The art of origami: how to make a hat out of paper

Origami is an ancient art of making various figures from paper. Of course, the cranes referred to in Japanese legends, flowers or various objects are interesting and fascinating. But in this way useful things can be done. For example, a hat-cap, a cocked hat or even a cap.

how to make a hat out of paper

We make a cocked hat

For those who are interested in how to make a hat out of paper, we can teach some useful lessons. The simplest option is a “cocked hat”. Take a large format newspaper. Take out one double sheet. When folded, lay it with the lapels down on the table in front of you. Fold the sheet again in half, diagonally. You’ve got “valleys” - a longitudinal landmark line that you should definitely outline before making a hat. From paper now you need to fold a triangle. To do this, unfold and bend both of its upper corners - the left and the right to meet each other. You should get an equilateral triangle directed with the main tip up. True, he does not include part of the newspaper space. The next step on how to make a hat out of paper: bend upward, to the border of the base of the triangle, the free lower edge of one sheet first, and then, turning the entire structure “face” down, and the other. Bent edges should coincide with each other. Your hat is almost ready. True, the question remains: how to make a paper hat stronger? The corners of the edges stick out loose, and the hat can simply fall apart. The simplest thing is to put a little glue on them. Now straighten your construction. If everything was done correctly, you should get a real cocked hat. By the way, if it’s close to the New Year holidays, and the family has children and plans to make carnival costumes, such a master class will be very useful for you. Such an origami of paper (hat) will be an excellent basis for a pirate hat or a Napoleonic cocked hat. And if the house is repaired - and then your design is very useful!

origami paper hat

Newspaper pilot

However, we continue. Now we are faced with more complex manipulations, since we will fold the cap. How? I would like to note that almost all such designs are made on the basis of the workpiece that we described above. Just glue the corners do not. Just bend and smooth. The mastery “paper hat” now works like this: lay out the blank in the shape of a rhombus. Turn down the corners outward, at the level of the apex. Now pull them and straighten. Stretch your cap and boldly go to the beach. Or to the garden.


paper hat
A newspaper cap will be convenient and useful in the summer. Its advantages are in the visor, which reliably “attracts” your nose and part of the face. We take all the same large sheet of newspaper folded in half. Again we bend to the middle both of its upper ends and leave it in this position. Turn the lower part inwards (several times). Only now each leaf individually (so that there is space for the head). Remove the ends (bend) to opposite sides. Now turn your future hat back to you. Bend down its top (on yourself). Tuck the corner for the "side" of the base. So that the “ears” do not stick out, and the top becomes similar to a cap, lower them too, behind the “side”. Turn the workpiece again with your face toward you and make a visor. The cap is ready!


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