Mystery about stones for children and adults

Teaching children something is always simple if you bring new knowledge in the form of a game. And what do children love most? That's right, riddles. They like the process where they can flash their accumulated knowledge in front of adults. Today we offer you a number of puzzles about stones that your children will definitely like, and some of your friends will also like.

Question for the smallest

"It can fly, but not a bird." This is a riddle with a catch, and the little discoverers will have to strain their imagination. You should not tell the children, let them try to build their assumptions. If a person finds the answer himself, then it is typical for him to remember it. Of course, a stone riddle can confuse a child a little. Do not be afraid of this. It is best to present the riddle in a suitable context. For example, when you are lying on the seashore, you can ask your child what they can fly except for a bird. Let him fantasize, and you, before his eyes, launch a stone into the water. Such visual support will help your baby to orient. If he couldnโ€™t guess himself, ask him to launch the stone so that it flew, and repeat the riddle again. Thus, you can not only get the right answer, but also teach the child to find a way out of difficult situations.

Riddle about ice

Mystery about a stone by the sea
"Sparkles, but not a gem." This riddle can also broaden the horizons of curious kids. All children love to play with icicles, lick them or fight them, imagining a sparkling sword. But just realize that the answer to the riddle is ice, few can. Therefore, a snowy winter is the time to torment the child with tricky questions.

The riddle of teeth

a stone mystery on the shore
"White stones knock on each other and grind everything into powder." This riddle is already without a catch, but it is relatively difficult for a child. After all, the kids do not yet know that our teeth are stones. This is written in a biology textbook that they have not yet discovered. With the help of such simple questions, you can expand the horizons of the child and teach him how to use abstract thinking. After all, finding answers to complex questions is not so simple. The stone puzzle for children suggests that parents will eventually help the children find the right answer. Thus, the child will not only have fun and interesting time building his fantastic assumptions, but also learn a little about his teeth.

The riddle of the turtle

puzzles about stones for children
"A stone belly, a stone back, there are paws and a serpentine head." This riddle will allow the child to get a little closer acquainted with the natural world. But, as in the first case, it must be presented to the child on time. For example, a puzzle about a stone-turtle would be quite appropriate if you are in a zoo. Walking between the cells, you may be a little puzzled by the child. Of course, it would be better if you hint to him that the answer is an animal that is nearby. An inquisitive kid with increased interest will go around all the cells and pens to find a mysterious animal-stone. He will see the turtle and the answer will be quite obvious for him, so try not to bring the baby to her first.

Riddle parable

stone riddle
"On the seashore there was a stone. On the stone was a word of 8 letters. When the rich read it, they cried, the poor rejoiced, and the people in love parted. What is this word?"

This riddle about a stone on the seashore should be asked either to a teenager or even to his friends. For the child, the answer will not be obvious. And you yourself were able to choose the right word? The answer is "temporary." Yes, such an interesting mystery. Of course, if you think about the answer, everything seems quite obvious. A rich person always values โ€‹โ€‹his money and never wants to part with it. The same goes for lovers. After all, they hope that their bright feeling will last forever. But the poor man, on the contrary, will perk up when he learns that all his financial troubles will soon be resolved.

This is a very vital puzzle about a stone on the shore. Itโ€™s good to recall this parable when you are too happy about something or when your mood is too bad. And if it is obvious to all people that in moments of grief this little moralizing in the form of a riddle can inspire a person, then how can it help a person who is happy with what he has? That will help. The parable will tell you that you need to enjoy wealth, fame and love here and now. Life may not give a second chance.


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