Roxellan rhinopithecus: description, habitat, features of maintenance and care, photo

These cute, rather original-looking animals live in Central and Southern China. Largest populations live in the Volun National Reserve, located in Sichuan.

These are the Roxellan rhinopithecus (Pygathrix roxellana), a species of rare Chinese monkeys that are in danger of total extinction. Their species name roxellanae came from the name of the legendary Ukrainian Roksolana - a beautiful woman, distinguished by an upturned nose.

This very rare species is listed in the Red Book. Images of primates are often found on Chinese ancient silk-screen printing and vases.

Cute furry animal

Bit of history

Roxellan rhinopithecus is a snub-nosed golden monkey. The origin of its name has a rather interesting history.

The priest from France Arman David is the first European to meet these unique representatives of the animal world. He arrived in China in the 19th century as a missionary to popularize Catholicism in this distant land.

Later, the priest, who was very interested in zoology, brought to Europe some materials about the new species of monkeys, which the famous zoologist Miln-Edwards became interested in. He was especially impressed by the noses of these animals - they were so bent up that they reached forehead in some old individuals. Due to this feature, the scientist gave these animals such a Latin name (Rhinopithecus roxellanae), where the first word is a generic name and means "nosed monkey", and the second is a species name (roxellanae) on behalf of the wife of Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman sultan). This is the legendary beauty Roksolana with an upturned nose.

Roxellan rhinopithecus

Distribution area, habitat

Roxellan rhinophytes live in the territories of Central and Southern China (Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu). Of the three varieties of snub-nosed monkeys in China, this one is the most widespread throughout the state. They inhabit mountain forests located at an altitude of 1,500 to 3,400 meters above sea level. In these places, snow cover is up to six months a year.

Vegetation changes with height. From broadleaf and deciduous forests at low altitudes to mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests at an altitude of more than 2,200 meters. Above 2600 meters, coniferous vegetation grows. In summer, golden monkeys move to the mountains, and in winter they go below 1,500 meters. In their environment, the average annual temperature is between 6.4 ° C (-8.3 ° C - the minimum of January, + 21.7 ° C - the maximum of July). This species of monkey is one of the most cold-resistant among primates, in connection with which they are sometimes called "snow monkeys" in China.


Features of Roxellan's rhinopithecus

They differ in a bright and very unusual appearance: the coat is golden-orange or golden-brown, the face is bluish, the nose is very snub-nosed. These are perhaps the most unusual animals of the primate squad in the mountainous regions of China.

Golden monkeys are small animals with a body size of 66 to 76 centimeters and a tail length of up to 72 cm. The body weight of an adult male is 16 kg, females - about 10 kg. The hue of the coat color depends on the age of the monkeys.


Roxellanic rhinopithecus is a species of Chinese monkeys that spend most of its life on trees in search of protection and food. They do not like to go down to earth and do it only to clarify the relations between groups or within their flock. If necessary, they can move quickly and dexterously on the ground and even cross rivers. At the slightest danger, animals quickly climb to the very top of the tree.

An interesting point is that, like all primates, Chinese monkeys spend a lot of time grooming - grooming. This is a kind of way to support the social structure, so that young individuals learn the correct sexual behavior.

Cub with Parent

Roxellan rhinophytes live in groups in an amount of 5 to 600 individuals. Adult males lead them. Outside of such groups, only monkeys live with families that consist of one male, about 5 females and offspring. They occupy territories of 15-50 square meters. km The animals for the search for each other emit loud exclamations. Male leaders usually stay alone at some distance from their counterparts, and adult females are more sociable with their gender than with males.


The status of males depends on perseverance, courage and the number of wives, while the female is more respected if she has offspring.

The occurrence of conflicts is not always accompanied by the use of brute force, as they protect themselves. And instead of physical reprisals, they are content with awesome spectacular poses, barking and roaring. Most often, the matter does not come to a fight with the animals; the winner is usually the male whose appearance is the most frightening. With all this, snub-nosed monkeys should not be considered cowardly - large individuals can quite successfully protect themselves from hawks, leopards and other predators.

Monkey family


The diet of roxellan rhinopithecus varies greatly depending on the period of the year, but in any case they are herbivores.

They feed on tree bark, lichens and pine needles, and in the summer they can eat fruits, seeds of plants, small vertebrates and insects.


Males reach sexual maturity at 7 years of age, and females at 5 years of age. The most active period for mating is August-November. The female specifically demonstrates her readiness for procreation - she looks intently at the male and then abruptly runs away for some distance. Only in 50% of cases does he show his consent, while opening his mouth wide.

Female with cub

The offspring are born for 7 months, and during the period from April to August each female gives birth to two cubs. Both parents are engaged in their upbringing. The duty of the father is to care for their coat. During a period of severe cold weather, family members cling to each other to warm the child with their warmth.

On the protection of Chinese monkeys

Golden-haired monkeys are resistant to fairly low temperatures and snows, able to feed in almost any conditions. They especially flourished in those days when the mountains of China were covered with endless dense forests. However, the Chinese peasants, who are very hardworking, have conquered vast lands from natural nature for centuries. In addition, they also hunted monkeys, which significantly reduced the population.

Today in the Chinese forests, the number of Roxellan rhinopithecus is about 5000 individuals. Over the past decades, changes have occurred that have become saving for these animals - an endangered species has been taken under the protection of local authorities. The habitats of golden monkeys have turned into parks and reserves, and tough measures have been taken against poachers. Such innovations allowed not only to stop their extinction, but also to stabilize the number, and even increase it in places.


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