Scarb potato variety - high yield and great taste

Most recently, the Belarusian scientists using the breeding method managed to develop a new variety of potatoes - Skarb. It got its name due to its appearance - when digging potatoes on the ground, ideal golden oval tubers appear. Translated from the Belarusian language "skarb" means great wealth, treasure. This variety belongs to mid-season canteens. It is mainly used for making chips and salads.

potato variety

Scarb potato variety and its value

Some choose potatoes for planting according to their taste, others - for frost resistance, while others look at the storage period.

The variety under consideration has a high yield, excellent taste, high resistance to diseases and excellent storage performance.

Potatoes Scarb: variety description, reviews

It is worth noting that the bush at Skarb is not high. The medium-sized leaves have a dark green color, and due to their small number of access to sunlight, the crop is the most optimal. Inflorescences in this variety do not differ from many others - they are white, of medium size.

The Scarb potato variety has oval smooth yellow tubers with small eyes. The weight of one tuber can reach 200 grams. The yield of this variety is simply excellent - each bush can produce up to 20 potatoes.

potato variety belongings reviews

In addition, the Skarb potato variety, reviews of which are mostly laudatory, has one unique property - it does not darken the flesh even during thermal processing.

And the housewives appreciate this species for its pleasant aroma, memorable taste, preservation of integrity during cooking, friable tubers of golden color.

You should also know that experienced agronomists recommend growing Scarb in the northwestern region of Russia. In this climatic zone, the yield can be up to 65 tons per hectare of sowing.

potatoes belongings grade description reviews

The Skarb potato variety has another advantage: it has a dormancy period of four months. This is a very high indicator, which means that this species remains much longer than others.


The positive qualities of Scarb include its ability to withstand the attack of pathogenic microbes, including such a common disease that affects many varieties of potatoes like a nematode. In addition, this variety is able to withstand a black leg, rhizoctoninosis, striped and wrinkled mosaic.

The disadvantage of Scarb is that there is a likelihood of leaf damage by late blight. Under insufficient weather conditions, ring rot infection is possible.

Responsible process

About two weeks before planting potatoes, you need to take some action in order to get a good harvest. It is necessary to preheat and germinate the potato seeds. Just during this period, the sprouts will reach approximately 5 millimeters in length.

Potato variety Scarb

It is not recommended to use large potatoes for planting, since when cutting the tuber into parts, the growth of the eyes stops. And in order to achieve complete ripening, you should mow the tops a couple of weeks before harvesting.


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