Is it possible to apply for a passport at the MFC: description of the procedure, procedure and recommendations

In Russia, everyone who plans to receive certain documents will face serious paperwork. It is no secret to anyone that in the Russian Federation the population is not quite at the speed and quality of service in the execution of certain papers. To reduce the burden on the main state bodies, multifunctional centers were invented in the country. They were created so that any person could draw up several documents in one place and receive various public services. The idea of ​​introducing the MFC was a huge success. Every day thousands of people from different cities come here for help. Many began to wonder whether it is possible to apply for a passport at the MFC. And if so, how to do it. More details about this process will be described below.

Is it possible to apply for a passport at the MFC

MFC is ...

Multifunctional centers are a kind of body designed to reduce the load on a variety of services. MFC is in every region of the Russian Federation. They help:

  • draw up documents;
  • exchange certain papers;
  • receive benefits and payments;
  • use state and municipal services (for example, register IP).

It is safe to say that in a multifunctional center it is allowed to obtain civil passports and exchange them. Here they will help to open and close the IP, to issue the TIN, as well as SNILS. Recently, the MFC (in some cities of the country) began to register children. It is very comfortable. But is it possible to apply for a passport at the MFC?

The right to apply for passports

The answer to this question is easier than it sounds. The thing is that recently the functionality of the MFC has been expanded. In 2017, the population of the Russian Federation can use the services of these organizations for the exchange of driver's licenses.

Recent changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation allow citizens to apply to multifunctional centers for the implementation of the task. Foreign passports at the MFC are issued both initially and repeatedly. It serves both children and adults.

Is it possible to issue an international passport through the MFC


Can I get an international passport in any MFC? Does a citizen's registration play any role in this matter?

Fortunately, not really. Registration of passports is carried out in all multifunctional centers of Russia. This is one of the services that are provided everywhere. Registration does not play any significant role in the possibility of processing the said document.

Nevertheless, if you contact the MFC at the place of permanent residence or temporary registration, you can speed up the process. According to the established rules, foreign passports are made faster in this case.

Production time

How much exactly? How long is the relevant application considered?

It all depends on the specific life situation. Usually, when applying for the issuance / re-issuance of foreign passports, the MFCs consider this request:

  • 1 month - when applying to the registration center;
  • 3 months - if a citizen has information about state secrets;
  • 4 months - when applying not by registration;
  • up to 3 days - if a person has good reason for the urgent issuance of a document.

Accordingly, if you want to issue a passport as quickly as possible, it is better to contact the MFC by registration. But if there is nowhere to rush, it is allowed to apply to any multifunctional center.

Is it possible to apply for a passport at the MFC Moscow?

Types of Foreign Passports

In Russia, there are several types of foreign passports. Are they all issued at the MFC? What interpretations of the document can be encountered?

Among foreign passports are:

  • old-style document - issued for 5 years;
  • biometric documents - valid for 10 years.

It should also be noted that the MFC issues the study paper to both adults and children. This means that any type of passport can be made at the mentioned organization. No limits!

Not everywhere and not always

Can I get a biometric passport at the MFC? Theoretically, yes. As already mentioned, foreign passports can be issued through multifunctional centers. But in the case of biometric documents, you have to clarify the question asked separately.

This is due to the fact that for the manufacture of a foreign passport of a new sample , special equipment is required. It has not yet been installed in all MFCs. This means that it is far from always possible to order a new type of “abroad” through a multifunctional center.

In order not to run into problems, it is recommended to call a specific MFC in your region and clarify the answer. It should be noted that in large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg), citizens 100% can apply for biometric passports through multifunctional centers. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this!

can I apply for a passport in any MFC

Service cost

Is it possible to apply for a child's passport at the MFC? Yes, no age restrictions are provided for in this case. Children's foreign passports are issued without problems through multifunctional centers.

How much does this service cost? She is free. The work of the IFC does not require additional expenses from citizens. This state body provides only for the introduction of a standard state duty for the execution of certain securities.

Thus, the design of the "border" will cost:

  • 3,500 rubles - biometric passport;
  • 2,000 rubles - an old-style passport;
  • 1,000 rubles - an old "foreign" for children;
  • 1,500 rubles - a biometric children's foreign passport.

These prices are relevant in 2017. Over time, they can increase, but so far nothing is known about this.

Step by Step Actions

The procedure for obtaining a passport through the MFC is not much different from a similar process conducted in any other government agency. It is enough to follow the small instructions presented below in order not to encounter certain problems.

Is it possible to apply for a biometric passport at the MFC

How can I apply for a passport through the MFC? Detailed instructions look like this:

  1. Prepare the documents required for a passport.
  2. Fill out the application form for the "abroad".
  3. Pay the state fee. It is better to do this immediately before contacting the MFC or while you are in this institution.
  4. Submit a request for a document. Together with him, you need to give the documents prepared in advance. Their copies are made right at the MFC.
  5. Get a receipt to accept the request for review.
  6. At the appointed time (he will be informed after the document is ready) to pick up a passport of a foreign type at the MFC, where he requested. You need to take an identity card and a receipt with you.

Quick, easy, convenient. In order not to sit in line for an application for a long time, you can make an appointment at the MFC via the Internet. This technique saves a lot of time. Can I get a passport through the MFC? Yes!

Is it possible to issue a passport to a child at the MFC

Order on "State services"

There is another scenario. Today, all residents of the Russian Federation can order foreign passports through the State Services. But to pick up the finished document is allowed, both in the FMS and in the MFC. That is why you can get acquainted with another algorithm of actions.

How to apply for a new passport through the MFC? Expert advice often boils down to using government services to accomplish the task. It is done like this:

  1. Go to website. Create a profile here and activate it.
  2. Select "Individuals" - "State Services" - "All (at the instances)."
  3. Click on "FMS".
  4. Click on "Production of a foreign passport of a new sample" (or old - depending on what type of document is needed).
  5. Click on "Get a service." Next, you need to put a checkmark under the agreement and click on "Next".
  6. Fill out an application. Here you need to write information about the recipient, about his registration.
  7. Set up the MFC in which I would like to pick up the finished document. There will be a separate line in the application for this task.
  8. Pay state duty. This step will be available after filling out an application for a passport.

All that remains now is to wait for the notification of the readiness of the "foreign". With the prepared list of documents, it will be possible to come to the specified MFC and pick up the passport. Everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance.

Preparation of documents

Can I apply for a passport at the MFC? Yes, and in several ways. In any case, the citizen will have to bring a certain list of documents. It will depend on the type of paper being made.

So, for example, adult citizens must present:

  • passport;
  • old passport (if there was one);
  • receipt of paid duty;
  • application for a foreign passport (2 copies);
  • annexes to the questionnaire (for “abroad” of the old model, if you need to enter data on children in it);
  • birth certificates of children (for old passports);
  • employment record (if any);
  • military ID (for men and women of military obligation);
  • photos (3 pieces, 3.5 x 4.5 mm);
  • application for a passport.

How to apply for a new passport through MFC advice

For children, the list is approximately the same. It is limited to the following documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • check with paid duty;
  • application form completed on behalf of the parent;
  • statement of the established form;
  • certificate of registration (for children born after 2002, this document is not needed);
  • passport of the child (if he is already 14 years old);
  • photo (3 pieces).

Photos can be taken directly at the MFC. This is a free service that greatly simplifies life. Can I apply for a passport at the MFC? In Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation, this service is available to all citizens!


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