Calculation of corrugated board for fence or roof

Recently, you can often see various kinds of structures using corrugated board. Very often a fence or the roof of buildings is made of it. If there is at least minimal knowledge in construction and a little desire, then work with this material can be done independently. And the first thing that is needed is to calculate the amount of corrugated board and related products that will be needed for construction. You can find many online calculators on the Internet. But you can get by with a simple calculation. In this case, no formulas are needed.

The concept and main characteristics of corrugated board

Decking is a profiled steel sheet having corrugations in the shape of a trapezoid. These sheets may vary in size, material of manufacture, external coating, purpose.

corrugated board calculation

Due to the presence of corrugations, the material has high strength in the transverse direction. The materials used for the manufacture of corrugated board do not corrode. Structures from profiled steel sheet are strong, fireproof, airtight, durable. They are easy to mount. They are easy to care for. And another important detail is the wide range of colors used.

There are three main groups of corrugated board:

  • Type H is designed for coatings.
  • Type "C" is used to enclose walls.
  • Type "NS" is suitable in two cases (for roofing and for walls).

Different types of material are made from different raw materials. This leads to the fact that the dimensions of the finished sheet are different. The thickness of the steel, which is taken for production, is from 0.5 to 1 millimeter. For an average climatic zone, a thickness of 0.5 or 0.7 millimeters is most often chosen.

The length of the corrugated board depends on the preferences of the customer. Most often, for the roofing material, a length of three to twelve meters is selected. For type "C" it is chosen in the range of 2.4-12 meters.

The size of the material will need to be known and taken into account in order to correctly calculate the corrugated board.

Calculation of material for the manufacture of the fence

The first step is to determine which concrete flooring will be erected by the fence. The size of the sheets will depend on this .

To make it easier to calculate the fence from corrugated board, you need an accurate understanding of what elements this fence consists of. The main elements are the foundation, the frame and the decking itself. For each of them, the calculation must be carried out separately. Individual averaged values ​​can be seen in the figure below.

calculation of material for a fence from corrugated board

Another important factor affecting the final result of calculations is the way the sheets are fastened. Decking can be placed vertically and laid horizontally. In addition, the fence can be solid or with visible pillars.

Horizontal fence

The calculation of the material for the fence from corrugated board in the case of a horizontal continuous fence is carried out taking into account the overlap of the sheets. The fact is that the edges of the sheets should go one on top of the other. This value will depend on the reference column. Take half the width of the column and add ten to fifteen millimeters.

In such situations, it is better to choose sheets whose length will be determined as the sum of two overlays and the length of one span. This is necessary so that the fastening of the sheets falls on the support. Thanks to this, the design will be stronger.

calculation of the fence from corrugated board

If you leave spaces for the posts, then the calculation of corrugated board will be slightly different. Overlaps are not needed here. And the length of the sheet itself should be one or two centimeters less than the distance between the supports.

Vertical sheet fastening

In this case, it is already important to consider the brand. The calculation of corrugated board is carried out taking into account the working and effective width. They determine the width of the span. It is important that the joints of the sheets are on the posts. The size of the run is calculated as the difference between the useful width of the corrugated board that fits in one opening, and the width of the support.

Knowing the span, you can determine how many of them will be needed on the entire fence. For this, the perimeter of the section is divided by the length of the run. The value is rounded down.

corrugated board calculation example

If there are gaps for the posts, the usable and actual widths are taken into account. The length of the run is defined as the sum of the actual width of one sheet, the useful width of all the other sheets and another twenty millimeters for the gap between the posts.

Corrugated board calculation: example

Suppose that it is necessary to install a fence made of PS-10 grade corrugated board two meters high and thirty meters long. The total length of this sheet will be 1,180 meters. The number of sheets is found as follows: the length of the fence is divided by the useful width of the sheet. It turns out twenty-seven sheets (30: 1,180 = 26.32). In this case, the result is always rounded up.

Next, we calculate the number of columns with a size of 20x40 millimeters. This is done as follows: the length of the fence is divided by the length of the span. It turns out that the spans will be twelve. Pillars are taken one more, that is, thirteen.

As a log, we take a profile pipe 20x20 millimeters. Since the height is two meters, you will need three rows of crossbars. Their total length is: the length of the fence is multiplied by three rows (30 x 3). It turns out that for the lag you need ninety meters of linear.

The number of screws that secure the corrugated board is determined at the rate of eight pieces per square meter.

Using corrugated roofing

Another area of ​​application for profiled steel sheets is pitched roofing. The calculation of corrugated roofing is made taking into account the angle of inclination of the slope. The thickness of the selected material and the total number of sheets depend on it. The larger the angle, the more materials will be needed. Moreover, the requirements of the standards determine that this slope of the ramp cannot be less than twelve degrees.

calculation of corrugated roof

In addition, the slope angle will affect the overlap size of the sheets. If the angle is only fourteen degrees, then the overlap should be more than two hundred millimeters. With a slope of more than thirty degrees, the overlap will be from one hundred to one hundred and fifty millimeters. These values ​​will also depend on the brand of the selected corrugated board.

Calculation of materials for the roof

The calculation of the corrugated board, which is required for the roof, begins with the determination of the total area of ​​the roof. In the case of a roof of complex shape, it must be divided into several sections, which are a simple geometric figure. The roof area will be calculated as the sum of the areas of all these figures.

After that, the lengths of roofing elements such as valleys, ribs, ridge, cornices, junctions, end overhangs are determined.

In the calculation process, only useful (or working) sheet dimensions are used.

calculation of the amount of corrugated board

Most often, the number of sheets of corrugated board needed for one horizontal row is determined as follows: the length of the slope is divided by the width of the sheet. The length of the slope must be taken taking into account the width of the gable overhangs. In this case, the overlap width is taken into account. It is defined as the difference between the total and working widths of the material.

The number of rows in height is determined taking into account the vertical overlap. And he, in turn, depends on the type of material chosen, the wave step and, as already mentioned, the slope angle.

Calculation of additional materials

In addition to the main sheets of profiled steel, it is necessary to determine the number of additional elements. Their length is standard and is two meters. This calculation is also carried out taking into account the overlap, which is assumed to be equal to ten to twenty centimeters. The length of all necessary parts will consist of the sum of the ramps. And the number of additional elements is equal to the total length divided by 1.9 (the length of the additional element is 2 meters minus an overlap of ten centimeters).

Similarly, the calculation is carried out for the endows. Only in this case, the size of the overlap is taken thirty centimeters. All values ​​are rounded up only. This is done in order to maintain the size of the overlap, reinforcing the design.

As fasteners, self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket are used. They take eight pieces per square meter of roof. For each additional element, eight self-tapping screws are also taken.

Calculation of flooring according to corrugated board

With the help of sheets of corrugated board, even floors are constructed. For this, material of the brand “H” is selected. To perform this type of calculation, it is better to contact specialists. After all, the overlap will carry a large load.

calculation of flooring according to corrugated board

To make it easier to understand the calculation process, consider an example. To do this, we take the distance between the beams equal to three meters, and the thickness of the corrugated board - 0.9 mm.

The sheets are interconnected and attached to the beams. In this case, the distance between the screws should not exceed forty centimeters. Decking is attached to each beam.

As you can see, the calculation of corrugated board in each specific situation has its own subtleties. Of course, you can do all the calculations yourself. But in this case, the probability of errors is high. Today you can find many suitable online calculators that will perform all the necessary calculations in a few seconds. But this method also does not fully guarantee the reliability of the results. Therefore, it is best to provide the calculation to professionals.


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