Protea Flowers - South African beauties with a tropical character

Representatives of the proteus family are admirable. Four hundred kinds of excellent beauties, so different and mysterious. Looking at them, it was no coincidence that the great taxonomist Karl Linnaeus recalled a sea deity named Proteus, who knew how to take different forms at will.

So the flowers of Protea are so many-sided! Some of them look like bright magic pots that are filled with the sweetest nectar. Others appear in the form of silvery trees, while others appear as leathery pads for pins.

protea flowers

Exotic protea native to South Africa. The Cape Province, in southern Africa, has over 400 species, most of which are represented by shrubs and perennial grasses. One of the desert beauties - Protea Royal - looks great on the coat of arms of South Africa.

Characteristic of Proteus

Providing protection from strong dry winds, protea flowers like to β€œgroup”. So they protect their soil from overheating and retain moisture inside it. And they also have containers for water on their underground organs. We must also pay tribute to the adaptive nature of many species of this family for pollination by vertebrates (bats, birds, small climbing mammals).

South Africa can be called a real paradise for protean. Here they delight the local population and visitors with their year-round flowering. Some bloom in the summer, others reveal their fabulous bright flowers from five to thirty centimeters in diameter in the fall, and others - in the spring and winter. The cone-shaped flowers of Proteus do not owe their unusual and original appearance to the flowers themselves, but to their leaf wrappers painted in yellow, bright pink, and blue-pink colors.

Proteinaceae conquered both Australian and American flower growers with their color assortment. They flaunt in various parks, in the corners of botanical gardens, and many daring flower breeders plant whole plantations with proteins. Most of the cultivated varieties are destined for export to European countries.

protea flower Price

Proteins in bouquets

And the original flowers of Proteus are adored by florists. They are beautiful in cut, well retain their attractiveness for three weeks. Fabulous white proteas are used in chic bridal bouquets. It is customary to present it to confident and purposeful people. The majesty of a large expressive flower is emphasized by the rest of the composite plants that obey it.

In floral interior compositions and bouquet ensembles, the protea (flower) always plays the main role . The price for it ranges from 800 rubles to three thousand. These African beauties also look great in dried bouquets. And in the room where Proteus dominates, the attractive atmosphere of tropical exotic reigns.

The most spectacular protean

Enchant with originality and surprise with the variety of shapes and colors of these African flowers:

  • Protea artichoke or "pot of honey." A capitate, rather large inflorescence with a white center of the Protein king is surrounded by bright pink petal wrappers. The sweetest nectar gathers inside the flower.
  • Queen of Proteus. Noteworthy flowers are slightly smaller than the royal inflorescences, have soft pink petals and a black center.
  • The compact neat bush has one of the endangered rare species - the thistle protea.
  • Proteus large-headed. The cupped inflorescences of this shrubby protea are very fond of birds. They use long beaks to extract nectar from the flowers.

african protea flowers

Homemade Protein Flowers

Protea is very moody, and growing it at home is not so easy. Best for indoor cultivation is an excellent proteus plant or duchess. This is an evergreen bush with heart-shaped leaves and large red-pink or pink flowers.

Proteus needs to create the usual "African" conditions - a lot of sun and light (in cloudy times, lighting is required). Roots want moist, slightly acidic soil. Good soil for azaleas. Of fertilizers, preference is given to acidified ones.

Protea blooms in the fifth or sixth year after planting seeds. African flowers are not affected by disease.


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