Goncharov, “Million torment”: a summary of the article

Potters Million Torment Summary
As a critical response to the comedy of Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov “Woe from Wit” creates Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov “Million of Torment”. The summary of the article is a deep social and ideological analysis of this work. It is characteristic that the title of the article was the phrase dropped by the Griboedov character - Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. Thus, when reading the title, it becomes known what will be discussed.

The comedy requested by the era

Was this assessment given in a timely manner? Undoubtedly. Russia lived in a transitional era from feudal society to capitalist society . There were no raznochintsy yet, and yet the nobility remained the most advanced layer of society. But is all the nobility? That's the question. Neither heroes of the type of Pushkin Onegin nor Lermontov Pechorin could already prompt the development of a huge country. Article I.A. Goncharova's “Million Torment” popularly and logically led her readers to this conclusion. Certainly, society demanded a new, fresh look at society, at the role of a citizen, at education, at social activities. And this look was presented by the image of Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.

Chatsky character

and a goncharova a million torment

Chatsky’s character is not just central, but centrifugal in the work of Griboedov. Goncharov devoted “A Million of Torment” to an adequate, fair assessment of the significance of this image (which simply simply did not exist before). A brief summary of the comedy is manifested in the fact that Chatsky confronts the "old world", smartly and meaningfully testifying of the truth. It’s not customary to talk in aristocratic circles of Moscow. And the honest description of the "pillars of society" is perceived by the higher nobility as "an attempt on the foundations" and sacrilege. The nobility is powerless in front of its rhetoric; they shun it, declaring it insane.

Is this natural? Yes, and to the highest degree! Recall that even Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin did not understand Chatsky. The famous poet, noting the truth of the statements of the comedy hero, is at the same time perplexed: “Why does he say all this if no one hears him” (that is, the veiled question is clearly felt: “Isn't Chatsky a stupid?”). Dobrolyubov, however, frankly ironically reacted to this character - "gambling fellow." Since practically the whole society did not notice the fundamental novelty of the talentedly created image, in fact, that is why Goncharov wrote The Million of Torment. A summary of his work is an analysis of the Griboedov product.

Potters Million Torment Brief
So, our hero comes to aristocratic Moscow, breaking away from affairs, for a declaration of love to the young, educated and romantic Sofia Famusova, who refuses him. This is the plot of the plot. The girl, in turn, has already forgotten about her first feeling for him. She is driven by romantic generosity. Therefore, it cannot be said that she is just as mercantile as her chosen one - the untalented and sneaky secretary of her father - Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin. People imitating activities for the implementation of their career aspirations are spiritless people who can express servility and then betray. Silence. Their caustic characterization is dedicated to the Goncharov “Million of Torment”. A brief summary of the comedy shows: they must lose. After all, the future state of the "Silent" is much worse than the state of the "Famus".

Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin - the opposite of Chatsky. A cowardly, stupid, but "moderate and accurate" careerist in the future - a bureaucrat. There is nothing living, natural in the image of Molchalin. But his life calculation is true - it is precisely such people, by nature - slaves, that those who prefer to elevate power, then later reign supreme with the help of such people who do not have their own opinions.


What is the significance of this work of Ivan Alexandrovich? It is obvious. An objective and worthy assessment of the image of Chatsky is dedicated by the Goncharov “A Million of Torment”. The summary of the article is precisely devoted to this "ray of light in the dark kingdom."

Goncharov’s merit is that after a while he noticed a significant detail: Chatsky is active, he is able to change the world around him. He is a man of the future, which cannot be said of the passive dreamers Onegin and Pechorin. The image of Alexander Andreevich, despite the name of the Griboedov comedy, is optimistic. He inspires confidence in his innocence, being a literary-figurative embodiment of the words "and one in the field is a warrior!"

The beliefs of this person are the beliefs of the Decembrist. Thus, comedy is a peculiar set of future events of Russian society that occurred on December 14, 1825 on Senate Square.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34077/

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