How to choose a floor electronic scales for the home?

Floor scales are a necessary thing for a person. They allow you to determine body weight, which is sometimes extremely important during wellness procedures, as well as during pregnancy. A future mother should take care of her baby, who is still in her stomach. After all, every month a woman is weighed and the fetal development is determined by these indicators. Therefore, this is an extremely important point in using the balance. Also, many athletes monitor their weight. In a word - without this device in any way.


Modern units can be very versatile. Include indicators such as the determination of water in the body, as well as muscle tissue and fat. All this happens due to the built-in touch mechanism. In the sales market, a huge number of diverse, multifunctional scales. And buyers disagree on purchases. How to choose suitable scales?

how to choose electronic floor scales with composition analyzer

By purchasing such a device, you need to pay attention to the scale of kilograms. Mostly on scales, the maximum weight is 150–160 kg. But there are less and more - up to 120 kg and 180 kg. If body weight exceeds these values, then special scales are needed. But it’s better, of course, not to allow this. You need to know that you do not need to buy such a device if the body weight exceeds the limit values. It is necessary that 15-20% of indicators are in stock. This ensures more accurate weighing results and longer use.


If there is a need for tips on diets or physical activity, then there are scales that are equipped with such information. In general, when buying such a device, you need to proceed from your needs and financial capabilities. How to choose electronic floor scales? What should I pay attention to?

First of all, you need to decide how much you are willing to spend on the purchase of the device. And then you have to decide on which is better to choose a floor, electronic or mechanical scale.


The first option is a mechanical balance. They are easy to use and work for many years. Do not require any charge. A spring is inserted inside, which stretches under the weight of the body.

Every customer asks how to choose high-quality floor scales. Mechanical appliances will cost less. And their advantage is that they can show weight on any surface, which cannot be said about electronic ones, which need an even and solid base. Otherwise there will be a weighing error. But electronic scales can show a more accurate weight up to grams, as well as various indicators with body weight. They also determine the content of fat and muscle among the total body weight.

Consider the advantages of mechanical devices:

  1. Easy to use. Such scales do not require battery replacement or mains operation, in addition, they are a budget option.
  2. They withstand a large load and last a long time.
  3. They can measure weight even on an uneven surface, which cannot be said about electronic devices.

When weighing body mass, pressure is applied to the mechanism and the measuring element is stretched. The scale for mechanical scales is more often only 1 kg, divisions of 0.5 kg are rarely found.

Mechanical scales are inferior in accuracy and function to electronic scales. Such a device is worth buying if, apart from the weight, nothing else interests. Also, the effect of mechanics is affected by temperature. Over time, the parts may wear out and malfunction, show incorrect indicators. In this case, it is worth considering which floor scales are better to choose. In reviews about electronic models, people write that they are the best to purchase. Why do they choose such a scale? Due to the service life, design and other criteria, which are discussed below.

How to choose electronic floor scales? Why do you need to take a closer look at them? More on this later in the article.

Pros of electronic models

how to choose electronic home scales

The advantages of electronic scales:

  1. The error of such devices is small from 50 to 500 grams, which is very acceptable with proper nutrition and weight loss.
  2. The indicators are very accurate.
  3. Their result is shown on a special display.

What to look for when choosing electronic models?

When choosing electronic scales, you need to pay attention to the number of built-in mechanisms, functionality, as well as what they are needed for. And the last one is the price.

Initially, electronic devices differed from mechanical ones only by displaying indicators on the screen. But over time, the manufacturers of these devices virtually eliminated all mechanical parts from spare parts. Leaving only electronic components. This contributes to a longer life of the balance.

Modern appliances include a voltage controller through which current flows. When a person stands on the scales, the impact of his weight gives a signal to the wire, which, in turn, displays readings on the display with an impulse. The device works fine.

When asked which electronic or mechanical floor scales are best to choose, the majority will answer that, of course, the first. Such scales operate on battery power. Plain or sunny. Turn on and off independently. They can show a number of different indicators, in addition to body weight. The maximum weight may be 240 kg or more.

electronic floor scales which are better to choose

Additional characteristics:

  1. Saving weight data over a period of time.
  2. Establish the necessary body weight based on the existing mass.
  3. The weighing history is saved.
  4. Equipped with tips on proper nutrition and sports.
  5. The indicators of fat and muscle mass are determined.

When choosing a particular device, it is worth examining the pricing policy in different places so as not to overpay. And buy only the scales you need, without any extra parameters. High-quality mechanical devices are not cheap. But you should pay attention to quality, so that such a device lasts as long as possible.

Accuracy on the scales

Accuracy is present in any instrument. In more expensive models, it is not too large, and in cheap models it can reach up to 1 kg. To calculate the exact weight, you need to weigh several times, and then take the average value, which is not very convenient. To avoid this, you need to choose a better scale. There are also special error indicators that allow you to immediately see the deviations.

Built-in memory

In modern electronic scales there is a built-in memory, the larger it is, the more expensive the device is. Memory can be selected depending on the number of family members or people who will be weighed on them. This number can be from 2 to 10. If the number 3 is the optimal value, then do not overpay and take a mechanism with a large amount of memory. All necessary indicators and data will fit on such a volume.

electronic floor scales which is better to choose reviews

Device design

When choosing weights, especially women, pay attention to design. A wide variety, different styles and sizes, what to choose? How to choose an electronic floor scales that will please the eye? The following parameters should be noted:

  1. Classic, austere look.
  2. Colorful, vivid drawings, abstractions.
  3. Images of flowers, prints.

Material of which the device is made

Do not disregard the materials from which the scales are made:

  • glass;
  • metal;
  • wooden and stone;
  • polymer.

The weight of the device depends on the material. For example, if it is a stone, then the device will weigh significantly. How to choose electronic home scales? The most popular are plastic and glass models. Their pricing policy is average. Glass appliances can be made in a variety of designs, so they fit into any interior. But with such devices you need to be careful because of the fragility of the material. Still, such scales need to be chosen with rubber inserts so that they are stable and do not slip on the surface.

Functions of models and photos

How to choose an electronic floor scales for home, so that they include all the necessary criteria?

how to choose electronic floor scales reviews

Functions to pay attention to:

  1. Determines such parameters as the amount of fat and muscle tissue, water in the body. Due to the small electric discharge that passes through the body, the device determines the balance of substances in the body.
  2. Defines a body mass index. To do this, you only need to enter the indicators of growth, weight, and so on, and the scales themselves will calculate everything.
  3. Memory size. Thanks to this function, the device remembers all indicators and results. Moreover, the data may be several people.
  4. Independent shutdown and inclusion. This process is also possible manually.
  5. Self-leveling surface leveling system. In this case, errors of up to 10% can be avoided.
  6. Large display. It is suitable for people with low vision.
  7. The unique feature of a removable display. The scales are separate, and the screen is separate. At the same time, it works on a wireless basis. And it can be placed in any convenient place.
  8. The presence of a USB connector. This allows you to connect to a PC, providing wider and more detailed capabilities, for example, nutrition tables.
  9. Body temperature and time, as well as an indicator of overload.

Based on the above functions, you can safely decide how to choose an electronic floor balance with a body composition analyzer. When choosing, you can also consult with a sales assistant. People who are on diets or on proper nutrition often wonder: "How to choose an electronic floor balance with an analyzer of the composition of adipose and muscle tissue?" The answer is very simple. You need to consider several options, decide on a pricing policy and just buy.

The more functions the device includes, the more expensive it will cost. But how to choose electronic floor scales? In the reviews they write that the manufacturer plays a big role. People advise giving preference to the well-known and trusted.

How to choose electronic floor scales? Rating companies

First place goes to Beurer. Very accurate scales and interesting design. Due to its high quality, the device is in demand. There are practically no errors.

how to choose a floor scales electronic rating

Budget options include scales from Tefal and Redmoond. Models have a beautiful appearance, many functions, easy to operate. They differ from expensive devices in the composition of the case. Therefore, you can choose the best option at an affordable price.

Scales such as DEX and Rotex have a lower price, but they have a drawback - this is an error. How to choose electronic home scales from such a list?

In all devices, you can find high-quality materials and great functionality, good characteristics, but it is better to take a model with a small error.

Where to buy and why?

Some people wonder where to buy scales. Here it is necessary to proceed from the following: which manufacturer would like to purchase the device, what functions are included in it, what it is made of, and so on. Next, you need to decide which price category the device will be purchased from. You can buy cheap, average prices and expensive scales. It should be borne in mind that cheap devices will only show weight, while more expensive models are multifunctional. As for the place, the scales can be ordered via the Internet or purchased in a store - regular or specialized. Better, of course, is the second option. In the store you can check the health of the device and get a warranty card.

how to choose electronic floor scales with body composition analyzer

Little conclusion

Many people buy electronic home scales for weighing from time to time. Also, these devices help control the weight of a growing child. How to choose such a technique is described in detail in the article. These tips will help you make the right choice.


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