Monument to Alexander 1 in the Alexander Garden - a symbol of the greatness of the state

There are many wonderful monuments in the Russian capital. It seemed that every historical figure and even a literary character was already embodied in bronze or marble. But no. In Moscow, there was no monument to Alexander 1. In the Alexander Garden, bearing the name of the victorious emperor, in 2014 this omission was eliminated.

Opening of the monument

In the year of the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russian troops over Napoleon, it was decided to perpetuate the name of the monarch, who at the head of the cavalry entered Paris.

monument to Alexander 1 in the Alexander Garden

On November 20, 2014, the monument to Alexander 1 in the Alexander Garden was inaugurated. The place was not chosen by chance - by order of the emperor this wonderful park was laid in the very heart of the capital, which has become a favorite vacation spot for citizens and guests of the capital. They installed it near the Borovitskaya tower of the Kremlin.

The opening ceremony was attended by President of Russia V.V. Putin, Mayor of the capital S. Sobyanin, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, as well as other high-ranking officials. The event was held with a large gathering of people.

The president in his speech emphasized that the victory over Napoleon was a triumph for Russia. People of all classes rose to fight common evil, rallying against a single enemy.

Monument Description

The monument to Alexander 1 in the Alexander Garden turned out to be classically majestic and pompous. It looks impressive and dignified. The emperor is depicted in full dress. In his hands is a sword, and his foot tramples on a bunch of weapons of surrendered French soldiers. A cloak is thrown over the shoulders of the monarch.

Monument to Alexander 1 in the Alexander Garden

The figure of the emperor is cast in bronze. It is mounted on a high pedestal, decorated with a double-headed eagle - a symbol of Russian statehood. On both sides of the pedestal are decorated bas-reliefs. One depicts the entry of Russian troops led by the emperor riding a horse to Paris in 1814. On the opposite side there is another bas-relief reminiscent of the battle of peoples near Leipzig in October 1813.

Across the street from the monument, additional bas-reliefs are installed that complement the composition, telling about past battles and important events two centuries ago. So, here you can see the captured pictures from two crucial battles of this war - the battle of Berezina and the battle of Borodino. Here you can see bas-reliefs depicting the heroes of those battles - Kutuzov, Barclay de Tolly, Denis Davydov, and Bagration. Also here you can see the image of Alexander and Seraphim of Sarov. And also mock-ups of two magnificent churches that became the main churches of Russia: the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the idea of ​​which was put forward by this particular monarch, as well as the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, which also became monuments to the valor of Russian soldiers in the war against Napoleon.

monument to Alexander 1 in the Alexander Garden sculptor

Project Author

The monument to Alexander 1 in the Alexander Garden, the description of which is given above, is the brainchild of the famous sculptor Shcherbakov. By the way, another sculpture, belonging to the same author, is set very close. The Moscow government has announced a competition for the construction of the monument. Eight eminent sculptors took part in it, presenting several of their projects. A work was chosen by secret ballot, the author of which was Salavat Aleksandrovich Shcherbakov.

By the way, they wanted to perpetuate Alexander the First in Moscow three times already. But every time the construction of the monument was postponed for various reasons. And only in 2014 the project came to life. Salavat Aleksandrovich Shcherbakov - a famous sculptor. He created more than forty monumental monuments erected not only in Russia but also in other countries of the world.

Salavat Aleksandrovich Shcherbakov


Monument to Alexander 1 in the Alexander Garden, the sculptor of which is Shcherbakov, is installed at 15/1 Mokhovaya Street. It was erected in the garden, which since the 50s of the nineteenth century has been named after the emperor who laid the park. Until that time, it was called the Kremlin. Nearby is the Manege building, built by decree of Alexander the First in honor of the fifth anniversary of the victory over the French. The place chosen is very symbolic.

Emperor is a winner

Alexander 1 went down in history as an extraordinary person. In his reign there was a rallying of the nation in the fight against the invaders. The territory of Russia has expanded markedly: Finland and other lands were attached to it.

This is the time of renewal of Russia, when many reforms were carried out both in the legal and in the state sphere. The first round-the-world expedition was equipped, five universities were opened. Under him, the first Kremlin museum was opened - the Armory.

He gave constitution to neighboring Poland and granted freedom to the serfs in the Baltic states, but left them under the yoke. It was he who stood at the origins of international security in Europe, which was progressive for that time. The emperor built relationships with leaders of other powers, taking into account not only state interests, but also moral values.

Of course, the personality of this man is rather contradictory, and he made many mistakes and mistakes, but his contribution to the historical path of Russia can hardly be overestimated.


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