Blagodarnenskie pigeons: breed description, photo

Currently, there are a large number of sports and decorative breeds of pigeons, which are not so easy to understand. Pigeons are considered unique birds, and each of their species has interesting features and is unique in its own way. Today we want to present you a small overview of the gratitude pigeon breed.

About the breed

The named birds are considered very smart and quick-witted. From its relatives of other breeds, which can be seen in the North Caucasus, this bird can be easily distinguished by the characteristic coloring of feathers. Today, there are two types of pigeons: thanksgiving decorative and thanksgiving fighting.

Gratitude pigeons: characteristics

Appearance story

The breed of thanksgiving pigeons was bred in the North Caucasus, in the Stavropol Territory in the 50s of the last century. When creating them, a special emphasis was placed on the survival instinct. The first representatives had a red, yellow, red-pockmarked color. After several decades, thanks to breeding work, these birds got a "mock". A few more years passed, and the appearance of the pigeons changed dramatically - decorative features began to dominate in it.

The breed got its name thanks to the Blagodarnensky district in the Stavropol region. It was in this place that pigeon breeders lived, who were engaged in the breeding of these birds. By the way, the importance of pigeon breeding was also displayed on the flag and coat of arms of the Grateful - a red-white dove flying over the bridge against a clear blue sky.

Grateful pigeons (in the photo you can see representatives of this breed) are a special pride of local residents. And at the beginning of the breeding, the main emphasis was placed on flight performance, as the fight of pigeons caused genuine admiration. Only much later did pigeon breeders begin to work on the aesthetic appearance of birds, the results of their work we are seeing now.

Grateful Pigeons

What does the word battle mean?

For those who are not involved in breeding pigeons and do not know what the word β€œbattle” means in pigeon breeding, we will provide the meaning of this word. We must say right away that this has nothing to do with the battle or rivalry of birds among themselves. This is the name of the peculiar flight of birds, which is accompanied by flipping bodies in the air.

It looks like this: a pigeon rises up at great speed almost vertically, abruptly flips backward over its head and flaps its wings very loudly. It is such a somersault called the "battle". And for these tricks, pigeons are called martial.


The color of thankful pigeons are of the following types: bright red, red and yellow. A distinctive feature is the feathers, which are located on the back of the head in the form of a forelock. Note that pigeons did not have such a feature before; it appeared as a result of selection. It should be noted that birds of this species have excellent parental qualities. They are very responsible for the survival and feeding of chicks.

The appearance of the pigeons is as follows:

  • densely spaced feathers;
  • strong body;
  • white plumage on the neck and head;
  • feathers patterned pattern.
Thanksgiving two-handed pigeons

Thanksgiving doves are two-handed and nasal. In the latter, feathers are densely located in the area of ​​the beak, and in two-toed ones this is observed on the beak and the back of the head. Some representatives of this breed have feathered paws. The dove has a narrow beak, a smooth neck, and a thin breast. The head of the bird is average, with smart beautiful eyes.

The common colors of the plumage of pigeons are brown and yellow. However, it should be noted that the color palette can vary from yellow to a pure brown. Particular pride of pigeon breeders are individual black individuals. This color is very difficult to achieve, and black thanksgiving pigeons are extremely rare. By the way, they are considered the most painful representatives of the breed.

Nature of birds

The decorative appeal of the described pigeons is due to the dense plumage and nice color. But many poultry farmers fell in love with them not only for their appearance, but also for their flexible character. Grateful pigeons are calm and friendly. They are unpretentious and do not require any special conditions of detention. It is enough to provide them with a balanced diet with the addition of vitamins and minerals. And all this allows you to engage in their breeding in the urban environment.

how to breed thanks pigeons

Females are distinguished by excellent maternal instinct and become caring mothers for their offspring. Please note: vaccination of pigeons from birth is necessary.

War pigeons

This bird has the same characteristics as the other thanksgiving pigeons. Slaughter pigeons are distinguished by a slightly larger size, a stronger body and a long tail.

I want to say that this breed is not too common. Perhaps because it appeared relatively recently. Although rare, it can also not be called. Grateful pigeons can be found in dovecotes of different regions of the Russian Federation.


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