We build a toilet for a wooden cottage

It is clear to everyone why a toilet is needed in the country - people who are accustomed to urban amenities in the garden also want to have a comfortable and hygienic bathroom. Which type you choose depends on your budget. You can also get a ready-made toilet for a summer cottage, but this is not always a reasonable decision, especially considering that its construction is not so time-consuming. With tools (a hacksaw, a planer, a screwdriver, a hammer, building materials and nails), you can easily build a toilet house.

wooden toilet
Before you start building a toilet in the country, you will need to draw up a project and choose a place, not forgetting the sanitary standards. In order to prevent water pollution, it should be located at a distance of 25 meters from wells and boreholes, it is advisable to install it on the ground with a slope much lower than any water sources. During construction, it should be noted that smells should not reach a house, arbors, etc. A cesspool must be properly insulated from atmospheric precipitation.

Toilets for summer cottages. Types and Features

The simplest toilet for a summer residence is a wooden house with a pit. For its construction does not require special skills, it can be done by anyone who knows how to work with a hammer, hacksaw and shovel. The wooden toilet for summer cottages has a simple principle of action - human waste products fall into the pit, liquid waste - into the ground, some of them evaporate. A dense mass accumulates in the pit, which is periodically removed manually or using a special sewage machine.

toilets for summer cottages
In order not to mess with the cleaning of the pit, the toilet is moved to a new place, while the old pit is filled up. It should be borne in mind that for the third time, a wooden toilet for a summer residence can be put on the very first place in the cesspool, since by this moment all the waste will already turn into earth.

Peat toilet (powder-closet) is the second type of country toilet without connecting to the sewer. The principle of its operation is based on placing the tank under a toilet seat with a capacity of 20 liters for feces, as well as a box with peat. In this case, each visit to the toilet ends with the filling of waste with a thin layer of peat. When the tank is full, its contents are sent to the pit. This type of country toilet is much simpler than a cesspool, since its placement is possible in any place, including the premises of a country house.

building a toilet in the country
The backlash from the toilet with a pit differs in the size of the cesspool and tightness. The liquid component is not drained here, therefore, the emptying of the cesspool is carried out by pumping.

In the backlash-closet, the cesspool can be made of concrete monolith or concrete blocks, sometimes ceramic brick with obligatory plaster is used. An external waterproofing consisting of 2 layers is certainly carried out. A clay castle is created directly from the ramp from the rammed clay of a half-meter layer. As a funnel, use a toilet bowl with an even siphon (an enameled cast-iron or earthenware bowl “genoa”). In a toilet of this type, the project is included in the country house, but a stand-alone backlash will cost you much more.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34076/

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