version that in the past these reservoirs could be interconnected by systems of lakes and channels.

mackenzie delta

River today

Mackenzie is the main transport artery. It carries goods in winter and summer. The level of seasonal water fluctuations in the river is used for hydropower production. Several dams were built on it. They not only generate the energy necessary for a person, but also fight floods during a flood. In the south, agricultural development became possible.

The territory of the Mackenzie basin is rich in minerals:

  1. Oil.
  2. Gas.
  3. Coal.
  4. In gold.
  5. Tungsten.
  6. Potassium salt.
  7. Silver.
  8. Uranium.
  9. Diamonds, etc.

geographical location of the mackenzie river

Thanks to developments in the field of mining, many of the inhospitable places of the Mackenzie basin have become habitable territories. Mackenzie is a river whose banks are almost entirely covered with forests. Therefore, the extraction of raw materials and billets is in full swing here. Only 1% of the population of Canada lives in the basin - only about 400,000 people. This is approximately 0.2 people per 1 square. km But lately, ecotourism has been playing an increasingly important role in the regional economy.

The Mackenzie River is a very attractive place for tourists - adventurers who can take a trip by canoe or boat. Not for nothing that thousands of wanderers from all over the world come here every year.


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