Cultural norms

Cultural norms are a set of certain rules, regulations, standards, traditions accepted in society. It is known that in society, the interests of the majority are placed above any personal desires. Norms set the standards for how a person should live, what principles to possess, how to build communications. An individual who does not accept the basic requirements of society will not be able to socialize successfully.

Cultural norms help a person in building communications, give a certain development vector. Do they limit individuality? This is a rather controversial issue. The norms of culture are not a set of strictly regulated rules. Each person processes social standards for himself, weaving them into the general structure of his worldview.

Cultural norms - this is something without which it is impossible to imagine the harmonious functioning of society. They exist in all groups, from primitive tribes to civilized states. At the same time, cultural norms can vary dramatically. Each country has its own set of rules that people should be guided by. However, there are common standards, such as the prohibition of murder, theft, and so on.

Cultural norms fulfill certain important functions. First, they shape human relationships. That is, norms are a kind of obligation to other people. For example, in any civilized society it is forbidden to kill, steal, perform actions that would harm another person.

The norms of culture are certain expectations from other people. That is, pedestrians must cross the road in accordance with established rules, professionals in their activities should be guided by some principles. If you cancel the requirements under consideration, chaos and destruction will come in the world.

Standards define the pattern of ideal behavior that everyone should strive for. They regulate deviant behavior through punishment . The more ancient civilization, the more complex and diverse are its rules.

Norms can be classified according to the strictness of the principles of their implementation. For example, a violation of certain rules of society may be followed by imprisonment and even the death penalty. Similar norms are enshrined in the criminal code. Some violations of the prescribed rules may be followed by a milder punishment, for example, an unfriendly grin, rejection of a person in the company.

Norms can be classified by another criterion - the scope. For example, in each small group of people (family, colleagues, sports teams), there are some rules that unite individuals and serve as a regulator of their behavior. These norms are called group habits. There are rules and regulations adopted in society as a whole or in large groups (for example, in states). Such rules are called general rules.

Many rules and principles passed down from generation to generation ensure the preservation of an ethnic group. For example, this is patriotism, respect for older people, women and children, family values.

It is known that there are various cultural eras. There are many of them, because each state had its own rules, adequate to a specific period of time. Cultural norms arose almost immediately after the emergence of intelligent people. Requirements for behavior and certain precepts existed even in primitive society. Over time, they became more complicated, their structure became more diverse, but the general laws remained unbreakable. Norms are largely responsible for preserving humanity and preventing chaos.


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