Sunlight Jewelry Stores: Women's Review of Shopping, Promotions, Discounts

It just so happened that the phrase "Woman’s best friends are diamonds" firmly entered the mass consciousness. There are a lot of people who want to have at least one pebble in their collection - even if they are 0.03 carats. But how to afford to buy diamonds and not make a fatal gap in the fragile boat of the family budget? Fortunately, jewelry stores of the Sunlight brand began to open everywhere in Russia. Feedback from consumers of their products cannot be called unambiguous. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of this brand.

Sunlight Review

Diamonds are becoming available!

Many users did not fully understand what makes Sunlight store products so cheap. The recall of one of the groups suggests that the whole thing is in the unusually small size of the stones. “Not diamonds, but rather, crumbs or even dust,” says a typical customer, but immediately clarifies: “But it looks very beautiful.” “Products are made in Hong Kong, the renowned tax haven,” other reviews say. “Prices are reduced due to the franchised sales model,” the third assures. Whatever it was, but the average product from Sunlight, made in gold, costs about ten thousand rubles, and in silver - only one and a half thousand. Agree, this is affordable for the most modest girl.

Jewelry sunlight reviews

Sunlight Availability

Founded in Hong Kong in 1995, the company managed to gain a foothold in the Russian market. In addition to the network where the product can be selected on the website or according to the catalog, there are 250 points of sale in more than a hundred cities of the Russian Federation - from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. The range of products is simply huge. If you liked a piece of jewelry in the catalog, but it was not in the store, you can simply order it and it will be delivered in a few days. Such a reverent attitude towards the buyer by Sunlight recalls as a role model for the post-Soviet service.

Product quality

If you are a fan of large weighty gems shod in platinum, you are not here. But if you are a young person who appreciates filigree work, sophistication and style, and most importantly - originality, in Sunlight you will find what you need. Eyes run up from a huge assortment of products. Here there are diamonds up to 0.29 carats, fionites, other precious stones, white, yellow, pink gold, silver jewelry. Sunlight reviews are also praised for the fact that here you can buy a ringlet even for the thin fingers of a teenage girl - there are all sizes!

Jewelry sunlight reviews


Despite the price - a little higher than the cost of jewelry, jewelry Sunlight reviews are called resistant to use. The store gives a guarantee for six months, but for many years of active wearing of earrings and rings, pebbles do not fall out. Thanks to high-tech methods, fasteners are almost invisible, and the products do not need the rough “rivets” that distinguish the soviet jewelry market.

Promotions and discounts

You can not ignore the talented policy of luring customers, which is practiced in Sunlight. The recall of some customers indicates a card on which bonuses are awarded on the next purchase. Others talk about silver stud earrings or pendant with phionites, donated upon purchase. Still others reveal the secret: if you leave a review about the company, 500 points are credited to the client’s card.


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