Small freshwater fish of the cyprinid family: every fisherman wants to know ...

Real Russian fishing is an art. Connoisseurs can tell you what time of the year which fish will be better to peck, which bait is better to use, and much more. Each has its own secrets and preferences. In many regions, catching a carp on a fishing rod is considered a great success. And an experienced fisherman knows that you can follow this fish with confidence when the dogrose blooms, and the nibble will be successful if you hook corn, small potatoes or an earthworm onto the hook. But does everyone know how many small fish the Karpov family includes? Let's get to know some of them.

small freshwater fish of the carp family


So, the first freshwater fish of the carp family on our list, you guessed it, is carp. Carp is a domesticated form of carp. Because these fish are very similar to each other. But there are still some differences between them. So, the carp has a more powerful body, and the scales are much smaller. Along the edge of the scales is a black edging. But that, perhaps, is all. Otherwise, these fish do not differ from each other. They like undercooked potatoes, cake, crumb bread, bloodworms, underwater grass. Carp is very voracious, he is called the "water pig", and he lives up to fifty years. The average weight is about ten kilograms, but there are individuals and forty kilograms. Prefer data fish quiet backwaters, dams, standing places. They lead an active lifestyle in the summer, but in the winter they fall into hibernation. Carps overwinter in pits, burying themselves in silt.

freshwater fish of the carp family


Crucian carp is a small freshwater fish of the cyprinid family. Probably no fisherman will confuse this fish with any other. The crucian has a small oval body with shiny scales. The dorsal fin is long, brown in color. This fish prefers standing, well-heated ponds. And since crucian carp is undemanding to the level of oxygen in the water, it can quite comfortably live in wetlands. It feeds mainly on vegetation, plankton. It reaches puberty in the fourth year. Caviar lays in seaweed.

river fish of the carp family


The next river fish of the carp family is asp. He has a long elongated body and a large mouth. On the upper jaw there is a notch, and on the lower tubercle. The body is gray or dark silver. The upper and lower fin is also gray, along the edge of which there is a black edging. Side fins are reddish brown. The fish reaches puberty in the fifth year of life. By this time, her weight reaches half a kilogram. Spawning occurs in April – May. Asp is a predator. Prefers lowland rivers, in which it keeps alone. And only during the zhor these fish join in groups and arrange a real hunt for schools of small fish. During the zhora, these fish make such a noise that it can be heard from the shore. These predators quickly fly into the school of fish and begin to jam it with the blows of powerful tails. For the swiftness and manner of hunting, the asp is called a horse. This fish is a favorite sport fishing object both in Europe and here.

river fish of the carp family


This most often small freshwater fish of the cyprinid family reaches 80 cm in length and weighs up to 8 kg. The body of a fish is cylindrical, covered with large scales. The head is powerful, slightly flattened. Chub can be called a real handsome. His back is dark green in color, and the sides are covered with silver scales with a golden tint. The lateral and lower fins are bright orange, and the dorsal fin and tail are dark blue. Prefers chub fast rivers with cool water. It feeds on surface insects, small crustaceans, small fishes and frogs. This fish spawns in April – May, sometimes even in June. The eggs are bright orange, very small. The habitat is very wide: from Spain to Siberia.

river fish of the carp family


This small freshwater fish of the cyprinid family is very similar to young bream. She has the same heavily flattened body, covered with silver scales. You can distinguish these fish from each other only by teeth. There are five teeth on each side of the bream, and seven on the side of the bream, and they are also arranged in two rows. The body length of this fish reaches 40 cm, and weight, as a rule, does not exceed 200 g. It feeds on mussel, small crustaceans and mollusks. It should also be noted that this representative of cyprinids lives in schools and prefers quiet, warm water. He lives in one place for a long time. It lives in all rivers and lakes of Russia. Spawns rather late - at the end of May.

river fish of the carp family


And this small freshwater fish of the cyprinid family resembles a herring or saber in appearance. The body is elongated, the back is almost straight, and the belly is very convex. The back is covered with grayish-brown scales, and the sides are almost white. This fish lives in the Black, Azov, Caspian and Aral Seas, as well as in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya River, but is sometimes found in other large rivers. Chekhon loves space, lives in the deepest places. Swims very quickly and often jumps out of the water. It feeds on insects and small fish. Lives about ten years. By the year it reaches half its growth. Begins to be fruitful from the age of two.


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