Cashmere sweater is a great thing.

Why is cashmere yarn called diamond? Why is she so appreciated? Why are cashmere products incredibly warm and comfortable? We will reveal these and other secrets.

The cashmere thread is spun from the wool of a special breed of mountain goat. Let's talk a little about her. At an altitude of more than ten thousand meters above sea level, in the Himalayas, a special goat is born and lives. The climate there is not very affectionate and poor vegetation. Maybe that's why the goat's hair is warm, weightless and silky.

cashmere sweater
More recently, cashmere products were available only to royalty. Such things were considered luxury, chic. But today everything has become more accessible. Designers loved cashmere yarn. It perfectly keeps warm, light and pleasant to the skin. The only drawback is the high price.


Classics of the genre, cashmere sweater with a V-neck, weightless, gentle to the skin. Today he is in both women's and men's wardrobe. Products made of cashmere yarn are primarily an indicator of good taste and style. Secondly, it is, of course, cosiness, comfort and warmth.

Designers recommend that every fashionista have a cashmere sweater in her wardrobe. It is usually the base. If you have a walk or a trip to work. A light shiny fabric skirt and a V-neck cashmere sweater are a great outfit for a romantic evening.

men's cashmere sweater
Products from this yarn are all-weather. Indeed, such a jumper will warm you in the winter cold. And a light cardigan made of this yarn will not let you cool on a cool summer evening.

Let's look into the men's wardrobe

A light classic cashmere sweater (male) is today the favorite of the wardrobe. He is excellent with suit pants and shoes. But if the sweater has a floral print, he wears leather high boots and, for example, canvas pants - the man looks very extravagant. For everyday style, you can choose a T-shirt under a cashmere sweater. You can complement the image with a short coat or a leather jacket.

Tough choices

Choosing a quality cashmere item is not very simple. Here are some suggestions.

  1. Try cashmere with your own hands. They should feel soft and tender.
  2. Shake the product. If strings, fluffs, etc. fly off, then it is of poor quality and, possibly, not even cashmere.
  3. Perform a tensile test. If after stretching the cashmere sweater quickly returned to shape - this is a quality thing.
  4. The composition on the label should indicate 100% cashmere thread (100 Percent Cashmere). Although a small percentage of high-quality silk is allowed (the cost of such a product should be lower). There should also be an indication of a double thread (after all, such a yarn is very fragile).

V-neck cashmere sweater
Cashmere knitwear in a natural, natural shade (gray and metallic) lasts longer and is considered to be of better quality. Designers call this knitwear exquisite chic. Products from cashmere threads are the most diverse. It can be sweaters, tops, tunics, cardigans and cashmere sweater (man's, female) especially fashionable today. The addition of shiny threads allows designers to create more original patterns.

Caring for a Cashmere Jumper

Despite modern washing machines, hands are an ideal option for washing. Humanity has not yet come up with anything more tender than them. Before washing, carefully inspect the product for stains. If there is, process them, then remove all the spools (their presence indicates a good quality thing).

In water at room temperature, we breed a special liquid detergent for washing products from cashmere. With gentle movements we erase it, rinse it well. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze! Then it is worth letting water drain and spread on a flat surface on a white towel. During drying, they must be changed several times. Also turn the product over.

Sometimes, when washing is not yet required, you can refresh a thing by hanging it in the shade on the street, or leaving it in the bathroom for the night.

Ironing is prohibited, you can only steam. Such things should be dried on an electric fireplace or with a hairdryer.

Storage conditions

  • A cashmere sweater can ruin high humidity. Therefore, such a thing should be stored in a plastic or better paper bag.
  • Moth tablets should be in every single bag. If the spray is preferred, apply it only (!) To the bag in which the item is stored.

classic cashmere sweater

  • Before long storage of the product, it is necessary to wash and dry well.
  • Any cashmere item should be kept lying down. She categorically must not be hung on her shoulders.

Tips and Tricks

A classic cashmere sweater cannot stand the neighborhood with rude metal or leather jewelry. Products from such knitwear should not be worn daily. The cashmere thread can self-repair. Therefore, these things like to "relax." As often as possible, clean the sweater from the spools, preserving the original appearance.


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