Responsibility for drinking alcohol in public places

Responsibility for drinking alcohol in public places ... This topic has become quite relevant recently. And it is right. Agree that itโ€™s rather unpleasant to watch scenes on the street in which not sober youth (and not only) behaves inappropriately. Insults and defiant behavior are only a small part of the consequences of drinking alcohol, which, incidentally, is a publicly available drink in our country.

Drinking alcohol in public places

Punishment in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

On the territory of Russia, drinking alcohol in public places in the presence of a large number of people is punished in accordance with the provisions of administrative law. Any citizen of Russia is punished if he allows the use of alcohol-containing products in crowded places. This applies to beer and other types of alcohol. Please note that if a minor commits this offense , his parents or guardian will be responsible for his actions.

What is a liquor?

As for alcohol directly, all drinks containing more than 12% alcohol are included in the list of prohibited for consumption in public places. Punishment involves a fine. The exceptions are public places such as cafes, restaurants and so on. The use of alcohol-containing drinks in their territory is not a violation of the law.

Fine for drinking alcohol

What places are considered public?

The administrative liability is incurred by citizens of the Russian Federation who are seen in the use of beer and other alcohol-containing drinks in a public place. The ban on drinking alcohol extends only to some of their types:

  • various medical institutions (hospitals, clinics and so on);
  • educational and children's institutions;
  • urban transport (including suburban);
  • sports facilities (platforms and others);
  • pavilions of stops and gas stations;
  • places intended for cultural recreation (parks, cinemas, beaches, etc.);
  • airport, train station and others, involving a large number of people.

The Law on Drinking Alcohol
Responsibility of an administrative nature applies only to persons who are already sixteen years old. Parents, if any, or a guardian are punished for drinking alcohol by minors.

Fine sizes

The code governing the scope of administrative offenses in the Russian Federation, as a punishment for drinking alcohol in public places, provides for the collection of fines, the amount of which can be from a minimum of 100 to a maximum of 1000 rubles.

Please note that punishment is imposed even if a citizen was arrested while intoxicated while drinking alcohol, for example, in a cafe or restaurant.

Those violators who have not reached the age of sixteen will also have to bear responsibility. It will be expressed in the fact that they will have to pay a fine for drinking alcohol to their parents or guardians.


Article Drinking Alcohol

In case of denial and refusal to execute the imposed punishment, the offender is brought to trial in court. For such a judicial review, the plaintiff simply needs to file an application with the judicial authority. The plaintiff can be either a witness to the incident, or, so to speak, affected by the actions and behavior of a citizen who is intoxicated. After the case is considered at the hearing and the judge decides, its execution is referred to the bailiff service. Such a trial can be held both in relation to an adult citizen, and to a minor. It is possible to avoid punishment if your lawyer has sufficient experience and knowledge to help him convince the court of insufficient evidence of the defendantโ€™s guilt.

Who else faces the punishment for drinking alcohol?

If the violators are less than 18 years old, other sanctions may be applied. For example, in addition to punishing parents (guardians) in the form of a fine, adult partners in drinking alcohol are also liable. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation also acts on persons who contributed to bringing minors intoxicated, or rather, a separate article. Drinking alcohol is fraught for adult partners in drinking alcohol with a fine in the form of a fine, which is assigned a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 500 rubles. The exact amount of the fine depends on the degree of alcohol production.

Legislation News

Prohibition of drinking alcohol

In accordance with the legislative act effective January 1, 2013, drinking alcohol in public places is prohibited. As a punishment for the offense, fines are provided.

If we talk about what relates to a public place, then their list is significantly increased in the new legislation. It included organizations of an educational and medical nature, various cultural institutions, sports facilities, all public transport and stopping pavilions, various markets, beaches and train stations, as well as courtyards, porches and even stairwells. The size of the fine, as noted above, varies from 100 to 700 rubles, depending on the degree of drink consumed.

We can also note the amendments to the current legislation that have entered into force. They provide a period of time in which you can sell strong alcoholic beverages (over 15 degrees) and beer. This time period in the evening is limited, starting from 22.00 to 9 a.m. And also with the same amendments, a ban on the sale of alcohol in pavilions and kiosks was established. For institutions belonging to the category of public catering, the law on drinking alcohol does not apply.

Drinking alcohol by minors
Penalties have also become tougher. For example, this applies to sellers of alcoholic beverages, which distribute it to minors. The penalty for such an offense is now 10 times greater than before, and for an individual it will vary from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, and for an official it will already be at least 100 and a maximum of 200 thousand rubles. The highest fine is imposed on a legal entity and amounts to an initial amount of 300 and a maximum of 500 thousand rubles. Interestingly, in this case, all available alcoholic beverages are confiscated.


So to summarize. It became clear that any citizen in Russia could be punished with a fine for drinking alcohol in public places. But that is not all. Not only consumption, but also being in a public place while intoxicated falls under the scope of the Code governing the scope of administrative offenses. Parents or, in the absence thereof, guardians are punished for minors. Penalties can reach the amount of 1000 rubles, and it is also possible to recover them as a result of litigation. And yet, partners in drinking alcohol with minors are also responsible for their actions and are punished with a fine.


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