Military rituals and traditions

The word "ritual" has been known since ancient times, when ancient people made a sacrifice in order to receive mercy from God. This ritual can be attributed to religious. In addition, there are still civil, domestic and, of course, military rituals. The concept itself means a ceremony that reflects the meaning of the traditions established in society. This is a way of communication that expresses the vision of certain social groups or the whole society. They appear on the basis of the experience of the people and directly affect social relations.

As for military rituals, they predetermine the prevailing form of military behavior during solemn or mourning ceremonies. These rituals have always been an expression of courage and nobility of military personnel. What types can be divided into military rituals? The answer can be found below.


This tradition is one of the oldest. Previously, giving military honor was called "honoring", but the meaning was the same. In the Middle Ages, there was no clear movement signifying the giving of honor, so someone bowed, someone took off his hat. For the first time, knights at a meeting began to raise the visor of their helmets, thereby showing respect. There are no more knights, but the habit of raising a hand to the headdress has been preserved.

military rituals

Now it looks a little different, but the very fact of giving honor remains the same. This sign is considered a manifestation of respect and nobility. Traditions, military rituals remain unchanged from year to year. In the Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there is a clause “Military greeting”, which clearly states that it is mandatory in all spheres of activity, as it is evidence of the partnership and solidarity of the military.

Swearing in

The military rituals of the RF Armed Forces are quite diverse, but the military oath of stronghold is among them. It is after uttering the cherished words that a civilian becomes a military man. The oath is an oath that the soldier promises to fulfill before the Fatherland. The ceremony of pronouncing the oath is clearly described in the Charter of the RF Armed Forces. The commander of the unit monitors all this event.

military rituals

This is a very important ceremony for any military unit, this day is considered a day off and declared a holiday. The unit commander delivers a speech in front of the soldiers, who are built in advance with the battle flag and the flag of the country. Those who must swear an oath become in the front ranks. After the commander of the unit uttered parting words, each soldier approaches him and swears to bear a duty to his homeland. Then a hymn sounds, and the soldiers march in solemn fashion.

Military rituals. Presentation of the Battle Banner

This is a special ritual, and for its implementation an authorized person arrives in the unit, who is entrusted with the task of delivering the banner. If a combat banner is to be obtained in combat conditions, the construction order is decided depending on the circumstances.

When a special commander arrives at the unit to present a combat banner, the commander of the given military unit must provide him with three people: the one who will carry the banner, and two assistants. It can be both a sergeant and an officer, mainly with orders and merits to the Motherland.

When the time comes, the denominator, together with the assistants, takes out the combat banner located in the case and becomes in the prescribed place. A boss approaches them and will hand him over. Then the commander gives the command to the whole part of "Look!", Approaches the chief and reports that the regiment is built.

ritual of presenting a military banner of a military unit

After the adoption of the report, the chief welcomes the military regiment, then approaches the denominator, who lowers the banner. The authorized person removes the cover, then reads out the Certificate of President of the Russian Federation and gives the banner. The anthem of the country sounds, the chief congratulates the regiment on this event, and the commander says a response. The ritual of presenting the military banner of a military unit has always been considered one of the most important and solemn.

Arrivals by division

Along with old rituals and traditions, new ones appear. The distribution of replenishment by unit refers to those. After the business qualities of the new soldier, his profession, specialty, driver's license, characteristics, etc., are clarified, distribution will occur.

This ritual is also performed in the presence of the entire military unit. At the appointed time, the entire regiment is lined up on the parade ground with the orchestra. The unit commander reads the order, then the soldiers come forward, who finish serving, and then the new arrivals. This event ends with a solemn march.

The order of delivery of weapons and military equipment

Military rituals always overwhelm soldiers with pride, and this one especially. This tradition is one of the most beloved among the military. The delivery of weapons and military equipment occurs after the soldier solemnly vowed to serve the motherland, got acquainted with safety techniques. All responsibility in this case lies with the unit commander. He issues an order in which he assigns the necessary weapons and military equipment to the soldiers, and also sets a date for the ceremony.

ritual of presenting the banner of a military unit

Then all information about the weapons is recorded on the military ID. The event is as follows: the entire unit is lined up on foot in front of the commander, he reads the order on the assignment of small arms to soldiers. And calling everyone by name, personally gives out weapons. After this, the issuance of weapons and military equipment begins. Fighters must line up in this case with crews. And as always, the ritual ends with a solemn march.

Seeing off the military

The military rituals of the Russian Federation imply honoring not only young children who are just about to begin to serve, but already those who resign or retire. Seeing takes place in a festive atmosphere, veterans can be invited to them.

On the appointed day, the regiment is lined up on foot, if desired, a combat banner is issued. The unit commander names the dismissed or retiring military. They are in the middle in front of a lined regiment. Then the commander reads the order and rewards distinguished. Then, some servicemen say farewell words, a hymn sounds, and before the formation of the dismissed servicemen, the regiment passes in a solemn march.


This ritual is a very solemn event, which was loved not only by military people, but also civilians. The parade has always been a whole holiday, the military proudly took part in it. The history of this tradition goes back to Ancient Rome. At that time, triumphs were held - solemn reviews of the troops.

military rituals

The parade is the march after the victory. Not only in Rome, but also in the Old Russian state, such an event was practiced. At present, a clear form of the parade has been established, as it should take place. The combat parades are divided into three parts: construction, the meeting of the person who takes the parade, and the solemn march. The most famous parades in the history of our country are the processions of 1941 and 1945.


Like parades, fireworks are part of military rituals that were invented long ago. They are inextricably linked. At first they saluted with a weapon - a saber, then with a banner, and only then with shots. Now, salute is often used not only as a military ritual, but also during holidays, such as New Year's Day, City Day, etc.

The first salute in Moscow was given in 1943, on August 5 in honor of the liberation of the cities of Oryol and Belgorod from the fascist army. Until the end of the war, more than 350 artillery salutes were made, which marked the victory.


Of tremendous importance in military rituals and traditions is this type of art. As soon as military rituals appeared, music became an integral part of them. Thanks to her, old traditions acquire new colors and new rituals are created.

Music is considered the most striking decoration of any solemn military event. During the period of wars and strife, it was music that led the fighters forward, gave them strength, and inspired hope. At one time, the great commander A. Suvorov said that music makes the army twice as large.

types of military rituals

But not only during wars, music plays a crucial role. In peacetime, not a single ceremony of military personnel is complete without an orchestra. She cheers up, makes the soldier more united.

In military traditions a special place belongs to marching music. When the ritual of presenting the banner of the military unit takes place, the work “Counter March” sounds, which sets up the military personnel for the ceremony, creates the necessary atmosphere.

At the moment, it is difficult to recall any military events that are not accompanied by songs. Music always sounds: when taking a military oath, when awarding prizes, when viewing troops. You can say for sure: a soldier without a song, like without a gun. So said the same A. Suvorov, and was absolutely right.

Military etiquette

The army has always been a model of respect and etiquette. These values ​​are not introduced from the side, they are brought up in every military every day. Current military personnel can be proud of themselves, feeling like heirs of the past generation, when the status of an officer meant much more, and etiquette was placed above other values.

rituals of rf

But to be proud, you need to know what. To continue the military traditions of the generation of our fathers and grandfathers, you need to know them. As they say, ignorance does not exempt from responsibility. Russian military etiquette used to be considered the main spiritual value of the army. Nobleness, honor - these words were synonymous with the army. It was then that the first traditions and rituals of military personnel were born.

One cannot fail to note the enormous contribution to the development of this industry in Soviet Russia. Even Vladimir Ilyich Lenin contributed to the creation of some military rituals that have remained relevant to this day. Some of them have become truly popular. Military rituals reflect all the masculinity and courage of soldiers, their unity and friendship.


An army will not be such without observing military traditions and rituals. Each of them is unique and very important for every soldier. Each event is not an ordinary system, but a holiday that is respected and honored by the military. This article examined all types of military rituals that are currently underway.

They charged with strength and energy more than one generation of soldiers, they are called upon to raise the morale of soldiers, to tune them to the desired wave. Currently, military rituals educate soldiers, teach them etiquette and respect. The guy who takes the oath is overwhelmed by feelings, because in a few minutes he will become a soldier. The denominator, who carries the battle flag, is proud, since he had the honor of being a participant in a great event. Absolutely all the rituals of the military unit help the military to realize the whole burden of responsibility and joy from the fact that they have chosen this path and are repaying the debt to their homeland.


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